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POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked"

04-12-2011 , 02:57 PM
Am I crazy or blindered here with the Vaya thing? Just curious who else sees what I see. Right now I'm also thinking if vaya flips wolf, derwi is >>>> rand to be one too.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by derwipok
I love how mflip came in to defend himself but didn't post anything of substance.
I concur.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by derwipok
I love how mflip came in to defend himself but didn't post anything of substance.
Meh, I went thru this with him for like 3 days in CoA before eventually voting to mislynch him.

He's not the most villagery villager in the world. ffs Chips was calling him a wolf in moviemix when he was a claimed village mason. He easily could be a wolf, but I just wouldn't feel all that strongly about it right now.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 02:59 PM
Mflip is a pretty lock wolf imo

Regardless of systos role

I guess we are gonna have to put FCBL off for a day
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04-12-2011 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by rebonkulous
all this action has brought attention away from vaya though

who do you think are 'better votes'?
don't get why you post this in relation to zayana
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
she's clearly saying that playing the game was nothing since the game never existed, but that the process of fake signing up was harmful. i'm not sure why you are trying to twist her words, they are perfectly consistent.
In the post I quoted it didn't even seem to occur to her that esse's death could have been tied to the game (hint: it wasn't) so clearly she's not thinking consistently about the issue.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
Am I crazy or blindered here with the Vaya thing? Just curious who else sees what I see. Right now I'm also thinking if vaya flips wolf, derwi is >>>> rand to be one too.
++Villager points for Zayana
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:00 PM
for relation, read reply, although my point is somewhat obv
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:00 PM
Kind of sponging OTI here but I agree with everything he is saying. MFlip is pretty lock.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
Am I crazy or blindered here with the Vaya thing? Just curious who else sees what I see. Right now I'm also thinking if vaya flips wolf, derwi is >>>> rand to be one too.
I love you.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:02 PM
i think titan whitegoose and fcbl are all alright shots
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Bremen
To whoever killed Monikrazy: I hate you.

He was my coach in the toddlers game. Last night I realized he was a wolf and couldn't wait to get in and post my soul read today Still nice shot
This is villagery, or at least non-partner with monik. Wolves rarely have the guts to make these kinds of posts about partners.

Bremen voted NeVeR in the same post after he died. Duck's reply:

Originally Posted by Duckburg
This just screams to me.
You haven't read the thread, have you?
Never's dead..
I don't get. It's not that uncommon to grunch a little and miss a daykill announcement. It's not super wolfy either way, if wolves have 24hr chat. What does it scream to you?

Originally Posted by RollWave
mainly for his wolf claim and self vote yesterday. partially for his comments today that arent even about this game.

bsball, do you even want to play? Are you going to try, or are you just gonna float? (in the signup thread you said you were only signing up due to peer pressure and that you wouldn't read the thread, so i think these are fair questions)

I don't like this post. These 50+ player games always get their share of loafers. They get taken care of in time. Not fair to single out bsball for slacking on the morning of d2.

Originally Posted by FCBLComish
It is Tuesday. I will be here for 10 minutes and then gone for the day.

Some Stuff

- HOW DID NEVER DIE? I can't figure that one out

- I used my 1 time tracker on DNKYHunter last night. He did nothing.

- If Dean is a villager, he will read me and tell you all I am a villager.

- Never had 2 wolf reads, Dean and Alice. For now:

Vote Alice
I quoted this post to call it wolfy, because it's so weird and all over the place. He can't figure out how NeVeR was killed, but then concludes it's for his *reads*? He wants Dean to clear him, but then has Dean as one of NeVeR's wolves. And weird that he'd even remember NeVer's wolf reads.

But since wolves aren't ever going to kill NeVeR, I think it's more likely he searched N's posts and saw the wolf reads in the third quote. Bad logic, but I'd say villager on FCBL for now.

Originally Posted by norseman1066
VOTE :: Whitegoose

I know the first day is usually full of fluff but what I've reread so far of his posts is someone whom is trying hard to make it look like he's doing something without really doing something.

Now before anyone says pot/kettle (due to my trying to trigger an event by making random posts earlier) that was in effect my day 1 'joke posts' and due to limited time available for this during working hours I want to be serious and make a vote in case I am unable to do so before EOD at 2030h.
Don't like the WG vote, but the last paragraph is kind of villagery. Nobody shoot norse today.

I had more but I lost them. Has anyone tried to match up the nightkills yet?
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:04 PM
titan claimed killing never
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:04 PM
Are we even having ITA's today?

Or is that just a rumor that started that became universally accepted?
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by VayaConDios
In the post I quoted it didn't even seem to occur to her that esse's death could have been tied to the game (hint: it wasn't) so clearly she's not thinking consistently about the issue.
Read me for heaven's sake, read the interaction. BTW, twisting things around and pulling single posts out of context and focusing on them is wolfy.

I think Esse's death is because he said MSPAINT, I posted the death post and a link to the sign up list as one of my first posts this morning. I think your game was bs. I think you are a wolf.

Right now I'm thinking you might actually be the one with the extra kill even, and that you guys didn't get a lowby wolf to set up the game for you. I really hope that's the case.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:06 PM
sup everyone

just woke up

sorry about yesterday, had a really busy day and didn't get back in the house until 9pm

wow ITAs alright I'll skim the last 1000
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:06 PM
i don't think titan killing never is relatively neutral

it's interesting to think what type of roll would even try to get powers tho, i feel like power rolls would tend to hide from potentially getting a vig or peek that they will have to out to everyone
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by TheDean1
Are we even having ITA's today?

Or is that just a rumor that started that became universally accepted?
Mod made a post about ITA's not being opened "yet".

So seems like they might be.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:06 PM
Anyone providing me with like 10 bullet points giving cliffs of game so far wins 45 villager points.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:07 PM
lol, i obviously meant i do think it is neutral
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:07 PM
hello whitegoose, thanks for showing up right after i said you were a good shot
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:08 PM
I hope more people pile on my wagon so I can be a lock mislynch again. Too bad shorty is modding this one instead of pushing it.

Someone should just shoot me so I don't have to think about this game anymore.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:09 PM
It's here dean:

Originally Posted by Anniversary Mod


AaronK56's Son, you shot first on Star Wars day. Your shot is successful, even though ITAs are not open. Gder402 is dead.

ITAs will be open later.

Oh snap.

POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by derwipok
I love you.
*laugh* I have no clue if this is a joke or not. I could be blindered on him, akson knows that I can be bad for that... I'm worse for that as villa than I am as a wolf. I do think he's a wolf though, and he's twisting that post, which makes perfect sense in context. I did think of the possibility of esse "winning" his mspaint thing and dying another way. I still think he's probably a wolf and I urge no one else to say MSPAINT just in case. If I'm wrong, great, but no point in chancing it if I'm right.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-12-2011 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
Did he claim vig? He just used his one time shot that he won as part of the event I thought, he got 2 days to use it, yes?
Yeah, I just discovered that. I really should start reading d1 in these games.

I still don't like him so much as a target. He was pretty casual the way he claimed the NeVeR kill. Wolves are usually either apologetic or defensive when they kill villagers.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
