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01-07-2009 , 07:03 PM
So my buddy broke up with his gf
He told me he was going to get drunk and make out with sluts if possible, he then told me he was going to get revenge on her that way.
I told him that I thought getting revenge on her was a bad idea and counterproductive because negative feelings are bad for you.
He told me I would support him if I knew what happened.
I told him I wasnt going to support the idea of revenge.
He then told me that his gf cheated him with another girl and then one week after they broke up she then made out with some guy.
I told him that while that really sucked it still wasnt worth it to have negative feelings.
He then told me that was like what happened to me but much worse and that he was going to be just as resentful as me against girls.
I replied that I wasnt resentful against girls, that I had made peace with the fact that girls are the way they are. He then left

Anyway I dunno if I should be attempt to push negative thoughts from him or I should just let it go.
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01-07-2009 , 07:06 PM
your position is one of preventing this friend from getting drunk and making out with sluts?

really, what's the downside there?
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01-07-2009 , 07:06 PM
i didn't read everything

but pepsi is clearly sweeter than coke
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01-07-2009 , 07:09 PM
my position is that he should make out with sluts because he has low standards due to being drunk not because that will teach her!
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01-07-2009 , 07:13 PM
mention it, don't insist

this attitude is merely a symptom of his ongoing obsession with her
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01-07-2009 , 07:13 PM
amp, I cant tell if ure being serious or not but getting drunk when ure really upset doesnt work, I think it makes it worse.
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01-07-2009 , 07:14 PM
i'm being totally serious i just don't know why you want to control your friend so much
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01-07-2009 , 07:27 PM
a guy going through a breakup gets to make up with however many sluts he wants for whatever reasons he fabricates. It's your duty to make it so
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01-07-2009 , 07:42 PM
Theres nothing I can do being stuck in France, anyway I hate controlling people. I think I didnt express myself correctly in this thread, I would never be the kinda guy to tell him "dont make out with sluts", in fact I was like "rape them if possible,etc".

Also when I was thinking out a way to express myself correctly, I almost forgot to addon on my deavuille satelite, I managed to addon but I didnt make it to the bathroom
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01-07-2009 , 07:49 PM
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01-07-2009 , 07:52 PM
lol at someone breaking up with their gf for making out with a girl.

Also to whomever was asking about RC Cola...I agree that its then best cola by far and YES they sell it here in Publix right next to Coke and Pepsi. Sooooo good.
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01-07-2009 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by JaredL
I strongly disagree here.

There are enough barriers to entry (secret ingredient ftw) that Coke and Pepsi will both make a ****load of money no matter their Super Bowl advertising. If it were unprofitable to advertise in the SB then they still would do it if they incorrectly thought it was optimal to do so. There are tons of examples of people, even experts, doing things they think are best but aren't. Look at sports and poker, but the same is true in business obviously.

The people making the decisions are human so they could easily be wrong. They've advertised in the Super Bowl as long as anyone can remember so estimating how the ads would impact sales and brand recognition and so forth is basically impossible.

Continuing with the status quo certainly involves less risk. I could see a problem not with actual sales and whatnot but with people thinking the company must be in some financial trouble leading to problems on the investment side.
Meh, I find it really hard to believe that these companies are losing money on the commercials if they decide to do it every year. I agree with your reasons that it's possible that they make a mistake in estimating the value of a commercial, but since they do it every year I find it unlikely they are consistently making a mistake every year.
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01-07-2009 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Patton4
I am honestly amazed when people say this. I think there is a huge difference between Coke, Pepsi, RC, etc. And it is even crazier when people say they can't tell the difference between diet and regular. I can look at them and tell them difference let alone gag when I drink diet soda. But I worked in a restaurant for awhile, so I needed to be able to tell on the fly. I actually prefer Pepsi, but like all the others just fine.
I didn't even know there are people that claim to not tell the difference between diet and regular. I agree with you I can't stand diet. I've been in situations where I was extremely thirsty but the only drink available was diet so I decided to stay thirsty.
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01-07-2009 , 09:54 PM
Why was my turbo thread locked?
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01-07-2009 , 09:55 PM
blame shortline
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01-07-2009 , 09:58 PM
you're so lame soah
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01-07-2009 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
I didn't even know there are people that claim to not tell the difference between diet and regular. I agree with you I can't stand diet. I've been in situations where I was extremely thirsty but the only drink available was diet so I decided to stay thirsty.
I always used to drink regular coke and couldn't stand diet coke. One of my good friends got diabetes so I started drinking diet coke on his suggestion. It took me about two months, but now if I drink regular coke it makes me want to gag and I much prefer diet. I think it's mostly based on what you're used to.
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01-07-2009 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
I always used to drink regular coke and couldn't stand diet coke. One of my good friends got diabetes so I started drinking diet coke on his suggestion. It took me about two months, but now if I drink regular coke it makes me want to gag and I much prefer diet. I think it's mostly based on what you're used to.
I've convinced myself (without any evidence) that synthetic sugar will give me cancer and will make me sick. I avoid diet products like the plague. I can't even imagine trying to get used to diet soda.
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01-08-2009 , 01:27 AM
I used to work at a place with free soda. Since I don't drink coffee, my caffeine intake was soda. Once I realized that each glass of soda is 100+ calories and I was drinking 4 per day, I switched to diet.
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01-08-2009 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
I would lay heavy odds that I could distinguish between Coke and Pepsi at least 85% of the time by smell alone.

EDIT: And anyone who can't is bad at smelling.
Agreed, but in my experience from a cold, freshly opened can it's hard to tell by smell. I actually once took this test in college, and wasn't prepared for those conditions. So if anyone ever takes you up on the bet, make sure you specify they must be poured out or something.
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01-08-2009 , 08:05 AM
I have never heard of the two brands of Vodka being mentioned.

Pretty sure I could tell the difference between off the shelve Coke and Pepsi like 95% of the time and I tend to drink neither because I don't drink much soda (maybe because I don't eat much fast food which is about the only time I'll have a soda) and if I do it's the cheapo soda stuff (unless fast food). I also mix my drinks with cheapo soda.
I usually drink water and juices for the cold drinks "in between" and for lunch and beer for dinner and sometimes lunch.

Liked Dr. Pepper and Root Beer when in the US both are almost impossible to find here. Maybe importable from the UK?
Also iced tea seems to be a lot more popular in the US. Especially unsweetened IT which I think pretty much noone would even look at here.

Golden Coke cans were the most disgusting stuff I ever drank in my life (I think it's diet+decaf but not sure)
/end beverage rambling
POG Community Thread Quote
01-08-2009 , 08:30 AM
Golden Coke cans were the most disgusting stuff I ever drank in my life (I think it's diet+decaf but not sure)
Yeah, Caffeine free diet coke. Fizzy chemical water. Yummy.
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01-08-2009 , 08:33 AM
I drank that stuff for awhile when I was on a random no caffeine diet...didn't really bother me. I'm pretty open when it comes to soda though
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01-08-2009 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by MDoranD
Also to whomever was asking about RC Cola...I agree that its then best cola by far and YES they sell it here in Publix right next to Coke and Pepsi. Sooooo good.
Dammit - I live too far north to get to a Publix. I will look into other options, it's good to know they still make the stuff. I thought it went the way of the Dodo and Roy Rogers fried chicken.
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01-08-2009 , 10:28 AM
you can still get roy rogers fried chicken
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