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POG chess tournament game thread POG chess tournament game thread

09-04-2016 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen

btw is there an easy way to post the board? or link to the game?
Here is a link to your game

Here is a link to a site you can input and post a diagram

edit: just got ponied by aksdal
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 04:19 PM
thanks. def don't need it every move but I didn't want the game to be inaccessible to everyone else
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 04:24 PM
for kibitzers

I might've been supposed to do 6...d5 to avoid this position, but I was worried about 7. Nxd5 Nxd5 8. Qxd5 Bc4 which would be worse (I think). Wish I could remember my lines...

I think f6 is my next move but not sure yet. Have to get my knight out somehow but it's a little awkward
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 04:28 PM
Aksdal vs jcohen

1. e4 c5
2. Nc 3g6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Qxd 4Nf6
5. Nf3 Nc6
6. Qa4 Bg6
7. e5 Ng8
8. Bf4 f6
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 04:29 PM
9. exf6 Nxf6
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 04:29 PM
Aksdal vs jcohen

1. e4 c5
2. Nc 3g6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Qxd 4Nf6
5. Nf3 Nc6
6. Qa4 Bg6
7. e5 Ng8
8. Bf4 f6
9. exf6
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 04:33 PM
Aksdal vs jcohen

1. e4 c5
2. Nc 3g6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Qxd 4Nf6
5. Nf3 Nc6
6. Qa4 Bg6
7. e5 Ng8
8. Bf4 f6
9. exf6 Nxf6
10. Bc4
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 04:43 PM
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 05:01 PM
gambit8888 - UncleDynamite

1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 c5
3. d5 b5
4. cxb5 a6
5. b6 Qxb6
6. Nc3 d6
7. e4 g6
8. Bd3 Bg7
9. h3 0-0
10. Nf3 e6

POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
Gamer, I'm debating whether to go off-book or not and am meanwhile visiting some friends a few towns over from my own.

Sorry for the delay.
no rush

Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
ianaww v. gamer

1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6
3. Bb5+ Bd7
4. Bxd7+

POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 07:11 PM
Aksdal vs jcohen

1. e4 c5
2. Nc 3g6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Qxd 4Nf6
5. Nf3 Nc6
6. Qa4 Bg6
7. e5 Ng8
8. Bf4 f6
9. exf6 Nxf6
10. Bc4 d5
11. Nxd5
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 07:21 PM
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by rtspurs
Lord v Spurs

1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6
3. c4 Nf6

4. d3
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 07:49 PM
Lord v Spurs

1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6
3. c4 Nf6
4. d3 Nc6

POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 08:32 PM
Aksdal vs jcohen

1. e4 c5
2. Nc 3g6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Qxd 4Nf6
5. Nf3 Nc6
6. Qa4 Bg6
7. e5 Ng8
8. Bf4 f6
9. exf6 Nxf6
10. Bc4 d5
11. Nxd5 Nxd5
12. o-o-o
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 09:26 PM

had a couple options here. was really tempted by 12...Bxb2+ 13. Kxb2 Qb6+ followed by ...Nxf4, but i dont think it was quite sound enough. opened up the game too much with my king still being vulnerable in the center

then there was also 12...e6 or 12...Be6, which is more what I was originally planning when I did 10...d5 (although i really was not expecting him to do 11. Nxd5)

these moves seemed solid but super passive and made my light squared bishop terrible. also it could get ugly for example after 12...e6 13. Bxd5 exd5 14. Rhe1+ and my king has to move. of course I'd be up material in this position so it might be ok

ultimately went with Qb6 as kind of between the two options (Bxb2+ and e6/Be6). i wouldve liked to keep the piece but im fine with giving it back to expose his king. my king isnt gonna get safe anytime soon either way, so if its gonna be an open board i might as well get his king out as well. should be a fun game
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-05-2016 , 12:33 AM
gambit8888 - UncleDynamite

1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 c5
3. d5 b5
4. cxb5 a6
5. b6 Qxb6
6. Nc3 d6
7. e4 g6
8. Bd3 Bg7
9. h3 0-0
10. Nf3 e6
11. 0-0

POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-05-2016 , 03:09 AM
Aksdal vs jcohen

1. e4 c5
2. Nc 3g6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Qxd 4Nf6
5. Nf3 Nc6
6. Qa4 Bg6
7. e5 Ng8
8. Bf4 f6
9. exf6 Nxf6
10. Bc4 d5
11. Nxd5 Nxd5
12. O-O-O Qb6
13. Be5
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-05-2016 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by rtspurs
Lord v Spurs

1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6
3. c4 Nf6
4. d3 Nc6

5. Nc3
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-05-2016 , 06:50 AM
gambit8888 - UncleDynamite

1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 c5
3. d5 b5
4. cxb5 a6
5. b6 Qxb6
6. Nc3 d6
7. e4 g6
8. Bd3 Bg7
9. h3 0-0
10. Nf3 e6
11. 0-0 exd5

POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-05-2016 , 08:40 AM
ianaww v. gamer

1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6
3. Bb5+ Bd7
4. Bxd7+ Qxd7
5. c3

POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-05-2016 , 08:49 AM
edit: aids

Last edited by iamnotawerewolf; 09-05-2016 at 08:56 AM.
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-05-2016 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
ianaww v. gamer

1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6
3. Bb5+ Bd7
4. Bxd7+ Qxd7
5. c3

POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-05-2016 , 10:09 AM
Lord v Spurs

1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6
3. c4 Nf6
4. d3 Nc6
5. Nc3 g6

POG chess tournament game thread Quote
09-05-2016 , 10:27 AM
6. Be2
POG chess tournament game thread Quote
