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OR is now single :( OR is now single :(

10-24-2008 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by reno expat
my new favorite POG mod
POG is full of old nits
10-24-2008 , 04:28 PM
OR: go listen to Bitches Aint **** and mentally replace any instance of the word 'bitch' with 'dude'
10-24-2008 , 04:29 PM
your post would be auto-deleted by any mod in any forum and any bit of common sense would have told you not to post it
10-24-2008 , 04:35 PM
i'm grunching here, but this thread has about a 0% chance of ending well.
10-24-2008 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by voyamatarte
POG is full of old nits
In any other 2+2 forum, I'd be geriatric. In POG, I'm merely middle aged
10-24-2008 , 04:42 PM
********* TILT TILT TILT TILT **************

I love how A POKER FORUM is the media in which I find out crucial information about my sister......

Why don't you give me a call? Or better yet, I'll call you from the car on my way to work.
10-24-2008 , 04:43 PM

As far as I know, you're not single. Whaddaya say?

Seriously, breakups suck (I would know seeing as I'm going through a rather bad one myself) but they don't mean _you_ suck. About post 25, you may be bitter and resentful but I can say with total certainty that you are not horrible, and with near certainty you won't die alone. So keep your head up. Any girl willing to take a photo of the Washington Monument between her legs has to be pretty awesome in my book.


P.S. If the answer to the first sentence is "Yes," I wasn't kidding, LOL.
10-24-2008 , 04:44 PM
I'll fight bucky to the death for you BTW.
10-24-2008 , 04:45 PM
P.S my advice is the same. Go to youtube and search Carrie Underwood's "The more boys I meet, the more I love my dog." Except you don't have a dog, so that might make you double sad. Well, here's a little guy:

10-24-2008 , 04:48 PM
Sorry to hear this OR. But at least you can make a game out of it.

Which pogger should OR date?
10-24-2008 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by White Lightning
********* TILT TILT TILT TILT **************

I love how A POKER FORUM is the media in which I find out crucial information about my sister......

Why don't you give me a call? Or better yet, I'll call you from the car on my way to work.
That's nothing. KM used to find out about my sex life through here. So std.
10-24-2008 , 04:49 PM
Oh, I nominate Soah BTW.
10-24-2008 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Cueballmania
Which pogger should OR date?

(One word, two letters, such exciting sexual implications ...)
10-24-2008 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by antidan444

(One word, two letters, such exciting sexual implications ...)
annnnnnnnnd dan proves me right
10-24-2008 , 04:54 PM
I did?
10-24-2008 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kyro
That's nothing. KM used to find out about my sex life through here. So std.
I'm not sure "std" is the right abbreviation for this occasion.

I'm so mad at myself for not posting "In before Dan" in this thread
10-24-2008 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by kyro
i'm grunching here, but this thread has about a 0% chance of ending well.
Oh, this.

I'm A) having fun and B) trying to cheer OR up. That's all.
10-24-2008 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Cueballmania
Sorry to hear this OR. But at least you can make a game out of it.

Which pogger should OR date?
POG Dating Game would be pretty sick. Pencil in a mid-January start date? We could have gimmick accounts and everything.

EDIT: to clarify, I'm not creepy or anything, so I would be /out.
10-24-2008 , 04:56 PM
oh hunny... u need love , we will take care of u, OR
10-24-2008 , 04:57 PM
i never liked res.. }:-(

( ^^^^ should be noted that this is for lolz purposes only)
10-24-2008 , 04:57 PM
I'd offer to be your rebound OR, but I don't think that would end too well (for me, not for you)
10-24-2008 , 04:57 PM
Ive always wanted to mod a POG bachelorete game btw...
10-24-2008 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by JennFox
i never liked res.. }:-( the text in white in the op jenn....
10-24-2008 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by antidan444
I'll fight bucky to the death for you BTW.
game on imo.. I like me in round 1
10-24-2008 , 04:58 PM
I kind of thought res was dope.
