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11-08-2009 , 11:13 PM
I am 178 cms pretty sure my IQ is below that

so I dont meet atak's criteria, on a related note I am an heterosexual male, but we could have worked around that imo.

Such bs...

oh hai TL

11-08-2009 , 11:14 PM
Intelligence is pretty much useless.
11-08-2009 , 11:15 PM
Amusingly, I think only two people asked whether I satisfied my own criterion.


Edit: Amp, that's ridiculous. Maybe measures thereof are silly, but the ability to understand things, to learn new things, and to synthesize new ideas is what makes us human -- and what makes us interesting.

Not well correlated with success? That one, I'll give you.
11-08-2009 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Amusingly, I think only two people asked whether I satisfied my own criterion.


Edit: Amp, that's ridiculous. Maybe measures thereof are silly, but the ability to understand things, to learn new things, and to synthesize new ideas is what makes us human -- and what makes us interesting.

Not well correlated with success? That one, I'll give you.
Did those two satisfy your criteria?
11-08-2009 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
i used to list "has beard" and "likes sarcasm" as some of my criteria.
a woman who like facial hair is my kinda woman
11-08-2009 , 11:21 PM
so I stoped reading at facial for a sec there
11-08-2009 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
Did those two satisfy your criteria?
Awesome question.

One yes, one no, so it doesn't tell us much. (The "no" was 5'10" and was seeking an exemption, fwiw.) But I still love the question.
11-08-2009 , 11:24 PM
question for everyone:

if the pog pub does not open soon, what should i do for my 10kth post on my real account.

a)wait for the pub to open and do my well as scheduled in there.
b)just do a well
c)do something else.
d)do nothing. who cares about asking me questions

only reason i ask is because i hate using this account, and i dont want to waste my 10k post.
11-08-2009 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Amp, that's ridiculous.
Men over 30 should be encouraged to be ridiculous.
11-08-2009 , 11:29 PM
I think Pub will open this week, if that helps. In fact, I am inclined to open it very soon after I get my computer back, and am comfortable typing long posts again.

With that in mind, people need to post, or send me, ideas for games we can play in there soon, as in this week. Not just brainstorming, but things that can be ready to go (preferably with the one suggesting them in charge).

dnky, had you suggested that Thursday be well night?
11-08-2009 , 11:31 PM
yay atak. i'll pm you tomorrow.
11-08-2009 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
yay atak. i'll pm you tomorrow.
Yay, back.

It needs to open, but we need to be having some fun in there when it does or it will die, so the first week or so of events are crucial imo... and that means we need you to step up big.

How about prop bet night -- any interest in that? Or a game of "I never"? I could run that -- and it would be an interesting precis to my well (which will not go in Pub).
11-08-2009 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I think Pub will open this week, if that helps. In fact, I am inclined to open it very soon after I get my computer back, and am comfortable typing long posts again.

With that in mind, people need to post, or send me, ideas for games we can play in there soon, as in this week. Not just brainstorming, but things that can be ready to go (preferably with the one suggesting them in charge).

dnky, had you suggested that Thursday be well night?
thursday night will be well night. ill defenetly go first, and then ill need people to let me know if they would be willing to answer some questions, and ill mod it every week.

ill pm you my thoughts on it.
11-08-2009 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Yay, back.

It needs to open, but we need to be having some fun in there when it does or it will die, so the first week or so of events are crucial imo... and that means we need you to step up big.

How about prop bet night -- any interest in that? Or a game of "I never"? I could run that -- and it would be an interesting precis to my well (which will not go in Pub).
Prop bets are great. I am still taking bets on the grade of my paper that dustin translated to spanish. O/U is 86.5.
11-08-2009 , 11:43 PM
tomorrow night i have plans, so don't count me in for anything dazzling then imo.

im semi-working on a pubquiz, but im not a regular pubquizgoer, so i may run the questions by someone first.

"i never" would be fun. how would we pass the conch?
11-08-2009 , 11:44 PM
What about poker tournament night -- who was it who was talking about running that? Poker on Stars, trash talk in Pub imo.

