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Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread

04-07-2020 , 09:34 AM

Welcome to the game thread of Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts, 2nd Edition.

  • General ww-rules can be found HERE. Obligatory stuff for newbie players and short term memory veterans.
  • There are no posting restrictions other than you behaving like a normal human being.
  • One deadpost is allowed, without game content ldo. Make us LOL with yours, not frown.
  • Do not talk about role PM, communications with the mod, modkills or subs.
  • There are no claiming restrictions.
  • This game starts Monday April, 13th.
  • SOD/EOD is 08:00-21:00 2+2 server time. Logout and refresh to see how that compares with your local time.

  • This game has been designed by Gabethebabe.
  • This game will be modded by UncleDynamite and Gabethebabe.
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-07-2020 , 09:44 AM
During the day you can move by posting in bold red: Move to [Location]. Furthermore, during Night 0, you get to choose your starting location for day 1. If you don't submit a starting location, we will rand one for you.

  • You may move only if you haven’t moved the last 30 minutes. So if you moved at 12:37, your next move can be at 13:07.
  • If you move before 30 minutes out of your SOD location, you cannot use its location action. If you move to a location during the last 29 minutes of the day, you also cannot use that location action.
  • At the start of the day you are in the location where you left the previous day.
  • At the start of each day, timing is reset. E.g. you can move at :00 at SOD. You cannot complete a work shift over two days.

We recommend you read the location in the post below. If you are too lazy, at least read the Cliffnotes in this post.

  • Hog’s Head. Spend time/money to gain a track, watch or profession peek
  • Classroom. Spend time/money to gain a Nightkill for Night 3 and/or 6.
  • Kitchen. Buy food. You need to eat one meal/day to remain well-fed.
  • Gringotts. Deposit money, withdraw 2 days later with 50% interest. Play the Goblin Lottery.
  • Honeydukes. Work 11h, gain 100 Sickles.
  • Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Work 9h, gain 0, 60, 100 or 160 Sickles, determined randomly.
  • Ollivander's Wand Shop. Work 7h, gain 60 Sickles.
  • Ministry of Magic. Spend 3h, choose one action

There are special locations that you cannot move to yourself:
  • Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. Night location. Only if you have been invited, have accepted the invitation and paid 10 Sickles for the shelter.
  • Azkaban. You don't want to be here. Move out ASAP. The Dementor can put you into Azkaban (you will be informed by PM if this happens to you).
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-07-2020 , 09:52 AM
Ollivander's Wand Shop
In the Wand Shop, you can work 7 hours selling wands and gain 60 Sickles.
During a work shift you have 10% to die of exhaustion, if you are starving.

In Honeydukes, you can work 11 hours selling sweets and gain 100 Sickles.
During a work shift you have 10% to die exhaustion, if you are hungry and 25%, if you are starving.

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
In Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, you can work 9 hours selling joke stuff. You will earn 0, 60, 100 or 160 Sickles, as determined randomly by the mod. The brothers sometimes pay you with joke money!
During a work shift you have 10% to die of exhaustion, if you are hungry and 25%, if you are starving.

To buy food. Everybody starts this game Well-Fed, but if you fail to eat EOD, your nurturing state will go down one step (Well-Fed -> Hungry -> Starving -> Dead).
  • 1x standard meal. 20 Sickles. Prevents your nurturing status from going down at EOD.
  • 3x standard meal. 54 Sickles. A special 10% discount offer. Good for 3 days of food.
  • 1x Treacle Tart. 25 Sickles. This improves your nurturing status immediately (from Hungry to Well-Fed or from Starving to Hungry). You still need your standard meal at EOD.

To invest your money and to play the Goblin Lottery.
  • When you are in Gringotts, you may deposit any even amount of Sickles
  • This money will be untouchable for exactly 2 game days.
  • After that you may return to Gringotts and withdraw with 50% interest.
  • Your money will not grow further, but you can deposit again after withdrawing.
  • In Gringotts you can buy Goblin Lottery numbers at 10 Sickles each. At EOD there will be a rand and the winner takes all + 10 additional Sickles.

