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Podcast Walrus Podcast Walrus

09-25-2019 , 02:04 PM
I listen to podcasts about 60% of the time that I'm in the car. Maybe more. And I listen to news/talk radio about 20% of the time and music about 20% of the time. This is probably why I'm so sucky at Walrus submissions. I'm out of touch with what's good any more.

So let's do a Podcast Walrus.

Submit to me a single episode of a Podcast. Make sure it's at least 10 minutes long and it can be as long as you want it to be. But with one caveat. If I lose interest I won't finish the episode. And if I don't finish the episode you're looking at a nodium. I'll listen to these as I drive around town, to and from work, etc.

Some of my favorite Podcasts are:

99% Invisible
30 for 30 (ESPN)
This American Life
Reply All

The deadline for submitting is a week from today, August 2nd.
Podcast Walrus Quote
09-25-2019 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by bolt2112
I listen to podcasts about 60% of the time that I'm in the car. Maybe more. And I listen to news/talk radio about 20% of the time and music about 20% of the time. This is probably why I'm so sucky at Walrus submissions. I'm out of touch with what's good any more.

So let's do a Podcast Walrus.

Submit to me a single episode of a Podcast. Make sure it's at least 10 minutes long and it can be as long as you want it to be. But with one caveat. If I lose interest I won't finish the episode. And if I don't finish the episode you're looking at a nodium. I'll listen to these as I drive around town, to and from work, etc.

Some of my favorite Podcasts are:

99% Invisible
30 for 30 (ESPN)
This American Life
Reply All

The deadline for submitting is a week from today, August 2nd.
Podcast Walrus Quote
09-25-2019 , 02:24 PM
In...let me know if you've already listened to it
Podcast Walrus Quote
09-25-2019 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Okay, I'm still learning to tell time.

The deadline for submitting is a week from today. On the 2nd.
Podcast Walrus Quote
09-25-2019 , 03:33 PM
I will be in, once I figure out a way to send it.
Podcast Walrus Quote
09-25-2019 , 03:49 PM

Would love to send multiple entries

Might send you multiple unsolicited "honorable mentions" but what you've received is my official entry.
Podcast Walrus Quote
09-25-2019 , 04:14 PM
hmm cool idea...though not sure any of the podcasts I listen to will do well (maybe one). subbing and will think.
Podcast Walrus Quote
09-25-2019 , 04:56 PM
I'm not submitting my main podcast; the subject matter isn't for everyone, neither is the 3,4,5,6,7 hour episode length. However, I do listen to one that should fit nicely with the given list.
Podcast Walrus Quote
09-25-2019 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Eric
I will be in, once I figure out a way to send it.
I use the castbox app on my phone. If you send me the name of the podcast and the title of the episode I should be able to track it down. If there's an episode number. please include that as well.
Podcast Walrus Quote
09-25-2019 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Eric
I'm not submitting my main podcast; the subject matter isn't for everyone, neither is the 3,4,5,6,7 hour episode length. However, I do listen to one that should fit nicely with the given list.

Hardcore History?
Podcast Walrus Quote
09-25-2019 , 07:55 PM
Neither of them.
Podcast Walrus Quote
09-26-2019 , 07:55 PM
Podcast Walrus Quote
09-29-2019 , 09:44 AM
i've been listening to some of the early entry podcasts and you guys are off to a promising start. keep the suggestions coming!
Podcast Walrus Quote
10-08-2019 , 02:15 PM
I'm listening to the last podcast today. Reveals should take place tomorrow or Thursday.

I know we're past the deadline but if anyone wants to submit late I'll give them a listen and share my rankings.
Podcast Walrus Quote
10-08-2019 , 05:01 PM
Nice, Ill send one. Its not horribly long
Podcast Walrus Quote
10-10-2019 , 07:56 PM
Podcast Walrus Quote
10-10-2019 , 08:47 PM
I had 2 late entries. Listening to the last one today/tomorrow.
Podcast Walrus Quote
10-11-2019 , 09:50 AM
And I got another late entry last night. I'm not accepting any more. Reveal Saturday or Sunday.
Podcast Walrus Quote
10-11-2019 , 12:49 PM
The last one submitted was a shorty, so I've listened to them all and graded them all. But I haven't started the write-ups yet.

I'm gonna do the reveal a little differently than the standard Walrus reveal. Here's the scores:


The episode score is strictly based on how much I enjoyed the single episode which was submitted. Overall podcast score is more about how much I like the concept of the series, how much I enjoy the host/hosts, and how much potential the show has to become a regular in my rotation. The episode score is 1-10 while the overall podcast score is 1-5.

And here are the entries which I've graded:

bwslim69RewatchablesInglourious Basterds
Carl_SpacklerSomething TrueThe Trip To Telegraph Creek
eleanor60True Crime GarageInvisible Man
EricJim Rome's Daily Jungle9/6/2019
JMurder3Welcome To NightvalePilot
Master3004Citation NeededMy Immortal
nyc999Song ExploderREM
PriptoniteThe DollopThe Rube
xander biscuitsHello InternetAnother Person I've Never Heard Of

I finished all but one of the submissions. The one that I gave up on finished in last place. The write-ups/reveals will come this weekend.
Podcast Walrus Quote
10-11-2019 , 01:08 PM
Alright let's get started with the nodium.

In 9th place:

This was the only submission that I gave up on.

