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08-19-2012 , 12:29 PM
OR = OrangeRake
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08-19-2012 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Wyman
On a lighter note, OR played trampoline dodgeball as part of her 30th bday festivities, and I am so jealous. Also I am totally stealing that idea, as we were just talking about my upcoming 30th the other day.
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08-19-2012 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
those tacos you got look pretty damn tasty

i've caught on to the idea that tacos should be like that
For everyone else:

Went to Cotija, a small Mexican restaurant in Asbury Park, a town in NJ by where I grew up (/where my parents live). AP used to be pretty bad, but gentrification and a revitalization of the downtown and beach have made it one of the up-and-coming communities in the area.

I agree that tacos should be like this: small corn tortillas, flavorful meat, cilantro, finely chopped onion, some lime, and a splash of salsa (and in particular, we don't need globs of sour cream and guac). They were $1 each btw, and you had your choice of chicken, chorizo, carnitas, asada, lengua, cabeza, barbacoa, buche, tripa, chicharron, and a bunch of others. The chorizo tacos were definitely my favorite (though I certainly didn't try all of them).
POG Community Thread Quote
08-19-2012 , 02:44 PM
that looks fantastic
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08-19-2012 , 02:48 PM
don't need guac wat
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08-19-2012 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Wyman
(though I certainly didn't try all of them).
POG Community Thread Quote
08-19-2012 , 03:52 PM
Rest assured, Reno, that i tried a lot of them (J & I polished off 12 tacos between us -- it was a fairly solid effort).

And I still get guac on my burritos from Chipotle and serve it up homemade with tortilla chips at home, Amp. Nothing against it. But I am really coming to love super simple tacos.
POG Community Thread Quote
08-19-2012 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Kinda makes me sad the community thread got buried so far down.


My Dad has now fallen a few times and had problems getting to a phone. So, I want to get him one of those "I've fallen and I can't get up" thingies. I haven't investigated too far, but it seems there are a wide range of technologies and services available. I'm a little overwhelmed.

Has anyone had any experience with this?
Two 90yos in my wife's extended family have used them. The first one was living alone in a flat, and had a couple of falls. He had, i think, a necklace with a button to push. But it didn't really work, essentially because of wider issues about his short term memory and the like, so he moved into residential care shortly after.

The second one lives with his son. He's frail but completely mentally sharp. He has a necklace, again, which aiui when pressed connects with a thing on the wall which dials a help centre on loud speaker phone. The attendant can talk with the guy who pressed the button and see if it was a misclick, or if not or they don't respond, send an ambulance. I think that they are impressed with it - it's really there so that the son and his wife can go out and leave the guy home alone for more than like 30 minutes.

hth, i can probably talk to the son in the second case if you have more specific questions etc. He is the sort of guy who probably went through a lot of research into all he possibilities in deciding, and can tell you all the pros cons of the different options.
POG Community Thread Quote
08-19-2012 , 03:59 PM
I don't like Guac at all dunno why.
POG Community Thread Quote
08-19-2012 , 04:00 PM
done badly, it's tastless green gloop. Done well it's amazing.
POG Community Thread Quote
08-19-2012 , 04:21 PM
beef tongue tacos
POG Community Thread Quote
08-19-2012 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Two 90yos in my wife's extended family have used them. The first one was living alone in a flat, and had a couple of falls. He had, i think, a necklace with a button to push. But it didn't really work, essentially because of wider issues about his short term memory and the like, so he moved into residential care shortly after.

The second one lives with his son. He's frail but completely mentally sharp. He has a necklace, again, which aiui when pressed connects with a thing on the wall which dials a help centre on loud speaker phone. The attendant can talk with the guy who pressed the button and see if it was a misclick, or if not or they don't respond, send an ambulance. I think that they are impressed with it - it's really there so that the son and his wife can go out and leave the guy home alone for more than like 30 minutes.

hth, i can probably talk to the son in the second case if you have more specific questions etc. He is the sort of guy who probably went through a lot of research into all he possibilities in deciding, and can tell you all the pros cons of the different options.
Thanks a bunch. This helps.
POG Community Thread Quote
08-19-2012 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
beef tongue tacos
lengua, which sounds like lingo
POG Community Thread Quote
08-19-2012 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
lengua, which sounds like lingo
i hear it tastes liguistic
POG Community Thread Quote
08-19-2012 , 11:42 PM
yum tacos
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08-31-2012 , 12:27 PM
job update

cliffs - consultant position on hold. Reassigned at work. Might be a good thing.

