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OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND*

10-30-2009 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
i sort of liked books posts irt to me yesterday
I've tried reading the three, and get pretty strong villagery vibes from housenuts and Beer. It's a process of elimination thing.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 12:44 AM
***leaving the island ***

Congrats, neutrals.

Thanks OTI. Truly epic.

*** leaving the island***
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 01:49 AM
Well make sense to go after wolf seer and let the wolves help sort out the godfather ordeal.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 07:35 AM


OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 08:31 AM

Thanks for the game OTI

take it down,village

OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
10 players, at least 2 wolves.

aao - claimed rand() seer
Chuckleslovakian - neutral peek
essedarius/chips - Elliot peeked villa, aao peeked villa
Luckbox/Nicholasp27 - in thread peek vanilla
scrubbo - neutral peek
Senor Cardgage - aao peeked villa
VR/Sun Tzu - neutral peek

Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
We really need to find the wolf seer first IMO.
better to team up votes (since we're both villa) and push a suspect instead of everyone making their own opinions imo.

OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 10:15 AM
yo, aao. Did ya get a peek last night?
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 10:23 AM
I can not believe MM was a villager.

I'm a little disappointed that the neutrals didn't choose to be honest about the fact that they would leave today, but on the other hand, it's hard to blame them after somebody royally screwed them yesterday.

We have 10 players left, which is even and basically sucks for endgame.

We've killed 9 wolves, so I would say there are at worst three left, but I think it's more likely that it's just the two we know about: seer and godfather.

If we kill beer, house, and books, we could be at must-lynch: 7 vs 3, 5 vs 3, 4 vs 2 (unless the neutrals completely screwed us there must be a wolf among them).

I don't think beer or house ever claimed vanilla/non-vanilla yesterday, am I right? If not, I think that they absolutely must do so today under threat of being lynched. We don't have the lynches to burn, our seer is guaranteed to last at least one more day, so there's a 50/50 shot we can confirm one of them if they are a power role.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by I_Like_Beer
yo, aao. Did ya get a peek last night?
no, im running insanely bad at the rand... id have posted it straight away if i did though.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by aao
no, im running insanely bad at the rand... id have posted it straight away if i did though.
ya, you sure are. Winning rand for the first 4 days, and then nothing since! Wow! It's almost unbelievable!

btw, I was looking for your posts about your other peeks. You made this post on day2.

Originally Posted by aao
also, ive left my n1 peek at some point in my d2 posts, likewise my n0 peek is in my d1 posts.

but you need to look hard to find them
(BTW, in white, you say "but you need to look hard to find them"

I couldn't find them. Can you point them out to me plz?

OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by I_Like_Beer
(BTW, in white, you say "but you need to look hard to find them"

I couldn't find them. Can you point them out to me plz?

look again imo... but realise that im not an abc type of ww player so my peeks are probably going to be hidden in my posts.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by aao
look again imo... but realise that im not an abc type of ww player so my peeks are probably going to be hidden in my posts.
I'm not wasting my time looking for them. You are going to have to do that for me.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 10:49 AM
read the capital letters that start each of my posts. i made it even easier by making them read properly when you click on my posts.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by aao
read the capital letters that start each of my posts. i made it even easier by making them read properly when you click on my posts.
Confirmed for esse and senor. Very fancy.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 11:15 AM
Can you point me to your last wolf game?

Can you point me to your last wolf game?
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
Can you point me to your last wolf game?
I found these wolf games:
star wars
These village games:
Lost (NK n1)
Ghostbusters (vanilla, survived to end)
WW2(vig kill early)

I'd recommend that everybody read them and compare them to Beer's posts here.

I'm pretty sure he's a villager
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
I don't think beer or house ever claimed vanilla/non-vanilla yesterday, am I right? If not, I think that they absolutely must do so today under threat of being lynched. We don't have the lynches to burn, our seer is guaranteed to last at least one more day, so there's a 50/50 shot we can confirm one of them if they are a power role.
I think aao's peeks just return vanilla/not. aao, plz confirm.

Which means we can't verify by seer. aao doesn't get to choose his peeks anyways, so claiming doesn't help him.

