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10-02-2008 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by OrangeRake
Do they have that in canada? And would I need a membership???

I like the idea of a sexual tyrannosaurus

Most places have some kind of free class or initiation. Then you pay for 1 on 1 coaching in the lifts. Then there's a monthly fee and you go to as many classes as you want.

Of course, hot as you are, you prolly have to beat men off with a stick already.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by amplify

Of course, hot as you are, you prolly have to beat men off with a stick already.
awwww thanks
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by OrangeRake
Hate list:


better add me to that list as well

up until this year I hadn't done any sort of physical activity more strenuous than walking for about 5 years and all my clothes still fit.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:01 PM
Of course, if we get stranded on a desert island, StephenH and I will be outliving you skinny ****ers by months.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:07 PM
Not true!!

On survivor it's always the skinny people that fair better then the big guys who's bodies need more energy.....

Lets eat Amp and Stephen first!
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10-02-2008 , 06:08 PM
Anyone have a good shredded pork recipe?

Wanna make BBQ pork in the crock pot tomorrow.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:15 PM
as a guy I'd rather have a couple extra pounds than be a shrimp. No offense to the shrimps in POG.

And OR- the power of the pussy far more than compensates for all the other advantages that guys have imo.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:24 PM

look into slow roasting a pork shoulder if you want good BBQ

if you want crock pot pork, just grab some country-style ribs and slow cook them for 8 hours, then shred and put teh bbq sauce on it
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
Of course, if we get stranded on a desert island, StephenH and I will be outliving you skinny ****ers by months.
I get REALLY grumpy when I don't eat. As the Hulk said in his latest flick, you won't like me when I'm hungry.

Of course, now with the diabetes and stuff, I lose on desert islands or collapse of society. Which reminds me, I should make a diabetes update.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:34 PM

I am renowned for my professor-like ability to distill pure insulin out of coconuts.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:43 PM
and further,wouldnt every subway shop on the planet be checking for murderers? or are they smart enough to realize that if somebodys name is going to show up in some murder/double murdererer database, theyre probably in prison and thus not applying for jobs at subway?
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:44 PM
Had my next doctor's appt; they did an ultrasound of my neck. NOT fun.
My carotid artery wall appears to have some thickening, which indicates the beginning of arteriosclerosis. My cholesterol is "slightly elevated" (didn't get the number), but my HDL is very low (the higher this is relative to your total, the better), so now I'm starting Crestor to avoid letting the arteriosclerosis proceed any further.
My thyroid checked out okay...except it has nodules. It's pretty rare that these are a problem, but worse case scenario (3-5% per my doctor) it could be cancer. Fortunately, even if it is cancer, it's very treatable and overall cure rate is near 100%, given the size of the nodules I have. My doctor isn't going to worry about them for now and has a followup to look at them again in 3 months.

On the good side, my A1C level is down to 9.7 from 10.8 just 1 month ago, which shows real progress on the high blood-sugar front. And my insulin reserve is so high that my doctor is wondering if I have Type I or Type II, so maybe I won't need a pump after all.

At some point I promise I'll start exercising. My weight loss is minimal so far; I'm bouncing between about 280 and 288; I started at about 290 (once rehydrated after the hospitalization). My peak weight is about 315, but I'd lost 25lbs or so already earlier this year.

I really miss binge eating and binge drinking. Treating myself like crap was one of my favorite pastimes.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by ScottHoward v5.0
and further,wouldnt every subway shop on the planet be checking for murderers? or are they smart enough to realize that if somebodys name is going to show up in some murder/double murdererer database, theyre probably in prison and thus not applying for jobs at subway?
I bet regular subways just check for convictions; probably the subway at the pentagon has access to the supersecret government archives and can find out if you ever actually committed a murder, criminal record be damned.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:47 PM
Nice job OR. It will probably sound creepy, but about a week ago I was stalking your facebook pictures and I noted to myself that you looked like you were in fantastic shape. True story.

I used to be 170lbs before I got into shape...believe me, 170lbs is huge for a 5'2 asian boy. I understand how hard it is...but once you get started it tends to snowball and it's easier to be motivated.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by amplify

look into slow roasting a pork shoulder if you want good BBQ

if you want crock pot pork, just grab some country-style ribs and slow cook them for 8 hours, then shred and put teh bbq sauce on it
I already have the pork shoulder.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:48 PM

either that or maybe we can take some of the puny people hostage and turn them into personal insulin factories. With a pocketknife, some sheep's bladders, and enough bamboo we can probably make that work.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 06:54 PM
lol, I've never weighted more than 130. I'm 5'10"-5'11". I broke the 120 mark in Junior year and haven't moved since.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by traz
Nice job OR. It will probably sound creepy, but about a week ago I was stalking your facebook pictures and I noted to myself that you looked like you were in fantastic shape. True story.

I used to be 170lbs before I got into shape...believe me, 170lbs is huge for a 5'2 asian boy. I understand how hard it is...but once you get started it tends to snowball and it's easier to be motivated.
Awww u stalked me??? Thanks!!!
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 07:04 PM
But ya Traz its soooo true....

At first turning down french fries for salad, or watching someone eat pizza infront of you was almost IMPOSSIBLE....but now I wouldn't even want to eat it!

Plus working out feels good!
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
I already have the pork shoulder.
well then for god's sake don't put it in a crock pot.

oven 225
about 2 hours per pound
200 degrees internally is ready for shredding
it should basically fall apart

sauce and serve

yummy pork butt imo
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 07:27 PM

It's ****ing bull**** that they won't let you have your own thread. We should start a turbo thread but not actually play a game or we could play a game whatever but really it should just be to talk about whatever just to spite the mod who felt the need to throw your thread into this thread so we don't contaminate the front page of pog oh the humanity right?!! lame
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 07:28 PM
well I'm glad we got that off our chest
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 07:33 PM
So OR and I have been talking.

We agree on: 1) the importance of squats; 2) res is a cutie; 3) Sarah Palin; 4) logistics of playing werewolf

We disagree on: Facebook

4/5 not bad.
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 07:36 PM
new facebook or old facebook or just facebook in general?
POG Community Thread Quote
10-02-2008 , 07:55 PM
so in the next few days, the following things are going to happen:

1 - i'm going to get this job i'm interviewing for
2 - i'm going to drink lots and lots of beer and possibly supply a tr
3 - bastard

only one of these is a mortal lock sadly
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