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08-23-2009 , 11:05 AM
ranking of villageryness:

andrex puppy
(guinnessz omitted)

yeah, a few changes.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 11:13 AM
djstu and those above are at least villa leans.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Chatterbox
Ugh, sixfour has sowed doubt in my mind again.
I mean that's good if he's a villager. So not really ugh.

But ugh in that there are many times where my gut says they're a wolf then I think myself out of it. It feels bad, like when you're taking a test and you had the right answer but you erase it and put another answer (but your original answer was correct)


AAO has also won me over. Where does that leave me?

Sixfour and AAO are off my wolf list.

My top three wolves: Well, let me put it this way, I guess; my top three wolves are AAO's top three wolves.

Let's roll with DJSTU who blatantly showed up once being accused by AAO
wolf points for chatterbox since I showed up half an hour after AAO posted his ssod.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 12:20 PM
sigh, at least we're taking wickets now
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08-23-2009 , 12:21 PM
Also that post feels sort of forced to me
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08-23-2009 , 12:42 PM
count coming
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 12:47 PM
Guiness is being subbed out.

He will be replaced by one of two people that offered to sub in, whichever replys to my PM first.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:00 PM
[1]aao v guinnes
[4]Andrex v chatterbox
birdman v 64
[1]bsball v WDC
[1]Chatterbox v djstu
chips v Scrubbo
[1]djstu v andrex
G1982 v scrubbo
[1]guinnes v
kokiri v andrex
[1]LC v 64
MinusEV v
MrsButton v 64
Nicholasp27 v bsball
OnThInIcE911 v Andrex
[2]scrubbo v
[3]sixfour v andrex
wahoo v LC
[1]wdcbooks v aao

alert me of errors
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:03 PM
i think andrex is a silly vote...

however, i also think guinnes is a silly vote now too. he's getting subbed out so we should let his sub speak for a while before deciding to lynch him.

im liking the djstu vote but will put in some more work before voting.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:12 PM
I am about to leave to go to the hospital for something unplanned (nothing serious, will explain later).

I may not be around to call night, and have not done a write-up yet so no-one else can do a reveal.

Please call night yourselfs at 10 if I'm not here, and I will reveal roles asap after night.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:14 PM
I will be around to call night.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by aao
i think andrex is a silly vote...
why? bearing in mind that it'll be hard to actually get a wagon on djstu moving seeing how nobody's here

actually worried that someone might snipe me, seeing how those on me already aren't here and probably won't move if they are, trying to shove a new player now would be suicidal unless they were a seer-peeked wolf
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:36 PM
sixfour, who do you want to see lynched?
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
sixfour, who do you want to see lynched?
i want to see mrsbutton lynched, but would settle for andrex
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:49 PM
As implied by my earlier post,
I don't want to lynch any of these people:
andrex puppy

Which leaves as acceptable to me:

With scrubbo #1
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:49 PM
oh i forgot mrs button was still in the game

he/she was really pushing the zhaorx wagon, right?
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
why? bearing in mind that it'll be hard to actually get a wagon on djstu moving seeing how nobody's here

actually worried that someone might snipe me, seeing how those on me already aren't here and probably won't move if they are, trying to shove a new player now would be suicidal unless they were a seer-peeked wolf
why? because hes an obvious villa in this game, that's why.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
oh i forgot mrs button was still in the game

he/she was really pushing the zhaorx wagon, right?
he, and yes.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by aao
why? because hes an obvious villa in this game, that's why.

out for a couple of hours, please to not do anything really stupid like yesterday if i'm somehow not back
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:54 PM
okay, so given that guinnes is not going to be lynched today... and a djstu wagon isnt going to happen, the general idea is to lynch mrsbuttons for his wagon drive on zhoarx?

if he was pushing it really hard and then has gone UTR then yeah, that's pretty wolfy...
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:58 PM
Reread of chatterbox:

day 1


Standard 1st post, seems pretty honest.


States that 64 is obviously a villager.


response to wahoo saying #106 was very 1st level thinking, tongue in cheek.


1st post he's made that can really be analyzed, says that andrewx is the most obvious villager in history (2nd time he's used that phrase). Votes guinessz due to a post where he questions andrex and AAO, quotes another post of guinessz which he says is a clever wolf tactic to not get voted.

End of day one, summary: He seems very quick to make all or nothing assumptions based on very little evidence. Granted this is day 1, so it's not like there's much evidence going around, so I'm not sure what to make of it yet. His defense of andrewx I find odd, the same way I find AAO's odd, because andrewx could easily have been told in d1 wolfchat to ask nub questions and not be UTR by a more experienced wolf. I believe -EV mentioned this as well. Chatter/AAO could easily be brother wolves attempting to sell the cover, so to speak, though I think they've been a bit too vocal about it for it to be very likely (AAO at least, chatter if I remember correctly hasn't piped up in andrewx's defense lately)

day 2


Comments on a couple posts of LC's


gives us our 1st list of reads from him and a sixfour vote because he "agrees with soah", which would be parroting except I know from memory he goes much more indepth later on. Him leaving semper on the wolf list was odd, but I actually think that gives him village points. A wolf would be more careful about his posts and have caught that.


Now this I find wolfy, he assigns LC to his village list (after calling him out on a inconsistancy) after LC backtracks and says he doesn't really believe himself. I don't see how this would give chatter a villager read on LC, normally inconsistancies and waffling on reads are wolfy characteristics.


Throwaway post, nothing to see.


