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06-04-2008 , 02:22 PM
I would have bought it an outfit
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06-04-2008 , 02:32 PM

theo de raadt would never make such a plebian mistake.

also as soon as you started your story i was thinking it would be of the garden-variety "rm -rf / [space] home/lol", but you outwitted me.
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06-04-2008 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
yeah, wtf??

I was reading in new scientist a study of 300 people who had been given an anthropomorphic robot, and then they said how the interacted with it. It included things like:
Played with it... 250
Gave it a name... 200
Showed it to friends...125
Talked to it... 100
Bought it an outfit 100
Hacked into the robot's operating system and altered it's habits... 21
So out of 300 people only 21 were women?

(I'm being about 28 percent serious here.)
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06-04-2008 , 02:33 PM
For what it's worth, I probably would have tried to put the robot into about a hundred wrestling submission holds. But that's just me.
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06-04-2008 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable

Hope Dustin finds his cat soon :/

I guess the missing of ctr+v is the lyman's version of my:
intended "rm -rf /home/lol" which ended in a bizzaro "rm -rf /" ... some voice...."yah?...blah blah" then I turn around, hit the desk, book (placed on the monitor) falls on keyboard and the "enter" key is hit.
It was like bullet time, I saw the book mind was quick and realized that I may still have the "rm" written in the console and then I just froze. Then it took me some seconds to realize what had happened and then, well work :P
I still can't belive that chain of events to this very day, I mean I got interrupted exatly when I had reached the "/" in the typing about to hit tab, then the book....hitting the enter key. GG

Edit: ironically the book was "Linux in a Nutshell"
Edit2: lesson learned "rm /dir/dir -flags" > "rm -flags /dir/dir"
i think i'm pretty ashamed that i not only got this but chuckled at it
POG Community Thread Quote
06-04-2008 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by The_Hitch
I would have bought it an outfit
For some reason this cracked me up
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06-04-2008 , 06:03 PM
wtf at the other 50 not playing with a damn robot.
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06-04-2008 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
wtf at the other 50 not playing with a damn robot.

16.67 percent of people being afraid of it? ... I can see it.
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06-05-2008 , 02:20 AM
I and miss POG and all its glory.

That is all.

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06-05-2008 , 02:28 AM
jtm patton
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06-05-2008 , 02:48 AM
watch your ass
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06-05-2008 , 03:17 AM
hey guys,

I've wanted to post something about my cat. His name is Tyrone. I've had him for about 18 months and he is my best friend.

I actually have 4 cats total (Toni (f), Socks (m), and Blackay (m)).

Tyrone is a flame point siamese. Toni is an all black short-haired. Blackay is all black (ldo) and medium haired. Socks is a long hair tuxedo.

Tyrone has been missing for 8 days now. Yesterday I finally started going door-to-door with flyers. I had previously posted them on all the stop signs in all the neighborhoods around me.

I live in Ahwatukee now, which is like way south Phoenix (but it isn't considered south-Phoenix because thats an area of Phoenix thats altogether different) And its very very suburban here, so there is just neighborhoods and houses upon houses in pretty much all directions from me.

So that makes the whole searching process pretty difficult. I've obviously got ads on craigslist, and I've been checking the shelters, and riding around on my bicycle a ton. And going door-to-door during the day and talking to people.

Yesterday I had 4 reported sightings all very close to each other at the far eastern end of my neighborhood - about .5 miles away- And I don't doubt that it was him. But I've searched that area a bunch since then I haven't seen him.

All of these sightings were from either over the weekend or from late last week. So its been 4 days since hes been seen in that area and I'm pretty sure that I've got enough people there looking out for him that if he was there they would call me, but maybe not.

So today I started flyering door-to-door in a different area and got two possible sightings (now even further from my house). But these are pretty dubious as neither of the guys who saw the cats got a good look at them, and to make matters worse there is kind of a buff colored tabby that roams around there that could easily be mistaken for my cat if you didn't get a good look at it.

But both guys described the cat as white, and not so much orange so I'm optimistic. I went back there on my bike a few hours ago to look and saw nothing and I'm going to go back again I think soon, even though the plan for tonight was to try and get a good nights sleep.

