This is a free-to-play online poker league for poggers run on the Homegame Client. A real money account is not necessary, no credit card information is required and even Americans can play (despite the real-money gaming law in the United States)
This will be a series of weekly tournaments (Sundays in the AM - eastern time) between poggers. Players earn points based on their finish positions which Pokerstars automatically keeps track of. To participate, follow these instructions:
- If you don't already have it, download the free PokerStars software
- Open the main poker lobby, then click on the Home Games tab
- Click the 'Join a Poker Club' button
- Enter my Club ID number: 2035779
- Enter my Invitation Code: pokeraids
- If it is not obvious from your pstars acc name who you are (similar/same as POG name) include your POG name when you request access
I will schedule the first couple practice tournaments for Dec 20th and 27th. League play will begin Jan 1st (no entry fee for first season)
Would there be any interest in this? This is a poker forum afterall.
I ran a similar league at PTP when that was a thing and the great thing about it is everyone can play, even Americans if we make tournaments free.
I can set up a POG-exclusive Pokerstars 'Home Game' club and set up daily, weekly or monthly tournaments. All that is to decide is day(s) and time, prizes (if any) and how many people are interested.
Last edited by Monkey Banana; 12-15-2015 at 07:08 PM.