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POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked"

04-13-2011 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Maybe the tldr stump speech wasn't as clever as it seemed.
I liked it, and I want yg lynched, however I just think we get more information if we get people who have to defend their decisions afterwards. If we elect people to kill yg, they kill yg, and he flips villa we don't really learn anything.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:07 PM
So I keep waiting to read about it but why did Norse kill Bobman?
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:08 PM
Bremen im talking about newteebag

Go back and reread it I can't multiquote on my phone
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
Oti how was my vote wolfy? It turns out I was wrong but ntb freaked out about me saying I liked a post. I genuinely want to know why you think that's villagery because it stood out to me as an overreaction which is something I've got caught doing as a wolf before
One sec I just realized I had Gder and NTB flip flopped in my head.

Which explains why all the bad votes on NTB have been wolves so far and not the other way around.

Anyway about your question. Gder made like 10 ******ed errors D1. Things that when you add them up no wolf would actually do unless he was sick at levelling and I don't think I could give Gder enough credit to have that in his range. So his overreaction might be one small thing you could put in the wolfy column, but I don't really believe too many experienced villagers could think he was a wolf there.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
Oti how was my vote wolfy? It turns out I was wrong but ntb freaked out about me saying I liked a post. I genuinely want to know why you think that's villagery because it stood out to me as an overreaction which is something I've got caught doing as a wolf before
I wasn't around for that EOD until like 2 minutes before night but the post about liking a post was an obvious joke. I can see thinking it was wolfy if you didn't get the joke though.

As for my vote on NTB, I don't claim it to be good but had I actually been around and been caught up with everything when I voted then there's no way I'd have voted him because he was so obviously not a wolf based on the previous 200 or so posts. Admittedly when I was reading the posts I already knew he was a villager but I'm pretty certain I'd have thought the same anyway.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by TheDean1
I swear to god I will clear myself by tomorrow.
Originally Posted by TheDean1
OK, I wanna take down a troll to clear myself. Anybody have any suggestions on people to re-read?
and maybe he did clear himself by using his 1 time vig to kill rebonk or keanureaver. (getting killed last night also helped him achieving his goal of clearing himself by today).

above posts give reason to believe trolls may have killed him for self defense.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
I wasn't around for that EOD until like 2 minutes before night but the post about liking a post was an obvious joke. I can see thinking it was wolfy if you didn't get the joke though.

As for my vote on NTB, I don't claim it to be good but had I actually been around and been caught up with everything when I voted then there's no way I'd have voted him because he was so obviously not a wolf based on the previous 200 or so posts. Admittedly when I was reading the posts I already knew he was a villager but I'm pretty certain I'd have thought the same anyway.
Did you just slip and admit to being a wolf?
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Nez477
So I keep waiting to read about it but why did Norse kill Bobman?
He hasn't really given a why, just an apology. He has claimed not to have been following the thread and have been AWOL. His apology seemed genuine, but I don't buy it. But I suspect almost everyone this game, so I'm not a good person to listen to
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
Is elliot considered clear? His posts this page have been kinda wolfy
His posts in general have been wolfy.

Which was why I mentioned that it would have been downright sick if 64 had peeked a GF, but 64 insists this isn't the case.

I assume 64 knows this because of the role info he got. But it seems to me like a GF would peek as a specific cover role, so I'm not super duper convinced that he's not a GF.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
Bremen im talking about newteebag

Go back and reread it I can't multiquote on my phone
I'm confused, I haven't mentioned NTB today. Last time I (remember) mentioning him was D1 when I declared his wagon was all types of fail.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
Alright BBJV wasn't the worst wagon I have ever seen I guess, but Gder and NTB were terrible terrible votes. Gder because he basically claimed Mets itt, some should know this and some I guess shouldn't depends on if you have been here long enough to read about +/- game, and NTB was terrible because playing like he played was the opposite of how wolves play large mishmashes. Of course both of these vote are fine for new players to make because they don't know better but I think any experienced players making the vote are much more likely to be wolves. I also think the votes for Gder are wolfier than the votes for NTB.

Bad Gder votes

Bad NTB votes


Of the dead players from these lists 5/6 of them were wolves.

I think all of these remaining players need a 2nd look
just to reiterate - my vote was misrecorded in that day's vote counts - it should have been on 64
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:10 PM
elect insuremeplz, He's a thinking player that I trust.

Don't really get the CPHoya votes either although I haven't read him too closely. Vaya is also a good choice as he isn't on either wolf team. It is a possibility he is a neutral character with a separate agenda but thats the worst case.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:11 PM
Yeah IMP is the best vote
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:11 PM
Apparently 2:10 is prime time in these parts.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by InsureMePlz
I like swiitch and sixfour. I don't even necessarily have to be the third, but I'm not sure why people are comfortable with CP. He's a long time/good player iirc and could easily be a wolf. Unless there's something clearing that I've missed?
Something about CPHoya is reminding me about his confident wolf performance we had together. He carried the whole freaking team by just being polished and confident.

I'd almost want a little more fluff from him to call him a villager.

This is a weak read and exploitable but I'd lean slightly wolf on him
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bremen
I liked it, and I want yg lynched, however I just think we get more information if we get people who have to defend their decisions afterwards. If we elect people to kill yg, they kill yg, and he flips villa we don't really learn anything.
Right, but the point is to get nominees to promote good lynches. There will be three nominees who will debate and decide the lynch. What we're voting for here is the debate more than one certain result.

For what it's worth there are not many cases in this thread, and I've pointed out yg tried to kill dean, voted NTB, and keeps howling. I feel strong about that read so a vote for me is a vote for that read bla bla bla
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
I'm peeked, baby! I can be as wolfy as I wanna be!
Yeah see, this isn't exactly the response I'd expect from someone who is a peeked villa, but w/e.

Elliott - get to being villagery ffs.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:12 PM
I wonder if 1k posts is an achievement

spam starts now
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bremen
I'm confused, I haven't mentioned NTB today. Last time I (remember) mentioning him was D1 when I declared his wagon was all types of fail.
nm, I figured it out
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
He hasn't really given a why, just an apology. He has claimed not to have been following the thread and have been AWOL. His apology seemed genuine, but I don't buy it. But I suspect almost everyone this game, so I'm not a good person to listen to
Seriously??? He just went on a ledge on his own, killed someone no one was even talking about and that's it?

"His apology seemed genuine". Apologies in WW are pretty easy to write as either a wolf or villa, I wouldn't know how to distinguish between them
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
I wonder if 1k posts is an achievement

spam starts now
If that's your goal I'll take the under.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
Did you just slip and admit to being a wolf?
no, he read the posts after NTB died, hence his foreknowledge. Besides a wolf wouldn't know he was a villager ducy
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Bremen
no, he read the posts after NTB died, hence his foreknowledge. Besides a wolf wouldn't know he was a villager ducy
Ah ok misread that and good point
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:14 PM
I'm moving offices all day today and no Internet. I had a long post typed out on my home comp but had to leave before the thread opened. Posting from my iPod from panera (soup in a bread bowl is the tits).

Should be back before election deadline but switch just in case.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
04-13-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
Did you just slip and admit to being a wolf?
No, I was behind and hadn't read the last 2-300 posts when I made my vote. I went back and read everything the next morning when I obviously already knew he was a villager. Even if I was a wolf I wouldn't know he was a villager anyway because of the two faction thing - spew about villagers is not really viable in this game.
POG ANNIVERSARY V - "To Be Unlocked" Quote