We will be able to verify if OTI posts their non-vanilla role, which becomes increasingly likely.

I reread my role PM today and I realize that I had misread it yesterday. It probably won't matter, but I'll explain later if it does. I'm not vanilla and will claim my role when OTI posts it.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 12:32 PM
will claim your role when oti posts it?

that seems odd

wouldn't it make more sense to claim it first, then see if OTI posts the same thing?
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 12:43 PM
*** Subbed Out ***

Just letting you know I'm not dead or anything, my computer just totally crashed because of some virus or something. I had to format it and lost every file, and also couldn't install net for several days, because I didn't have any drivers required.

I should have informed about this from friends house, but I've been really busy all week so it just slipped my mind,
my sincere apologies obv.

*** Subbed Out ***
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 01:22 PM
The village will never have a
bigger % of the votes than today, let's get
it right.

housenuts, beer, books:
The villager(s) among you, plz be obvious
villager(s), thx.

If we get the wolf seer, I think we have
to godfather hunt next. No reason to chase
roles that OTI hasn't yet declared.

Thinking about last night...

roll with me here, why did the neutrals
night kill Vaya? Why didn't they share their
peek yesterday? MM1's play got
a villager lynched -- which was effectively
an extra wolf kill.

I wonder if the neutrals peeked the wolf seer,
but kept it to themselves? Vaya was on BEGs
list as a villa seer peek.

I think we can trust what the neutrals said
before yesterday. Yesterday their motivation
was to win, so they were determined not to
piss anybody off. Either team could have
kept them in the game, so diplomacy was the
wise course for them.

Part of me wants to look for neutral / wolf
negotiations ITT yesterday. Part of me just
wants to wolf hunt.

I'm going to take a break from the thread
and work.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 01:23 PM
Morning all, on phone will post more later. I'm vanillager and claimed that yesterday. My only wolf game was star wars. I used force lightning pretty early and was killed. Was neutral in transformers, lost, and cyoa3 after being converted. Was villa in cold war, lotr for d1, and this. Back in an hour. Wdc seems like a better vote than ilb even though his only claim is 8-ball user.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 01:43 PM
Yeah I think it was clear the neutrals were trying their best to help the village, but to seem like they weren't so the wolves wouldn't gun for them.
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 03:18 PM
Hi game
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 03:22 PM
OK. Here's my thoughts working off a couple assumptions:

Everything the neutrals told us was true
One of me, ilb, wdc is wolf seer
The only other wolf is the godfather

We are currently at 10. If we lynch the seer today then tomorrow there are 8 of us to get the godfather.

If we mislynch, the next day there are 6.

If we mislynch twice, then there are only 4 of us and one mislynch leads to a heads up with villager/godfather. Not sure what happens in that situation.

Housenuts - vanillager
ILB - vanillager/wolf seer/gf
WDCBooks - vanillager/wolf seer/gf
aao - seer
Chuckleslovakian - villager/bodyguard/50%angel
chips ahoy - villager/vanillager/gf
luckbox inc - vanillager/gf
scrubbo - villager/bodyguard/50%angel
Senor Cardgage - villager/vanillager/gf
Voracious Reader - villager/bodyguard/50%angel

wdcbooks should be the lynch today.

I assume 50/50 angel protected aao last night, which means aao will probably be killed tonight unless bodyguard protects. It is probably in our best interest to actually claim at this point and organize protection. I don't think claiming will affect wolf kills at all, as wolves are going after power roles, judging by xxaces kill last night and common sense. The more vanillagers alive, the better chance for the godfather.

I recommend angel and bodyguard come out and agree to separate their blocks. Assuming wolves target aao, chuckles, scrubbo, vr - they can each pick 2 of them and rand between them. A certain % of the time the angel should protect on the bodyguards side, because wolves are more likely to target that side to at least get a kill. Some math whiz can work that out.

I'm studying for LSATs and won't be around much more. Will check in every hour or two. I don't know if there's really that much room for discussion at this point anyways. The weekend probably won't be that interesting either aside from the fact that it's Halloween!
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
10-30-2009 , 03:43 PM
OTI's 10kth Invitational WW *GAME THREAD- FPS ISLAND* Quote
