Originally Posted by bobman0330
Sometimes I would take my old cat to the park, and as soon as I let her out, she would scramble frantically to get back into her cage. Sometimes, if she was feeling very daring, she would leave her cage and hide under a bush until it was time to leave.
We didn't go to the park too often.
My cat has been outside 3 or 4 times. A few were on the deck of our apartment. He would just go outside and just sit there or walk around. Nothing exciting and it was enclosed. The other was when I drove across the country. The first day I stopped a couple times, put him on a leash and setup his litter box. He did nothing but try to hide as much as he could and was clearly scared as hell. After that I decided that he would be better off staying in his crate while we were driving and doing his thing only once we got to our hotel.