I'll kick things off by thinking of a 4-ish letter acronym. I will type this acronym into google search and record the first result. I'll then post the acronym (but not the top result) here. Players will PM me back a made-up acronym. Obviously it's the honor system that no else will look it up. Once I get all the entries, I'll post them here, along with the actual result, and my own made-up answer, randomized, and all players except me will vote on which they think is the actual answer.
You get a point for every vote for your fake answer, and 2 points for voting for the correct answer. Dasher gets 3 bonus points if no one guesses the real answer. Whoever scores the most points in a round starts the next round.
Round 1: AVDR
If you're playing, just post that you're in, and send me a made-up acronym for the above. Do not look up the above in google, even after you send me your entry. I'll post all entries later tonight, or when I get at least 6 entries. shooting for 6-10 players per round, anyone can play each round.
American Video Distribution Rights
American Veteran Distress Research
Audio/Video Digital Recording
Audio and Video Digital Responder
Autoimmune Virus Disease Resistance
Audiovisual Digital Recording
audio-visually directed remote
Antelope Valley Desert Riders
Post your vote here and once they're all submitted I'll reveal, hopefully tonight.
American Video Distribution Rights -Missle9
American Veteran Distress Research - mikechike
Audio/Video Digital Recording - eyebooger - 1 1/2 votes
Audio and Video Digital Responder - metsandfinsfan
Autoimmune Virus Disease Resistance - kokiri - 1 vote
Audiovisual Digital Recording - D1iabol1cal - 1/2 a vote
audio-visually directed remote - SuqAta8 Antelope Valley Desert Riders - the correct answer - 3 votes
Kokiri didn't spell out his vote so I went ahead and split it between the two players who thought we were playing Sheep.
Standings through round 1:
eyebooger: 3.5
D1iabol1cal: 2.5
metsandfinsfan: 2
kokiri: 1
The rest of us: 0
eyebooger is up. Reminder: it's not a closed game so feel free to jump in.
Got 6 entries, so we'll go. Also included is a fake answer from me and the real answer.
Answer in spoiler tags, ideally within the next 16 hours.
Here they are in alphabetical order:
FanFiction Forum
Fantasy Femmes Fatales
Fast & Furious Five
Federation of Fly Fishers
Feline Fur Foundation
Flying Fox Foundation
Foo Fighters Fanclub
Frequent Fliers Federation