If I start out on Wednesday (the most likely night for me to be able to open it), I can start us with I Never, but frankly I bet there are lots of better ideas.

Turbo paint -- or do those get their own threads?

Last edited by atakdog; 11-08-2009 at 11:46 PM. Reason: I know nothing of this conch -- alice, it seems we know different rules.
11-08-2009 , 11:51 PM
the person who says "i never_____" switches each time, right?

i'd like to play Kings Cup ITT, but find modified rules for all the cards that don't make sense. And then use rand() to draw the cards.

(KingsCup is my favorite drinking game, for those who don't know it: spread deck of cards facedown around cup, take turns drawing cards, each card is assigned a task:

A - waterfalls
2 - for you - pick someone to drink
3 - for me - i drink
4 - whores - girls drink
5 - song - sing a song lyric and progress around the table
6 - dicks - guys drink
7 - SOCIAL!!!
8 - i've never
9 - rhyme - start w/ a phrase and progress rhyming around the table
10 - categories - pick something (brands of cigarettes) and progress around the table
J - back - person behind you drinks
Q - question - rapid fire questions around the table w/o answers
K - cup - pour some beer into the cup, last K picked drinks it.

Last edited by alice16; 11-08-2009 at 11:53 PM. Reason: i realize this post makes me look sixteen.
11-08-2009 , 11:55 PM
I thought i never just went in a circle or in this case arbitrary repeating order.

Maybe it should snake or reverse snake!
11-08-2009 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by alice16
the person who says "i never_____" switches each time, right?

i'd like to play Kings Cup ITT, but find modified rules for all the cards that don't make sense. And then use rand() to draw the cards.

(KingsCup is my favorite drinking game, for those who don't know it: spread deck of cards facedown around cup, take turns drawing cards, each card is assigned a task:

A - waterfalls
2 - for you - pick someone to drink
3 - for me - i drink
4 - whores - girls drink
5 - song - sing a song lyric and progress around the table
6 - dicks - guys drink
7 - SOCIAL!!!
8 - i've never
9 - rhyme - start w/ a phrase and progress rhyming around the table
10 - categories - pick something (brands of cigarettes) and progress around the table
J - back - person behind you drinks
Q - question - rapid fire questions around the table w/o answers
K - cup - pour some beer into the cup, last K picked drinks it.
The king's cup would be kind of difficult without being in the same room.

4 - floor
5 - guys
6 - chicks
7 - heaven

rhymes better
11-08-2009 , 11:57 PM
wakefield represent! we have modified rules. they're better.

i like hte idea of kings though. having something randed ITT and it dictates what we do.

what was that game "THINGS" that used to be around?

edit: check this game out. VR ran it. i think this would be fun in the pub:


Last edited by alice16; 11-09-2009 at 12:00 AM. Reason: found THIGNS
11-09-2009 , 12:00 AM
It seems I didn't drink enough in college or something -- which is weird because I was on my residential college's speed drinking and blow pong teams.

Just freshman year, though.
11-09-2009 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by atakdog
It seems I didn't drink enough in college or something -- which is weird because I was on my residential college's speed drinking and blow pong teams.

Just freshman year, though.
residential college speed drinking team? this sounds oddly familiar, you weren't by any chance participating in the Tang Cup, were you?
11-09-2009 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by reno expat
residential college speed drinking team? this sounds oddly familiar, you weren't by any chance participating in the Tang Cup, were you?
Oddly enough, I was.

Of course, my rc, for which I was ridiculously ill-suited, was a perennial doormat, but that's fine because it meant I could get on the team as a freshman.
11-09-2009 , 12:06 AM
wtf is blow pong?

also: reno - give a suggested "social" game that you would like seeing in PogPub.
11-09-2009 , 12:07 AM
Could play drinking Peehs. Have like 20 questions. You have to drink the numbers of seconds of the score of your answer. One question at a time would be better though.
