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POG Anniversary XV Game Thread POG Anniversary XV Game Thread

04-19-2021 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Hornet8
i mean

i didn't feel the need to express it because it was that obvious to the rest of the thread, tbh
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Manasi
Yeah, I can see that I guess. I just wish he'd like.. drop the act for a bit? i feel like he might actually have decent reads on the game outside of ppl who are pushing him and I wanna know what those are.

Usually sanity is restored in the midgame where they typically perform fairly well

Based on last few mashes
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
For not being carefully and efficiently villagery

My perception is that you are more conscious about telling a convincing "I am a game solving villager, nothing to see here, pay no attention to why I'm still alive" story on iso as a wolf, even starting quite early in the game

There isn't much wasted effort to your wolf posts imo

Whereas here you're just sort of jauntily sloppy in a genuine way

POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Mantichora

Usually sanity is restored in the midgame where they typically perform fairly well

Based on last few mashes
got it, i'll keep that in mind

smh fat fingering emotes
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:23 PM
That Gad read probably villagery

This is in no way an endorsement of his read on me!!
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Can you talk to me more about me?
This is an awesome post.
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:23 PM
Also Manasi I provided an updated reads list in case you missed it.
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:23 PM
Manasi being like obsessed with me is like town I think. Because is not really doing anything to push me.

And don't for a second think this is an olive branch, Im still not working with you, you were rude to me.
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:23 PM
I have like

a weird anxiety block about the slight bit of extra effort needed to iso on this site
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
Dawoodles defence of hornet is the same as my defence of hornet

Dont treat people like outted wolves an hour into D1, like come on
Just common courtesy if nothing else

Also, and this is something I've decided recently, I'm pretty sure that most people are villagers most of the time

Like if you think about it, isn't werewolf an inherently probabilistic game?

I think I just broke this thing wide open
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Can you talk to me more about me?
It's a list of people with a decent amount of posts and no vote yet

Vote someone and you're off the list
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Limestone
I have like

a weird anxiety block about the slight bit of extra effort needed to iso on this site
Big mood.
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:24 PM
I have like

a weird anxiety block about the slight bit of extra effort needed to iso on this site
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Just common courtesy if nothing else

Also, and this is something I've decided recently, I'm pretty sure that most people are villagers most of the time

Like if you think about it, isn't werewolf an inherently probabilistic game?

I think I just broke this thing wide open
weird post, i've never heard you say stuff like this before
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Manasi
i think rollo might be wolfing
The way he said he was going to read that one dudes every post as wolfy almost seemed like he was sad he couldn’t village read a teammate.
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Limestone
Noting that I also liked zurvan's one post about person I forget soft defending him since it reminds me of my something I'd say when I'm doing very little and get someone on my side. light read
I swear, I just saw this on scroll I didn't search this time.

I did also see limestone's big long post that seemed to say something lots of other people were saying. So I'm going to start to lean limestone wolf, along with whoever I'm voting at the moment
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by ApocPS

please give me a summary of the game so far

my play this game depends on it!!
monte came in wolfing all over the place. but i could never get a wagon going on him so i gave up.

my wolf list was 5/5. wolves saw it and got so scared they could never try to vote me. but i'll probably ne nk'd tonight. strong player kill

the case on the lead wagon is pretty strong, but i'm not buying it at all.

some guy i forget his name, he cleared himself.

two of my sex workers are running late. i think we're just gonna start without them though.

POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Mantichora
Apoc I've decided I'm sheeping you thus game

Where we dropping
Tilted towers ofc
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
It's a list of people with a decent amount of posts and no vote yet

Vote someone and you're off the list
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:25 PM
why did it say my post didn't go through the first time LUL
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Manasi
i think rollo might be wolfing
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
We're not, he just knows I'm an obvious villager

If there's a mechanical reason he knows I'm a villager, I'm not aware of it; I'm assuming he's just, you know, reading my posts
Monte shhh
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
monte came in wolfing all over the place. but i could never get a wagon going on him so i gave up.

my wolf list was 5/5. wolves saw it and got so scared they could never try to vote me. but i'll probably ne nk'd tonight. strong player kill

the case on the lead wagon is pretty strong, but i'm not buying it at all.

some guy i forget his name, he cleared himself.

two of my sex workers are running late. i think we're just gonna start without them though.

is your avatar SMG?
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
I swear, I just saw this on scroll I didn't search this time.

I did also see limestone's big long post that seemed to say something lots of other people were saying. So I'm going to start to lean limestone wolf, along with whoever I'm voting at the moment
It was billymills.

Limestone/billymills w/w
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
04-19-2021 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Abraham deLacey
weird post, i've never heard you say stuff like this before
trying out a new approach
POG Anniversary XV Game Thread Quote
