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Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread

10-12-2020 , 02:59 PM
Hey bop you're my friend and i'm looking forward to playing world of warcraft with you this expansion.
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 02:59 PM

this game is triggering but seems pretty ridic, so i'm here for it
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
No, I think you're more likely to do it as a villager, though

I'd imagine even w!birdman would think twice about trying to brute force thread captain a game with this many strong players, so I think a lower volume birdman is probably slightly more likely to be a wolf
ok, even though, empirically, I was the leading poster in the only two wolf games I have played in recently?
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
I still think he was a wolf in CYOA and he was a villager, so I am trying to abstain but yeah his posts are horrific today.
I have no idea what people found so wolfy about him in CYOA. The durp vote was what it was but that aside I never saw it.
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
luckbox's hey is the wolfiest intro lol
let the record reflect that i really want to clear fanmail based on this single post hahahaha

75 percent of the time i'll be right every time
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
well if you know how to read me, explain it to other people
I just explained it, and said that I might not be right, and my read on you is thin anyway
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
He definitely has low-volume village games.
It's not the volume it's what he's actually posting, it's just looks so wolfy and agenda driven. It normally isn't this simple, wolves normally at least try to sound villagery.
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:00 PM
is birdman being a dick because he thinks people will find it villagery?
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
if the wolf team was like ted/gad/shortline/sun/cc/cq/onuzq/cobra, the game would be going just like this
incredible post
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Onuzq
Say what now?
I said we're meandering just so as the wolves want us to, but it's going to change soon.

Originally Posted by ShipItUp
A wolf would never post this right, surely not.
I don't think I would. I'm trying to stir the drink here and get some action.

Originally Posted by bopolis
I think the way bigger is reading CT is never w/w


bigger is a villa and has some weird meta read on CT that might be right.

bigger is a villa and has some mechanical info about CT he's trying to hint at

bigger is a wolf with some bananas TMI on CT

I'm leaning its one of the top 2
bopolis is a) right, b) likely villager
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
ok, even though, empirically, I was the leading poster in the only two wolf games I have played in recently?
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:00 PM
Montecore 91
bsball8806 75
LKJ 62
ShipItUp 60
Uglydelicious 52
fanmail 47
A missread issue 47
fraleyight 43
Birdman10687 40
Sun Tzu 40
Kaze13 34
Viggorous 32
tedxtr 31
VoraciousReader 28
Luckbox Inc 26
confirmedtroll 24
biggerboat 23
Zurvan 22
bopolis 19
KingWiggles 18
Gadarene 15
aao 12
wahoopride 11
aaronk56 11
filthyvermin 7
iraisetoomuch 6
Onuzq 5
insanity31 4

Sort by post count and solve games guys.
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by bopolis
I think the way bigger is reading CT is never w/w


bigger is a villa and has some weird meta read on CT that might be right.

bigger is a villa and has some mechanical info about CT he's trying to hint at

bigger is a wolf with some bananas TMI on CT

I'm leaning its one of the top 2
Agree fully. Well, actually I don't think it's #2, given that he has this read that for some reason also coincides with him saying that he wouldn't really fight against CT's hangin'. Which is weird regardless of where his read originates, but it doesn't strike me as wolfy weird.

I started to type a post to press him more on that, but ended up never posting it when I basically decided that it couldn't really be wolfy of bigger regardless.
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:01 PM
Votes from post 8 to post 987
Night in 6:59:56

5 confirmedtroll VoraciousReader (28), SGT RJ (92), Birdman10687 (41), bsball8806 (76), ShipItUp (61)
3 A missread issue biggerboat (23), bopolis (19), Viggorous (32)
3 tedxtr Kaze13 (34), Sun Tzu (41), fanmail (48)
2 Kaze13 KingWiggles (18), Montecore (92)
1 Zurvan filthyvermin (7)
1 shortline99 Luckbox Inc (26)
1 aao A missread issue (47)
1 KingWiggles tedxtr (31)
1 aaronk56 LKJ (62)
1 fraleyight aaronk56 (11)
1 SGT RJ fraleyight (43)
12 not voting aao (12), accobra_kid (0), carolinacoder (0), confirmedtroll (24), crackedquads (0), Gadarene (17), insanity31 (4), iraisetoomuch (6), Onuzq (6), shortline99 (1), Uglydelicious (52), Zurvan (22)
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
A wolf would never post this right, surely not.
Why not?

See, this type of analysis or read or whatever seems to get it wrong just as often as right.

Now if you’re saying it’s player specific, fine, but in a vacuum I sort of hate this.
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
is birdman being a dick because he thinks people will find it villagery?
He's just changing his meta
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:02 PM
I'll put shipitup into not concerned about atm territory.

I feel like his approach to people is trying to figure them out for the sake of him wanting to know their alignment (for his own ego/achievement or whatever) rather than trying to show us how villagery he is.
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
I said we're meandering just so as the wolves want us to, but it's going to change soon.

I don't think I would. I'm trying to stir the drink here and get some action.

bopolis is a) right, b) likely villager
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
You're pulling stronger villa points out of some of these fanmail posts you're quoting than I would, but I definitely have him as a villa too.
I can't imagine many people as wolves even thinking to post something like that.
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:02 PM
Even given I was hilariously wrong on bigger in CYOA, I do agree with fanmail, bop get al that he's a likely villager
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:02 PM
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
Votes from post 8 to post 987
Night in 6:59:56

5 confirmedtroll VoraciousReader (28), SGT RJ (92), Birdman10687 (41), bsball8806 (76), ShipItUp (61)
3 A missread issue biggerboat (23), bopolis (19), Viggorous (32)
3 tedxtr Kaze13 (34), Sun Tzu (41), fanmail (48)
2 Kaze13 KingWiggles (18), Montecore (92)
1 Zurvan filthyvermin (7)
1 shortline99 Luckbox Inc (26)
1 aao A missread issue (47)
1 KingWiggles tedxtr (31)
1 aaronk56 LKJ (62)
1 fraleyight aaronk56 (11)
1 SGT RJ fraleyight (43)
12 not voting aao (12), accobra_kid (0), carolinacoder (0), confirmedtroll (24), crackedquads (0), Gadarene (17), insanity31 (4), iraisetoomuch (6), Onuzq (6), shortline99 (1), Uglydelicious (52), Zurvan (22)
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
Needs a beret
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:03 PM
Okay but really though, while I warned off of reading aaron for wolfiness because of unusually high activity/reads, the content he's actually posted is super underwhelming and I think it's a fair bit different than when he was getting pushed for his reads in a recent game as a villa.
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
10-12-2020 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Onuzq
Montecore 91
bsball8806 75
LKJ 62
ShipItUp 60
Uglydelicious 52
fanmail 47
A missread issue 47
fraleyight 43
Birdman10687 40
Sun Tzu 40
Kaze13 34
Viggorous 32
tedxtr 31
VoraciousReader 28
Luckbox Inc 26
confirmedtroll 24
biggerboat 23
Zurvan 22
bopolis 19
KingWiggles 18
Gadarene 15
aao 12
wahoopride 11
aaronk56 11
filthyvermin 7
iraisetoomuch 6
Onuzq 5
insanity31 4

Sort by post count and solve games guys.
Why didn't I make the village cut despite having the same amount of posts with fantail? Also being serious, I think the village list has at most 1 wolf.
Pandemic Mish Mash WW Game Thread Quote
