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North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade)

08-20-2009 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Scrubbo
i don't like the whole policy lynch thing either though i see a lot of people do it regardless of role.

i don't really have a strong opinion about either of the 2 but i gotta go now

vote wahoopride
If I was a wolf with one of Semper and Zhorax and Wahoo was a villager, this is what I would post too. (Is that too much of a stretch?)
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by G1982
I agree with nearly everything in this post - but why Semper over Zhorax? I have seen nothing villagery from Zhorax and his vote on me on the first page following Soah was pretty wolfy.
Zhoarx i'm conflicted on because his tone is a bit weird, but his reaction to me on p1 was a little villagey and i don't really have anything wolfy on him, whereas i think semper is a legit good lynch
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 03:43 PM
I am sooooo lost. Please bear with me while I try to figure out who's on first.

I'm beginning to think a spreadsheet might be in order for this game.
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08-20-2009 , 03:46 PM
i've been very villagery. i've found some wolves and found some supercleared villagers
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 03:48 PM
i'm of the opinion that lynching zhao would be epically bad here
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08-20-2009 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
No, he's a mod and not a player so he's not encouraging that at all.

I just found his way of quoting the "participation-clause" along with a list of the posters who had less than 10 posts a bit pointless and so I pointed it out. Don't worry about it though - it's just me being a bit grumpy
actually i was talking about you and your interpretation of it.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by zhaorx
i've been very villagery. i've found some wolves and found some supercleared villagers
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 03:53 PM
I think the wolves are Birdman, Scubbo, Zhorax, Chatterbox and Soah. I would be interested to know anyone's opinion on how many I got right.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by G1982
super cleared villagers: me, kokiri, 64, buttons, soah

wolfs: u, wahoo, semper, last chance, + a newbie
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by G1982
I think the wolves are Birdman, Scubbo, Zhorax, Chatterbox and Soah. I would be interested to know anyone's opinion on how many I got right.
you might have birdman right.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 03:58 PM
lol - looking at our reads, I am nearly 100% sure that Zhorax and me are on seperate teams and probably at least one of us is reading the wrong thread!
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by G1982
I think the wolves are Birdman, Scubbo, Zhorax, Chatterbox and Soah. I would be interested to know anyone's opinion on how many I got right.
yes, because we can take a stab at an entire wolf team on day 1, and call out someone who's made a grand total of four posts. so are you saying everyone else is a villager, or are you just throwing names out and seeing what'll stick?
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by G1982
lol - looking at our reads, I am nearly 100% sure that Zhorax and me are on seperate teams and probably at least one of us is reading the wrong thread!
so ur saying ur a wolf? cool. ez game.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 04:00 PM
yea you can be nearly 100% sure we're on opposite teams IF YOU ARE A WOLF. tarped.
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08-20-2009 , 04:02 PM
wahoo today
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 04:06 PM
[1]aao v zhorax
[1]Andrex Puppy
birdman v G1982
bsball v zhorax
Chatterbox v guiness
chips v wahhopride
djstu v zhoax
[1]G1982 v zhorax
[2]guinnes v Andrex
kokiri v semper
LC v semper
[0]MinusEV v sixfour
MrsButton v
Nicholasp27 v wahoopride
officedog v Guinnessz
OnThInIcE911 v wahoo
scrubbo v wahoopride
[4]semper v wahoopride
[1]sixfour v wahoopride
soah v semper
[7]wahoo v semper
wdcbooks v aao
[4]Zhorax v wahoo
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by zhaorx
super cleared villagers: me, kokiri, 64, buttons, soah

wolfs: u, wahoo, semper, last chance, + a newbie
this but imo swap one of the first 4 for wcdbooks.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 04:07 PM
Night in <1 hour
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 04:07 PM
Interestingly enough, I had SixFour on my list then decided that Chatterbox was playing too unLuckayish to be a villager. Chatter's first post would be pretty sick for someone who had been randed a wolf twice in a row.

Wahoo and Semper both look villagery to me. Apart from this, I have not really seen any strong villager reads.

I can't believe that all the people voting me early were villagers. Soah and Zhorax being wolves seems a bit of a stretch but it would be an interesting dynamic that either could claim was not w/w later and both are experienced enough players to try it.

Birdman and Scubbo, I have explained earlier - although Scubbo does rely on most of the rest of my reads being right.

Since I have about 5 possible wolves, I thought I'd put it out there - I'm not claiming to be 100% sure on d1. One day, I'm going to rand them correct and it will go down in WW history.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 04:08 PM
also can anyone give me some 'tips for day' in terms of wolf hunting?
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Andrex Puppy
also can anyone give me some 'tips for day' in terms of wolf hunting?
To be honest d1 is particularly difficult. When some people have been lynched and we have some confirmed wolves and villagers it becomes easier. For now - look for people who are calling other people wolves for no reason or for reasons that do not make sense.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 04:15 PM
wolves have to try to pretend to be hunting for wolves, and make reads and so on, and have to hide their knowledge of people's roles. So they have to manufacture a villager's cluelessness and lines of reasoning, and this is difficult. Look for unnatural logic, inconsistencies, and thinking that strikes you as weird.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 04:19 PM
******FLASH OF INSPIRATION ITP*****************


He left the thread with the votes:

[4]Semper votes Wahoo
[5]Wahoo votes Semper
[4]Zhorax votes Wahoo


Thus Zhorax is a better lynch.

North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 04:21 PM
I'll vote Semper to save Wahoo if necessary but will probably feel dirty afterwards.
North Pole Expedition Game Thread (upgrade) Quote
08-20-2009 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by djstu
semper wagon seems extremely weak to me, wahoo's reasoning is horrible.
quoted for emphasis.

As far as I can tell the semper wagon is basically wahoo giving a weak reason as to why he thinks semper is wolfy and then a bunch of people saying "I agree". If semper comes up villa then I'd expect more than a couple wolves are on the wagon.

If somebody has some good logic for lynching semper I'd like to hear it, Zhoarx or wahoo are much better lynches for today.
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