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09-19-2010 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Life expectancy
or drooling in your oatmeal
if you prefer it
I love oatmeal?

Or will when I'm in my 80's...
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 06:47 PM
As a small aside:
My daughter needed to ask her Grandpa various questions for a school project. One of the questions was "What is his favorite food to eat for breakfast?"

His answer: "Oatmeal"

So, yes drooling in oatmeal may be a coming of age thing.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 06:53 PM
I have recently become very enamored of oatmeal for breakfast myself. A little honey, butter and cinnamon and I'm thoroughly happy.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 06:56 PM
So I watched the Chiefs on Monday Night Football last week because like, I had the channel on already and I was like woah wtf the Chiefs are on tv? And they won, so this week I was like hmm, maybe they will win again so I found a radio stream to listen to, and they won again.

These are the first two Chiefs games I've followed in nearly 10 years (or maybe less), and I'm also pretty sure that these are the first two games they've won in the last 10 years. Coincidence?
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 06:58 PM
lol soah
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 07:34 PM
Bacon and fried eggs
beats gray oat mush for breakfast.
Grueling experience
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 07:58 PM
OK I quickly skimmed the food debate since I was in Austin all weekend, but I have to stick up for In and Out.

Those fries are wonderful. Sometimes I'll get two orders just because.

Also I'm told it's not normally that humid in Austin but that was horrible this weekend. Awful.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
I have recently become very enamored of oatmeal for breakfast myself. A little honey, butter and cinnamon and I'm thoroughly happy.
Don't your books tell you that lactose in the morning is really bad (I'm assuming you eat it with milk)?
That's the last trend I randomly picked up. Eat stuff X at time Y, lose weight in your sleep, reduce diabetes risk. Also noone gets enough B12 or something, these health advisory thingies are pretty funny
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by soah
So I watched the Chiefs on Monday Night Football last week because like, I had the channel on already and I was like woah wtf the Chiefs are on tv? And they won, so this week I was like hmm, maybe they will win again so I found a radio stream to listen to, and they won again.

These are the first two Chiefs games I've followed in nearly 10 years (or maybe less), and I'm also pretty sure that these are the first two games they've won in the last 10 years. Coincidence?
Any secrets to "finding an NFL radio stream"? I normally just find someone streaming the video but there are weeks where I come up empty. Radio would be the next best option.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable
Don't your books tell you that lactose in the morning is really bad (I'm assuming you eat it with milk)?
butter, honey, cinnamon
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Any secrets to "finding an NFL radio stream"? I normally just find someone streaming the video but there are weeks where I come up empty. Radio would be the next best option.
if you have verizon wireless and are willing to pay $10 a month you can get it through v-cast.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Neil S
Also I'm told it's not normally that humid in Austin but that was horrible this weekend. Awful.
Whoever told you that is delusional. Then again, I grew up in West Texas with ~10% humidity. The storms this weekend probably made it really bad though.

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your trip in Austin.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 08:17 PM
I assume that basically all radio stations are streamed nowadays, so it's just a matter of finding which station has the game. As a native Kansas Citian I obviously knew which one had it (listening to the game on the radio was absolutely mandatory throughout the 90s if for some reason you were completely unable to get to a tv).

I tried to find a tv stream first but the results that came up all required a paid subscription.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by CPFB
Whoever told you that is delusional. Then again, I grew up in West Texas with ~10% humidity. The storms this weekend probably made it really bad though.

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your trip in Austin.
Oh I did enjoy it. Just didn't like the weather is all

Wish I'd been able to hear from you though before I went, heh. I had some downtime here and there.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 09:27 PM
I'm living in Dallas now and was really busy this weekend. I'm glad you had fun!
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by riverfish1
if you have verizon wireless and are willing to pay $10 a month you can get it through v-cast.
Ummm no, not really willing.

Originally Posted by soah
I assume that basically all radio stations are streamed nowadays, so it's just a matter of finding which station has the game. As a native Kansas Citian I obviously knew which one had it (listening to the game on the radio was absolutely mandatory throughout the 90s if for some reason you were completely unable to get to a tv).
All the streaming radio stations I've tried block any NFL broadcasts. I can get pre and post game stuff but no game coverage.

A possible exception might be national evening games. But I can just find those over the air.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 10:16 PM
Are there any POG Redbox DVD rental fans?

Redbox normally rents DVD's for a $1/day however during September they are running their 1 Billion video rental promo. For every DVD you rent, you qualify for a code for a free rental on your next visit.

I rented one video in August and have been "rolling over" the free rental codes since then... Biggest downside is that you can't reserve a DVD and use a promo code. Boo.

LOL @ Redbox
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 10:17 PM
My wireless router has renamed itself as "Linksys" and is broadcasting unsecure. wtf? How does that happen? I'm fixing it now. When I was over at the owner's apartment, apparently my computer decided to make that network the default to connect to and my own apartment is within its range, so apparently I've been leeching their internet since then and my own router just went psycho sometime between then and now.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Are there any POG Redbox DVD rental fans?
no I have my media streamed to me so I don't ever have to leave the house
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by soah
My wireless router has renamed itself as "Linksys" and is broadcasting unsecure. wtf? How does that happen? .
It reset to factory settings. Power outages and such can do that to them.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 10:22 PM
It doesn't need to be plugged in to keep its settings. It was unused for days at a time when I was moving.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
no I have my media streamed to me so I don't ever have to leave the house
Next, you're going to tell me that you have your pizza and chinese food orders delivered to the house.

Damn this newfangled technology!
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 10:23 PM
And I'm pretty sure this didn't happen while the power was out, because I noticed after returning here that I was still connected to the wrong network and I went in and manually reconnected to my own. So the problem developed sometime between then and now.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by soah
It doesn't need to be plugged in to keep its settings. It was unused for days at a time when I was moving.
which is dependent on the internal battery. if that dies, it loses its settings.
POG Community Thread Quote
09-19-2010 , 10:25 PM
or, someone snuck into your apartment and pressed the reset button
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