Programmer mumbo jumbo here:
POG Community Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
job update

cliffs - consultant position on hold. Reassigned at work. Might be a good thing.

Programmer mumbo jumbo here:
Were you reassigned because they know about the consultant gig?
POG Community Thread Quote
08-31-2012 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
Were you reassigned because they know about the consultant gig?

The relationship with my new boss completely disintegrated. I actually have to give him a lot of credit because I've been a total butthead and he worked out a solution that benefits everyone. I might have to go apologize to him some day.
POG Community Thread Quote
11-17-2012 , 07:56 PM
POG Community Thread Quote
11-18-2012 , 06:45 AM
I hope she got some money for her college fund from Lufkin Industries
POG Community Thread Quote
11-18-2012 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable
I hope she got some money for her college fund from Lufkin Industries
I never actually heard of Lufkin Industries until yesterday but they did mention that they barely could come up with the money to sponsor the event in these tough times. Silly me thought the oil business was booming.

Here is the full TR

Originally Posted by McAvoy
I'm officially in love with Lufkin. We came to the mall to check out some Rudolph lighting but didn't really know what it was. They turned an oil rig into a huge Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer pulling a Santa Clause on a sleigh.

I love the community spirit, they gave out milk and cookies to the kids and reindeer antler hats.

The local high school robotic team built a robot that pressed the button to turn on the lights.

A Proud Lufkinite
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11-18-2012 , 12:34 PM
Am I on the right track?

My 14 year old daughter is moving with me in January. We moved into a 3 bedroom house this month in anticipation. For those not current, my gf (theQueenofMean or tQoM) and whiny6yearold (pictured above) moved to Texas 3 months ago from Michigan for work and because tQoM grew up here.

My mini problem is around my daughter's school. Full story is she failed grade one because she was behind in her reading (grade one is a common grade to fail in Canada), however last year she started the year in grade seven but was ahead and at the end of the year she graduated grade eight.

So this is her first year of high school. In Ontario, high school has two streams: academic and applied. Academic is if you want to go to University and is harder, applied is there to prepare you for everyday living or college and is pretty basic compared. She chose to go in Academic because math has always been her strongest subject (consistent A's)

However she is currently failing math and she currently has a tutor. The jump from skipping a grade last year and then going into applied math is a bit much.

But the big problem is school started in Texas in August so Semester 2 starts at the beginning of January but her current semester ends January 26th. So she wouldn't get any credits if she just moved. We talked to her current school and they said she can take her exams early. So we are planning her to take them when school starts an then fly down here.

The problem is I don't think without me there, she can't pass the math exam if she takes it a month early. So my current thinking is for her to just out right fail the math and focus on getting her 3 other credits and doing math here. This way she will still get 3 credits and can do math her 2nd semester here.

She is doing good in English (b) and also has gym (lol) and business. So she will only have to study for taking 2 exams a month early?

Thoughts / ideas?
POG Community Thread Quote
11-18-2012 , 01:29 PM
Too complicated to think it through but the overall plan seems reasonable. Make sure to explain the plan to her etc. (she might not see the value of tanking and concider it a failure etc...if it was a boy you could just explain it in Adrew Luck terms :P)
POG Community Thread Quote
11-19-2012 , 11:28 AM

So we ran this story on our site. It became a pretty big hit overnight.. Gizmodo and other big tech news aggregates picked it up.

The hilarious part is I'm getting emails telling me they hope I die and I should kill myself. Not to mention the youtube comments. The sheer amount of hate is really hilarious.
POG Community Thread Quote
11-19-2012 , 12:20 PM
Love the butthurt. Good job. I'll have to give the site a try.
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