The Hog’s Head
Spend time/money to try and gain a night action: Track, Watch or Profession Peek.
  • While in the Hog's Head, you may PM the mod spending money.
  • When you leave the Hog's Head, please PM the mods with an ordered list of the three available night actions (Track, Watch and Profession Peek).
  • At the end of every day, night actions are handed out, depending on the amount of paying customers that day:
    • 0-3 customers: Nothing is awarded
    • 4-6 customers: one NA
    • 7-9 customers: two NAs
    • 10 or more customers: all 3 NAs
  • Winner(s) will be decided by weighed rand, based on their [Time*Money] spent. Every customer participates in that rand.

The Classroom
In the classroom professor Severus Snape will be teaching Defense against the Dark Arts. The more time you spend and the more school material you buy, the better your chance to learn a killing spell!
While in the Classroom, you may PM the mod spending money.
At the end of day 3 a NK will be rewarded to a player that has visited the Classroom every day 1-3. The winner will be determined by rand and the bigger the sum of your [Time*Money] spent in those 3 days, the better your chances to win.
This process repeats day 4-6. For Night 6 also a NK will be rewarded.

Ministry of Magic
In this slow, bureaucratic office you can perform several actions. Each action takes you 3h to complete. You cannot perform several actions simultaneously.
  • New profession. Cost = 0. You randomly receive one of the professions that has been randed out at the start of the game. Your previous profession will be lost forever (this will not be public info). The stock of professions is limited, no profession can enter the game twice.
  • LITCUC (LIcense To Cast Unforgivable Curses). Cost = 10 Sickles. If you wish to cast an Unforgivable Curse, you will first need to get a LITCUC.
  • Basic Health Insurance. Cost = 10 Sickles. Acquire health insurance for a day of your choice. If you are critically wounded that day and Poppy Pomfrey is alive, she will be forced to treat you that night (unless she chooses to treat another insured player).
  • Premium Health Insurance. Cost = 30 Sickles. Acquire a premium health insurance for a day of your choice. If you are critically wounded that day, a medical expert from out of town will heal you.
  • Paper Work. You can help with archiving documents and earn 20 Sickles. No player may complete more than one paperwork shift/day.
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-07-2020 , 09:53 AM
Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix (HQ)
This is a location that cannot be visited during the day and it will remain open for as long as Kreacher is alive. He shelters people in the HQ to make an extra buck for himself. It is a well guarded safe haven for the guests, unless the guests end up fighting amongst themselves.
  • Kreacher gets to invite people (not himself) through the mod to spend the night in the HQ.
  • You accept an invitation to the HQ, by paying 10 Sickles to Kreacher.
  • The first 4 players that accept will be sheltered that night.
  • Sheltered players can only target and be targeted by night actions from other guests, this includes the wolf team NK.
  • Kreacher may target anyone in the game and only be targeted from outside the HQ.
  • If a player is killed in the HQ during the night, Kreacher will be fined 50 Sickles. If he cannot pay, he will lose all his money and the HQ will close.

  • You cannot move to this location, but the Dementor can put you here.
  • Azkaban time is simply lost time. You should move ASAP after being allowed to leave.
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-11-2020 , 01:08 PM
You can buy spells any time of the day. To be able to cast Unforgivable Curses (AK, Crucio) you need a LITCUC. After buying a spell, you may cast it any day, by sending a PM to the mod with the name of your target. The first and last hour of the day no spells may be cast.

Be aware that the Spelltracker (Albus Dumbledore) will learn about cast AKs (Strength, time and name of the caster).