Another wolfy post, for a few reasons. One, he unvotes sixfour for reasons I'm not entirely sure of (I don't know what he means by take the cake), which would be innocent if he didn't swing back to sixfour in a major way at the EOD. Two, he makes another screwup on his lists and votes Wahoo, a villager read, and says it's likely to be his final vote. One list screwup could be simply that, a screwup, but 2 in a row makes it more likely to be a strategy. He also comes out in defense of Zhaorx, but very weakly, simply saying he's a bad wagon. I would expect a villager who truly believed Zhaorx was villa to actually try and convince people to get off that wagon, especially if it was likely that chatter wasn't going to return, instead he simply says it's bad and then leaves which looks like a wolf trying to score cheap villa points.

-Aside: There is quite a bit of chatter on chatterbox after this series of posts, most being that he's a possible wolf, which might have influenced chatter's return at the EOD to go after sixfour (if he wasn't being discussed, and was a wolf, I'd expect him to quietly let night come and go)


Explains why he's not around much during the day. Says that him being around at the EOD on d2 is an "abnormality" (possibly giving him excuses to let the EOD float by quietly in the future without making noise, wolfy tactic imo), and again gives a very opinionated and empty defense of Z. I have the same thoughts on this as I had before.


Unvotes wahoo, gives a consistant reason for it when compared to previous posts. Though his willingness to blindly follow soah is annoying me.


Says officedog is clearly a villager for a post extremely similar to the one guinessz left (both basically saying to go ahead and lynch them). I find it weird that for one he says it's an obvious wolf tactic, and the other is an obvious villager comment.

He then makes a throwaway vote for AAO based on him not doing the ssod yet (it's day 2, even if it had been done it would have been essentially worthless due to lack of good data), and again defends Z with a bit more of an argument than before. Though he seems to know it's weak and that he has no chance of derailing the wagon. Which is odd seeing as he makes a very concerted effort to derail the wagon when he goes after 64 later on, and almost succeeds. Again this looks like a wolf trying to earn villa points cheaply by defending somebody he knows is villa, but not hard enough to actually stop the mislynch.


another list of reads, not that much to talk about.


His case against sixfour, posted 4 minutes before EOD (he says 10 which I believe it was when he started typing the post), much too late to have a very likely chance to stop the wagon.

His case itself has a few odd notes to it, he tries to make sixfour look inconsistant by quoting some posts where sixfour is varying degress of certain and uncertain, the problem being that the subject of sixfour's posts is frequently different so 64 being certain about one read and somewhat unsure of another makes perfect sense. The meat of it is based on a phrased used by 64 that chatter claims is wolf speak, I don't particularly agree with this but I'm not as well versed on wolf tells as other people.

In any case the primary thing I take out of this is that it comes simply too late in the day to have a good shot at derailing the Zhaorx wagon. I don't think chatterbox really intended to stop the Zhaorx mislynch


votes 64 2 minutes before EOD


Gives more evidence against 64 1 minute before EOD


And odd throwaway post at 5 PM, one would think he would be still trying to push 64 over Zhaorx since he believes 64 is a wolf and Zhaorx isn't, but he doesn't.

End of day 2, summary: His series of posts early on in the day definitely give him wolf points, but most of what I wanted to say about them I already have. Instead I want to focus on his EOD posts. I backtracked the timestamps to see if there was anything there. Chatter made post #770 at 4:37, post #781 at 4:45, post #804 at 4:56. The point I'm trying to make is, why did he wait so long to go after 64? 770 had some merit to it, but it could have been stuck on at the END of post 804 and still had the same impact. 781 was an almost entire waste of time, by chatterbox's own admission he doesn't expect it to make an impact in the least. So why did he spend precious time at the EOD posting it? We know from past posts he suspected 64, had he made post 801 around 4:40 it would have given people enough time to react and change their votes if persuaded, but instead he chose to waste time and post it at the last possible moment where it was very unlikely that it would affect anything.

Nothing about this looks to me like he was really trying to stop the Zhaorx wagon as a villager in his position would.

day 3:


Continues to push 64, also makes a comment about how he would kill soah d1 no matter what soah says about him (basically saying it's a null tell). My memory is saying this same topic came up earlier and that chatter had a different take on it, but I could very easily be wrong and it's hard to backcheck in this post since I don't have the links handy. If somebody could see if I'm right it would be appreciated.


Quotes something from officedog and says it's clearly the peek, I agree so not much to see.


Response to a question about his participation. I believe his reasons in general and don't think anything can be drawn by them except for what I've mentioned earlier about the EOD.


Another list of reads, not much seems out of place. He says the LC "I don't believe...." is a villager tell which would explain his earlier conclusion.


A rather conversational post, nothing stands out.


See above.


Questions AAO as to why he hasn't put out the spreadsheet yet. Can't really draw much from this interaction since I haven't played with either of them before.


Asks OTI why he thinks he's wolfy


Response to OTI's response, don't know what to make of it really.


Says he will be gone sat


Returns today, waffles on 64, votes me for a BS reason. AAO is somehow off his list after posting the ssod, which doesn't make sense because AAO was on his list in the first place because he dragged his feet in doing it. Why does AAO succumbing to peer pressure (so to speak) clear him?


Backtracks a bit on his andrewx is an obvious villager read

Which brings us too the present, I'll post closing thoughts once I have iced down my shoulder.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 02:00 PM
one other quick thing:

unvote andrewx, I still very much suspect him of being a wolf but I'm not entirely sure I want to lynch him today.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 02:01 PM
guess whos back
back again
andrex's back
tell some men
rub my back rub my back
rub my back rub my back
nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by djstu
one other quick thing:

unvote andrewx, I still very much suspect him of being a wolf but I'm not entirely sure I want to lynch him today.
Originally Posted by Andrex Puppy
guess whos back
back again
andrex's back
tell some men
rub my back rub my back
rub my back rub my back
nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah.
Although the urge to do it is rising.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-23-2009 , 02:05 PM
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
