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02-02-2010 , 03:44 PM
Next turbo I run is having pm f3. Sounds awesome.
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02-02-2010 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
Yeah, I'm not sure why Mark wished a bunch of Godless Europeans a happy minor Catholic celebration.
I (erroneously) thought Europeans were into those type of things.

When dealing with german companies, it was always: "Sorry, today's a holiday, no ones available" and it was some Catholic day.
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02-02-2010 , 03:48 PM
I'm beginning to see why clowntable likes saying things just to cause trouble. It's pretty good I guess, but I don't rate it as high s most seem to. That woman is irritating.
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02-02-2010 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
I'm beginning to see why clowntable likes saying things just to cause trouble. It's pretty good I guess, but I don't rate it as high s most seem to. That woman is irritating.
You are starting to give asians a bad name imo.
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02-02-2010 , 03:53 PM
yeah-- i've never been an andie macdowell fan in any movie ever

but that just goes to show how great of a movie it is
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02-02-2010 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
no idea what you're talking about.
is groundhog day of any greater significance in america than just the centrepoint to a soso eighties comedy?
first i read this zoso.

then soho.

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02-02-2010 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
anglo please. movie is a work of genius.
anglo please. movie is a work of genius.
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02-02-2010 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable
anglo please. movie is a work of genius.
well said
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 04:54 PM
Any of you read predictably irrational? If so, thoughts?
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02-02-2010 , 05:05 PM
Village majed itself on the last day

Thank for all the advice, as a bonus
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02-02-2010 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Interesting. Google mentioned that Germany was one of the countries that would have the big feast today.

and Mmmm... Hot dogs!!!!
Yeah, I was in chef mode last night (not). Got home super late with the BF, dinner prep consisted of mincing an onion, searing some dogs, and putting out the mustard and catsup.

Actually, I love hot dogs. My mom is a total health nut (like, the kind that when we got candy, it was made with carob powder kind of health nut) and we never got to eat hot dogs or drink soda growing up. It was always some nutritious balanced meal and skim milk/apple juice cut with water and fortified with vitamin C.

I'd eat hot dogs and grape soda once a week happily if the BF would tolerate it and if I didn't have tastier ways to spend the grape soda calories.
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02-02-2010 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by BombayBadboy
Any of you read predictably irrational? If so, thoughts?
finishing it up right now

decently entertaining read, though not overly groundbreaking (at least imo). I don't think the argument he makes is neccessarily that people act irrationally just that there are different inputs with varying weights that factor into a person's rational calculus - and a lot of those factors haven't been properly examined - thus leading people to act irrationally at first glance.

I'm not sure how I feel on behavorial economics given that it stems from evolutionary pyschology - which, while interesting and perhaps has some true points, tends to conduct experiments almost like a pseudo science.
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by BombayBadboy
Any of you read predictably irrational? If so, thoughts?
I've been thinking about picking this up. I heard an interview with the author on NPR a bit back.
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by riverfish1
finishing it up right now

decently entertaining read, though not overly groundbreaking (at least imo). I don't think the argument he makes is neccessarily that people act irrationally just that there are different inputs with varying weights that factor into a person's rational calculus - and a lot of those factors haven't been properly examined - thus leading people to act irrationally at first glance.

I'm not sure how I feel on behavorial economics given that it stems from evolutionary pyschology - which, while interesting and perhaps has some true points, tends to conduct experiments almost like a pseudo science.
I think the red part can be scrapped no? Anyway, I've just picked it up and I think the first chapter is pretty entertaining (and he makes some decent points). Curious to see if the rest of the book is more of the same or if he comes up with more good stuff.
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:14 PM
How is rational defined for this book? Doesn't rational have to be defined on a person to person basis and thus irrational behavior doesn't really exist objectively.
You can pretty much only say "this person behaves irrationaly compared to my POV/what I'd concider rational"
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:15 PM
hole in my sock blues

by amplify

oh i got a hole in my sock
feel the air on my toe

got a hole in my sock
feel the air on my toe

gonna get me a new sock
won't feel the air no mo

got me a new sock
feel right as rain

oh yeah i got me a new sock
feel right as rain

oh but looks like my new sock
has got a ketchup stain

third sock of the day
all pristine and white

third sock of the day
all pristine and white

but wouldn't you know
it's too goddamn tight
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:20 PM
Racist song imo
Pretty cool actually, I'd love to use smth like that as a "poem, auhor unknown" in some random English lit class and see what kind of bull**** deeper meaning people come up with. Ima say struggle of working class vs the elite and racism are the two themes
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:21 PM
i had a giant hole in the heel of my sock today. I didn't change it. Also, I ate a smoothy made of 14 juiced kiwis and a banana that were going soft in the fruitbowl last night, it was not the best medium for kiwi consumption imo. Finally, yesterday I went shopping for potatoes for the new season. This is a specialised activity, so I was going to the hand picked Charlton Park garden centre, known for its wide selection and excellent prices. Unfortunately I got confused in a new area and ended up in the Chilton Park Garden Centre, some 5 miles distant from my desired target. It had an acceptable but not exciting range of potatoes. I only got 2 out of the three types I was looking for.
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:22 PM
And here we see a completely different style.
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:26 PM
racist blues

by amplify

oh they called me a racist
when i sang about a sock

lord they called me a racist
when i sang about a sock

oh when germans start lecturing me about race relations
i tell them to suck my ****

POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:27 PM
The sock on my foot
follows it as it turns right
then gently twists left.
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:27 PM
an acceptable but not exciting range of potatoes.
I only got 2 out of the three types I was looking for.

wide selection and excellent prices. Unfortunately
I got confused in a new area and ended up in the

Chilton Park Garden Centre, some 5 miles distant
from my desired target. It had specialised activity,

so I white third sock of the day all pristine was going
to the hand picked and white but wouldn't you know

it's too Charlton Park garden centre, known for goddamn
tight its as rain oh but looks like my Finally, yesterday

I went shopping for new sock has got a ketchup stain
third potatoes for the new season. This sock of the day

all pristine and is a a new were going soft in the fruitbowl
sock feel right as rain oh yeah i last night, it was not the

got me a new sock feel right best medium for kiwi consumption
imo. change it. Also, I the air on my toe gonna get ate a

smoothy made of 14 me a new sock won't feel the juiced
kiwis and a banana that air no mo got me oh i got a hole

in i had a giant hole in my sock feel the air on my the heel
of my sock today. toe got a hole in my sock feel I didn't
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:28 PM
My socks are quite damp
The slippers are just too hot
Now my feet are cold
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:30 PM

sign up for the upcoming 13er .
POG Community Thread Quote
02-02-2010 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
zomg edge final two!!!!!!!!
Edge? Really? WTF, he makes wrestling unwatcheable.
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