Crucio80 Sickles18% critically wound
Very weak AK80 Sickles10% kill, 10% critically wound
Weak AK150 Sickles20% kill, 20% critically wound
Sectumsempra200 Sickles30% kill, can only be cast at night
AK210 Sickles30% kill, 30% critically wound
Strong AK260 Sickles40% kill, 40% critically wound
Very strong AK300 Sickles50% kill, 50% critically wound

A critically wounded player:
  • Cannot spend money
  • Cannot perform day/night/location actions
  • Cannot gain NAs in the Hog's Head or Classroom
  • Cannot start working
  • Can move
  • Can cast spells that were already bought
  • Gets paid for work in progress (labor insurance)
  • Dies at the end of the following night, unless (s)he was healed.
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-11-2020 , 01:10 PM
Every player will have a unique profession and character. Below is the list of 32 possible professions. The purple professions are guaranteed to be in the game on Night 0. The Harry Potter character is guaranteed to be assigned to a vanilla villager. All other professions have been subjected to a pure rand. E.g. Ron and Dumbledore could be wolves and Voldemort could be a villager.

Angel (Harry Potter)
  • During the day players may request being angeled by you (by sending a PM to JK Rowling)
  • At end of day you will receive the names of the players that want to be angeled (and have at least 20 Sickles)
  • You may choose one player. That player will pay 20 Sickles to you and cannot be killed that night
  • You may angel yourself (this is free), but may not angel the same player two times in a row.

Angeltracker (Ron Weasley)
  • At the end of every night, you will learn who was angeled by the Angel (Harry Potter) that night.

Cook (Dobby)
  • You cannot work anywhere
  • You can buy meals in the kitchen with 50% discount
  • At EOD you gain 20% of the money that was made in the Kitchen. This increases to 40% day 3 and 60% day 5
  • Every night, starting night 1, you may choose a player. That player receives one standard meal for free. You may not choose the same player two times in a row or yourself.

Barman (Aberforth Dumbledore)
  • You cannot work anywhere
  • When you spend time in the Hog's Head, 10 Sickles or one hour is added for free to your contribution, whichever is the most profitable.
  • At EOD you gain half of the money that was made in the Hog’s Head. Starting day 3 this increases to 75%.

Spelltracker (Albus Dumbledore)
  • When an AK is cast, you will learn when this happened, the identity of the caster and the spell's strength.

Bureaucrat (Dolores Umbridge)
  • Every night, starting night 1, you may choose a player. That player cannot work anywhere the following day (and be aware of this)
  • You may not choose the same player two times in a row.

Pacifist (Hermione Granger)
  • Every night, starting night 1, you may choose a player. That player cannot cast spells the following day (and be aware of this)
  • You may not choose the same player two times in a row.

Shelterer (Kreacher)
  • During the day you may invite any number of players to spend the night in the HQ, but not yourself
  • Upon accepting the invitation, guests pay you a 10 Sickles fee
  • When four invitations have been accepted, the rest of the invitations are null and void.
  • The list of guests will be made public at end of day
  • During that night, HQ guests can only target and be targeted by other guests
  • During the night, you may target anyone,but can only be targeted from outside the HQ.
  • If a player is killed in the HQ, you will lose 50 Sickles. If you have less, you lose your money and shelter ability.

Jailer (Dementor)
  • Every day, starting day 1, you may apprehend a player that is in the Classroom or the Hog's Head for at least 30 minutes and transfer him/her to Azkaban.
  • You may not choose the same player two days in a row.

Healer (Poppy Pomfrey)
  • Every night, starting night 1, you may heal one critically wounded player. You will receive a list of eligible players at EOD.
  • If one or more critically wounded players have basic health insurance, you are forced to heal one of them.
  • You will take half of that player's money, rounded up.
  • You cannot heal yourself

Teacher (Severus Snape)
  • When you spend time in the Classroom, 10 Sickles or one hour is added for free to your contribution, whichever is the most profitable.
  • You will learn which player performs the Classroom NK.

Drunk (Winky)
  • When you work, you receive half wages.
  • Your Hog's Head time counts triple.
  • When you gain a night action in the Hog's Head, it will hit a random target 50% of the time.

Gambler (Ludovic Bagman)
  • You may organize bets between you and another player for an agreed amount of money.
  • Winner is determined in public by odd/even post number method. The name of the other player will not be public. Please inform the mod after every flip.
  • You will receive a gimmick account, with severe posting restrictions, to run your gambling business.
  • If you buy Goblin Lottery tickets, your probability to win will be doubled.

