Originally Posted by zhaorx
manupod defend urself u idiot. dont get lynched.
I'd love to.
But I have to write a contract tonight and it sucks.
I'm kind of browsing 2+2, which certainly isn't helping me.
All I can say is as a wolf I would have posted much more, as utr like I have been to some degree is not consistent with my wolf game. In fact, it's not really consistent with my ww play at all- I've just been busy.
Consider the ffvii game that just ended where I was a wolf. I posted a lot. This game, not so much.
Furthermore, I would have voted some of the wolves in the first couple days, which I did not. I would have had some interactions with the wolves, which I did not.
I wouldn't have had the ******ed day 2 or day 3 where I wanted to lynch sun because I hadn't read the thread close enough...because as a wolf I'd be reading the thread closely.