Eric submitted Jim Rome's Daily Jungle - 9/6/19

I think I made it about 12 minutes through the episode, which was about 11 minutes too long. Man, Jim Rome tilts me.

The episode promised to be a recap of the first NFL game of the season, which was a pretty bad game between the Packers and Bears. It was also to cover Antonio Brown, plus some other topics.

I only heard part of the broadcast covering the Packers/Bears game. Rome has this stilted voice that sounds completely unnatural. Who the heck talks like that? Is that how anyone has a conversation? It's like every sentence has to be punctuated with a note of authority, like whatever he's saying has to be 100% the correct and definitive take. There's zero inflection, zero subtlety, and zero variety with this guy. I'm unable to follow along with anything he says and can only shake my head at his delivery.

This is a non-starter for me.

Episode Score 1 out of 10
Podcast Score 1 out of 5
Total Score: 2
Podcast Walrus Quote
10-11-2019 , 01:16 PM
In 8th place:

This was a way out of the box type of a podcast. I can see why some people might enjoy this, but it was a miss for me.

JM submitted Welcome to Nightvale: Pilot

The concept of the show is that there's a fictional town called Nightvale and the podcast is someone announcing the local news on the radio. It's creepy and weird and I can't really compare this to anything else I've ever heard before.

The biggest problem is that there's not really any narrative whatsoever. Instead it's just one small bit after another. It's like watching a stand-up comic who just does rapid fire jokes and never really tells a story. This is like the Steven Wright of podcasts.

The announcer/host has a delivery that fits the show but it throws me off. The "weather" is a musical interlude. There's an ongoing theme about some fictional guy and his perfect hair. It's hard to follow along with the show and if it was any longer than it was I probably would have given up on it.

Sorry, this isn't my thing.

Episode Score: 3
Podcast Score: 1
Total Score: 4
Podcast Walrus Quote
10-11-2019 , 01:21 PM
In 7th place:

I like the concept but I didn't like the execution at all.

Carl Spackler submitted Something True: The Trip To Telegraph Creek

I guess this is a true history type of a show, but as far as I can tell, this is all about little-known or forgotten history. This particular episode is about an expedition in the early 20th century across the Rocky Mountains of Canada. It's supposed to be funny at times, but the humor falls flat. The actors who play the characters are annoying. The story really isn't very interesting. Some guys who were ill-suited to do this sort of an expedition didn't plan well and they failed. The end.

Episode Score: 5
Podcast Score: 2
Total Score: 7
Podcast Walrus Quote
10-11-2019 , 01:23 PM
Podcast Walrus Quote
10-11-2019 , 02:06 PM
Alright, I've got lunch in the oven, so time for another quick reveal.

It ain't podium, it ain't nodium. This podcast series has the potential to be good, but I'm not completely sold. I'm definitely going to re-visit this one, though, because there are some episode titles that definitely intrigue me.

In 6th place:

eleanor with True Crime Garage: Invisible Man

To be fair, eleanor was more about selling the series than he was about this specific episode. Most of the shows are 2-parts and I think he settled on this one because it's a single episode.

This wasn't so much of a crime episode as it was a missing-person episode. Someone assumed the identity of a kid who had died 40+ years ago and nobody knows who he is. He married a woman who likely never knew the guy's backstory and, by the way, she's a sketchy character herself. One day he disappeared and he hasn't been seen or heard from since.

What's the episode missing?
1. Why should we care about this guy?
2. What crime (other than identity theft) did he commit?
3. How did the story end?

If I'm looking at true crime/mystery (which isn't my favorite genre to begin with) I want a compelling story about a person who's really interesting and I want to know how it ends. This episode delivers none of that.

Now, on the other hand, the hosts are pretty good. There are other episodes about the BTK killer and Edmund Kemper, and I'm intrigued by those.

Episode Score: 5
Podcast Score: 4
Total Score: 9
Podcast Walrus Quote
10-11-2019 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by bolt2112
Alright, I've got lunch in the oven, so time for another quick reveal.

It ain't podium, it ain't nodium. This podcast series has the potential to be good, but I'm not completely sold. I'm definitely going to re-visit this one, though, because there are some episode titles that definitely intrigue me.

In 6th place:

eleanor with True Crime Garage: Invisible Man

To be fair, eleanor was more about selling the series than he was about this specific episode. Most of the shows are 2-parts and I think he settled on this one because it's a single episode.

This wasn't so much of a crime episode as it was a missing-person episode. Someone assumed the identity of a kid who had died 40+ years ago and nobody knows who he is. He married a woman who likely never knew the guy's backstory and, by the way, she's a sketchy character herself. One day he disappeared and he hasn't been seen or heard from since.

What's the episode missing?

1. Why should we care about this guy?

2. What crime (other than identity theft) did he commit?

3. How did the story end?

If I'm looking at true crime/mystery (which isn't my favorite genre to begin with) I want a compelling story about a person who's really interesting and I want to know how it ends. This episode delivers none of that.

Now, on the other hand, the hosts are pretty good. There are other episodes about the BTK killer and Edmund Kemper, and I'm intrigued by those.

Episode Score: 5

Podcast Score: 4

Total Score: 9

Yeah you’re spot on, thought it would be cruel to post a two part episode and only provide the first haha. Definitely recommend a lot of the two, and three part ones
Podcast Walrus Quote