Pickpocket (Mundungus Fletcher)
  • One time per day, you may rob a player. You will steal all money of that player.
  • Your winnings by stealing are capped to 100 Sickles for the entire game.
  • You cannot work and steal during the same day.
  • You cannot change profession.

Snatcher (Fenrir Greyback)
  • When you cast a spell and it hits, you gain a bounty of 100 Sickles.

Minister of Magic (Cornelius Fudge)
  • When you spend 3h in the Ministry of Magic, you may perform two different actions simultaneously.
  • You cannot die of exhaustion while working.

Wand Shop Manager (Garrick Ollivander)
  • You gain an extra 20 Sickles working a shift in the Wand Shop.

Honeydukes Manager (Ambrosius Flume)
  • You gain an extra 20 Sickles working a shift in Honeydukes.

Banker (Griphook)
  • You receive 100% interest in Gringotts.

Ghost (Nearly-Headless Nick)
  • You do not need to eat.

Joke Shop Manager (George Weasley)
  • When you work @ WWW, you may choose between one of 4 improved payout schedules: #SAFE (7-7-10-16), #FUZERO (0-12-12-16), #FIFTYFIFTY (0-6-17-17) and #YOLO (0-6-10-24).
  • Mod will determine randomly which of the 4 payouts in the chosen schedule is applied.

Dueler (Gellert Grindelwalt)
  • When you cast a spell, you will have 25% more probability to hit.

Animagus (Sirius Black)
  • You can move silently (PM to the mod). Mod note: you may still move publicly.
  • Spells targeting you have 80% of their normal hit probability

Auror (Mad-Eye Moody)
  • You receive 20% discount on spell purchases.

Philanthropist (Lucius Malfoy)
  • Every night, starting night 1, you may choose a player. That player receives 20 Sickles.
  • You may not choose the same player two times in a row or yourself.

Retired Citizen (Horace Slughorn)
  • You start the game with 100 Sickles.
  • You cannot change profession.

Dark Wizard (Lord Voldemort)
  • You don’t need no stinkin' LITCUC to cast Unforgivable Curses.
  • Once per day, when you visit the Kitchen, you scare the house elves into giving you one standard meal for free.

Spoiled kid (Draco Malfoy)
  • At the start of every day, your daddy will refill your pocket to 70 Sickles.
  • You cannot work anywhere.

Thief (Vincent Crabbe)
  • Every night, starting night 1, you may steal up to 20 Sickles from a player.
  • You may not choose the same player two times in a row.

Bodyguard (Kingsley Shacklebolt)
  • Every night, starting night 1, you may choose a player to protect
  • That player cannot be apprehended by the Jailer (Dementor), stolen from by the Pickpocket (Mundungus Fletcher), banned from working by the Bureaucrat (Dolores Umbridge) or banned from spellcasting by the Pacifist (Hermione Granger) for that night and the following day
  • If you successfully block such profession action, you will learn the identity and role (but not affiliation) of the player that tried to execute it
  • You may not choose the same player two times in a row or yourself.

Strong Worker (Rubeus Hagrid)
  • When you work a shift in one of the three working places, you earn an extra 10 Sickles.

Spy (Rita Skeeter)
  • At the end of every night, you learn which players have gained which night actions in the Hog's Head
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-11-2020 , 01:13 PM
The game starts with 27 players. The village team (20) consists of 18 vanillagers, a 1-time vigilante and an affiliation seer. The wolf team (7) consists of 5 vanilla wolves, a roleblocker and a 1-time day vigilante. Every player starts the game with 40 Sickles, unless their profession states otherwise.