But thats pretty much impossible. Last night I rode my bike around from about 11pm to 1:30 am, then I slept till 5. Woke up and rode till 6:30. Sleep until 10 and started flyering for most of the day. Once the sun went down I stopped flyering (people are already insane about strangers coming to their door- seriously- i've had people refuse to open the door for me, one guy today even refused to take a flyer) most are really nice of course and offer nice words of encouragement.

He does have a collar on. Its actually Toni's collar because he lost his and Toni doesn't go anywhere so she doesn't need one. And I know that he was alive at least 4 or so days ago, and possibly spotted last night.

And I'm starting to get to the point with the saturation of my flyering, that a lot of the people I've talked to already know about Tyrone.

Btw. Everytime some asks what his name is (because its not on the flyer because his collar says Toni) they always have to repeat Tyrone's name.

Guy: Whats his name?
Me: Tyrone
Guy: Tyyyy- rone

just like that pretty much everytime. I didn't actually name him Tyrone. He started showing up around my gf's apartment and we took him in and thats when I feel in love with him. But at first he was going to be going to one of her co-workers' son, and he was going to name him Tyrone so thats what we started calling him and the name stuck.

On the day that he was going to go to her, she ended up getting a dog for some sort of crazy family type reason and couldn't get Tyrone. And I was very happy to get to keep him.

These last few days have been the most difficult days emotionally that I've ever gone through. I've had friends die and I haven't cried. Wanted to cry, but didn't. I didn't cry at my grandpa's funeral just a few months ago. But I've been in tears most days since day 4 with Tyrone missing.

Yesterday was obviously a huge boost to my spirits, but then today has brought me back down to reality as the two sightings I had today are 1) further away from home and 2) dubious.

Anyways, I could go on and I'll post more pictures later and provide updates.

I know I'm not the only pogger to have gone through something like this. I know that Amp felt probably exactly as I feel know. And my heart goes out to Patton. (i hate that cliche'd expression but its a cliche for a reason so i'll use it)

I know that you guys all wish me luck. I'll take that and I'll take some advice too.
POG Community Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 03:20 AM
and yes, i've been checking my email regularly and have my phone always on
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06-05-2008 , 03:29 AM
Nelly was gone for over two weeks and she's just fine so don't give up man.
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06-05-2008 , 03:53 AM
thats like the best thing you could have said

POG Community Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 09:08 AM

Cats love to wander, but usually will find their way back home after a while. Have you checked with the local SPCA and put food out? See if you can get some people in the area that he was last seen to put food out also. He's probably cuddled up with some little old lady who fed him somewhere....

Good Luck. We're all pulling for you. And now I will be checking this thread alot, so you need to keep us posted.
POG Community Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 01:30 PM
Thanks KM.

I have checked with the local shelters and he's not there. I'll probably go to one of the them again though later on this afternoon.

I leave food outside myself, but it gets eaten by birds pretty quickly. And I've tried putting out sardine and tuna oil but that doesn't seem to attract any cats at all.

Right now I'm about to start going door-to-door.
POG Community Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 01:39 PM
POG Community Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 01:47 PM
all day I've had an urge to post something like assign one worker to build a mine on the grassland hill next to the city tile, and move my Warrior diagonal up-right in the space race game thread
POG Community Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 01:52 PM
Dustin: Best wishes, man. It's pretty cool in a way we just went through this with Amp and thus know there's always hope in a situation like this.

I have to admit though, reading Dustin's long post about Tyrone and the other "best wishes" posts, and then coming to soah's last one which was just completely out of left field, made me laugh.
POG Community Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 01:54 PM
Is it weird that I'm using the term "we" to describe a bunch of people on a message board who mostly don't know each other? That just struck me. This place has kind of become family to me.
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06-05-2008 , 01:55 PM
oh, I came to this thread specifically to post that, wasn't thinking about context of the previous posts
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06-05-2008 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by soah
oh, I came to this thread specifically to post that, wasn't thinking about context of the previous posts
That's why you're unexpected.
POG Community Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by soah
all day I've had an urge to post something like assign one worker to build a mine on the grassland hill next to the city tile, and move my Warrior diagonal up-right in the space race game thread
hitch is to nich as the space race is to ....

you heard it here first.
POG Community Thread Quote
06-05-2008 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
That's why you're unexpected.
I've spent like 17 months trying to figure out why I'm unexpected...
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