The role PM’s are below:
Playername, you are character name, the Village Seer. Your profession is XXX. You start the game with 40 Sickles. Every night, starting night 0, you may choose a player to peek. You will learn the affiliation of that player. You win the game by eliminating all the wolves.
Playername, you are character name, the Village 1-time Vigilante. Your profession is XXX. You start the game with 40 Sickles. On night 2, you may choose a player to kill. You win the game by eliminating all the wolves.
Playername, you are character name, a vanilla Villager. Your profession is XXX. You start the game with 40 Sickles. You win the game by eliminating all the wolves.
Playername, you are character name, the Wolf Roleblocker. Your profession is XXX. You start the game with 40 Sickles. Every night, starting night 1, you may choose a player. The night actions of that player will be voided. You win the game by achieving parity with the village.
Playername, you are character name, the Wolf 1-time Day Vigilante. Your profession is XXX. You start the game with 40 Sickles. Once in the game, but not during the first or last hour of the day, you may choose a player to kill during the day. You win the game by achieving parity with the village.
Playername, you are character name, a vanilla Wolf. Your profession is XXX. You start the game with 40 Sickles. You win the game by achieving parity with the village.
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-11-2020 , 01:14 PM
Player roster (27)
2+2 account
Sun Tzu
xander biscuits
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-12-2020 , 05:22 AM
  • All role PMs have been sent out yesterday.
  • If you do not read your role PM and have not posted yet at 3h before EOD, expect to be subbed and berated.
  • Please send us a PM when you use a location action
  • Please note the times you move and avoid illegal moves.
  • While you work in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, send us a PM to learn your wages. When you learn your wages, you cannot move out until the shift ends, also if your wages = 0.
  • Please send us a PM when you wish to be a candidate for the angel of Harry Potter that night
  • Please send us a PM with your list of NAs in preferred order when you spend time&money in the Hog's Head

Quiz answers, your start location and night actions are due 1 h before SOD.

Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 04:01 AM
Start of day in 4h
Night Actions still open for 3h

If you don't submit your starting location, one will be randed (no big deal if you are present SOD).

Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 07:05 AM
1. If you want to buy a LITCUC, where can't you complete a workshift on the same day?
a. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
b. Ministry of Magic
c. Honeydukes
d. Ollivander's Wand Shop

Correct answer: c. The day has 13 hours and getting a LITCUC costs 3h. Cannot work 11h in Honeydukes

2. You can buy 3 standard meals at discount. On day 1, which of the following characters is the most likely to do so?
a. Dobby
b. Nearly-Headless Nick
c. Aberforth Dumbledore
d. Lord Voldemort

Correct answer: a. Nearly Headless Nick doesn't need to eat, Aberforth Dumbledore will not have the required 54 Sickles on day 1 and Lord Voldemort can get food for free.

3. A Crucio strategy becomes a valid option for the wolves, if which role is randed to them?
a. Albus Dumbledore
b. Poppy Pomfrey
c. Sirius Black
d. Fenrir Greyback

Correct answer: b. Crucios are quite inefficient, but with Poppy Pomfrey in their ranks at least the wolves know it is unlikely a villager will recover from being critically wounded.

4. The Classroom kill is a double edged knife. What is the biggest problem for the wolves to freely shoot a clear villager?
a. Severus Snape being a villager
b. A villager gaining a Track in the Hog's Head
c. A villager gaining a Watch in the Hog's Head
d. Harry Potter being a villager

Correct answer: a. All are potential problems, but if Snape is a live villager, the wolves basically cannot shoot freely.

5. Which player can fire off an AK without previously visiting the Ministry of Magic?
a. Sirius Black
b. Lord Voldemort
c. Albus Dumbledore
d. Cornelius Fudge

Correct answer: b. Lord Voldemort doesn't need no friggin' LITCUC to cast an AK.

6. A player moves to Gringotts 20 minutes before EOD. Which of the following is true?
a. He can deposit money on that day
b. He can deposit money on that day, if he is Griphook
c. He can deposit money the next day at :00, if he doesn't move out the first 30 minutes of the day
d. He can deposit money the next day at :00, if he doesn't move out the first 10 minutes of the day

Correct answer: c. Cannot use an location action when you move there the last 29 minutes of the day. The 20 minutes you spent do not carry over to the next day. There is no choice but to stick around for 30 minutes at SOD.

7. Draco Malfoy is pretty good at:
a. A spell strategy
b. A working strategy
c. Hoarding NA's in the Hog's Head and/or Classroom
d. None of the above

Correct answer: c. Draco doesn't have a lot of cash, but he has oodles of time that he can spend drinking and/or learning, while others need to work.

8. Which of the following statements is only partly true?
a. If I get randed Seer, I hope to be Harry Potter, so I can angel my peeked villagers
b. If I get randed Seer, I hope to be Sirius Black, so spells have less % to hit me
c. If I get randed Seer, I hope to be Cornelius Fudge, so I can efficiently buy Health Insurance
d. If I get randed Seer, I hope to be Lucius Malfoy, so I can donate money to peeked villagers

Correct answer: a. Can only angel peeked villagers if they are kind enough to present themselves. With the last minute roleset change, this combination is even impossible.

9. Which role would the wolves be very happy with in their team, but probably exchange at the Ministry ASAP?
a. Harry Potter
b. Kreacher
c. Albus Dumbledore
d. Severus Snape

Correct answer: c. Wolves have uses for all abilities, except Dumbledore's. His ability is useless for them. Answer a became illegal with the late minute roleset change.

10. If you are planning to spend 50 Sickles and 5 hours in the Classroom, what is the best strategy?
a. Pay 50 Sickles upon entering
b. Pay 50 Sickles upon leaving
c. Pay 10 Sickles every hour
d. Doesn't matter at all

Correct answer: c. A decent answer is d and gets you 0.5 point. The best answer is c, due to the ability of the Dementor. To mitigate the impact of his ability on you, the best strategy is to gradually spend your money.
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 07:07 AM
2+2 accountMinistry
biggerboatWand shop
jcohenWand shop
OnuzqHog's Head
Sun TzuKitchen
xander biscuitsMinistry

This is the one and only time you will receive information from me about players and locations.

Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:01 AM
first? Get rekt wolves
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:01 AM

It is day!
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:02 AM
(sorry for lateness, if anyone moves at :01, it will count as a :00 move)
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:02 AM
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:02 AM
Sup mudbloods
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:02 AM
just kill me now lol
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:03 AM
mine is the legit first. i saw iraisetoomuch post, but he jumped the gun. o well, better luck next time
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:03 AM
Day 1: Automated Votals from #16 to #19

Not voting (27): 2+2 account (0), biggerboat (0), Charry (0), confirmedtroll (0), Duckburg (0), filthyvermin (0), Gadarene (0), housenuts (0), iraisetoomuch (1), jcohen (0), johnny_on_the_spot (0), Jsmith27 (1), Kawamii (0), KingWiggles (1), Lissa2 (0), MarkoRaj (0), metsandfinsfan (0), Montecore (0), Onuzq (0), ShipItUp (0), Sun Tzu (0), tedxtr (0), TheNothing (0), Viggorous (0), xander biscuits (0), Yawn (0), younguns87 (0)

Phase ends in 12h56m.

<Beta v0.1.8>
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by KingWiggles
Sup mudbloods
really happy we have the amount of wolves given to us in the OP. this is the first bigger game weve played where it seems like almost a real WW game, not a kill fest

(those abyss spells really cost us last game, its why i told villagers to play for peeks not kills)

Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
just kill me now lol
yo, not yet. have you been playing any poker? ive been grinding on black chip poker tournies since the world shut down. players seem bad... but i havent won in those high leverage flips deep in tournies, o well
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:05 AM
I'm keeping a spreadsheet of everyone's moves, will share occasionally.
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:05 AM
so im working for the next 11 hours to grind out my money, then im gonna get dinner at the kitchen and ill go gringotts and put my money in savings, i think that seems pretty ideal
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by KingWiggles
Sup mudbloods
Mr. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people’s business.

And hi!
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
04-13-2020 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by Jsmith27
yo, not yet. have you been playing any poker? ive been grinding on black chip poker tournies since the world shut down. players seem bad... but i havent won in those high leverage flips deep in tournies, o well
Nah, just working a lot and getting the house ready for the upcoming kid
Once Upon A Time In Pogwarts II Game Thread Quote
