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NASCAR WW thread, take 2 NASCAR WW thread, take 2

02-11-2009 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
and it could be Z figured that opportunity was gone.
Could be, not sure how plausible that is though.
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
Ya given the number of people that were stating that they were suspicious of atak I would expect him to go for atak the day he got lynched... instead he went for copenhagen. It's plausible that he thought copenhagen would be easier to mislynch but lynching atak would be so sweet for a wolf that I would think he'd at least go after atak a little bit and see if any villagers hop on board.
From your perspective, you should probably check that. I know I didn't feel safe until after Z came up wolf.

Before you lynch me, at whatever point, I do think you have to deal with the several things I've done that have advanced the village cause -- such as causing Z to be dead. If Z and I were w/w, we didn't play it very well -- I was arguing with him from the beginning, but never called him a wolf until that evening, even though I could have without risking much. And he could either have bused me for village credit, or called me a villager to help clear me (particularly because he so rarely does), but instead he just coasted with it.
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
Could be, not sure how plausible that is though.
I meant that day -- I don't know why he never seemed really to try hard to kill me throughout the game.

If I'm a wolf I never clear MMM there, btw. Not so strongly -- very hard to go back on.
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:37 PM
I basically don't want to vote atak cuz of the Z lynching... but without that remember that I've read atak as a wolf this whole game. And the people that weren't involved in the lynching I have reasons for thinking each of them are villagers...

NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
Night in 43 minutes.
Night is early today?
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:39 PM
Through 2651:

[0] AndrewGreve votes
[0] Atakdog votes
[1] BrownEyedGirl votes
[1] Nicholasp27 votes The_Hitch
[0] OrangeRake votes BrownEyedGirl
[1] The_Hitch votes Nicholasp27
[0] XXsooted votes

22 minutes left.
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:40 PM
4 way tie with 1 vote lol
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:41 PM
AG will have an important vote - which I don't mind at all
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Night is early today?
Night has always been at 9 pm. You're possibly thinking of CYOA, which ends at 10 pm.

[0] AndrewGreve votes
[1] Atakdog votes
[1] BrownEyedGirl votes
[1] Nicholasp27 votes The_Hitch
[0] OrangeRake votes BrownEyedGirl
[1] The_Hitch votes Nicholasp27
[0] XXsooted votes Atakdog
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
I basically don't want to vote atak cuz of the Z lynching... but without that remember that I've read atak as a wolf this whole game. And the people that weren't involved in the lynching I have reasons for thinking each of them are villagers...

Not right, sorry.

All the evidence -- you have to get by a fair amount of stuff. A lot of things that wolf-atak wouldn't or at least shouldn't do. Why suggest busing Nich or Z? Why then direct it at Z, when Nich had gone to 4/4? Why clear MMM? Why look like an idiot with my seer analysis, over the course of an hour or two, when I would already have gone through it if I were a wolf?

Why try to clear OR with the interview timing? Why then bring it up -- no one else was -- and unvote her, when she was going nuts and could probably have gotten herself lynched? Remember that to wolf-me, OR is probably the most dangerous player in the game, because she has shown several times that she never truly clears me, notwithstanding what she says -- she will turn on me in a heartbeat. If I'm a wolf, I go for it, today.

This is not not wolf me.
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:44 PM
rereading BEG not looking good.... ive moved my vote to BEG
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:46 PM
There are a lot of reasons to not vote other people as well though... whoever the last wolf is has done a pretty good job.
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:48 PM
BEG I'm okay with
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:48 PM
I have a million multi-quotes; but not enough time.
Whats the chances BEG would Bus luckay?
herbie can be directly quotes saying
"if luckay is a wolf dont clear BEG". Her argument of Luckay was brought up by sun. its others arguments plus luckay posting a jumbled mess, as her arguments.
Vote BEG
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:49 PM
atak please respond on the BEG busing luckay asap.
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:51 PM
ok BEG
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
Night has always been at 9 pm. You're possibly thinking of CYOA, which ends at 10 pm.

[0] AndrewGreve votes
[1] Atakdog votes
[1] BrownEyedGirl votes
[1] Nicholasp27 votes The_Hitch
[0] OrangeRake votes BrownEyedGirl
[1] The_Hitch votes Nicholasp27
[0] XXsooted votes Atakdog
I'm confused, I guess. OK.

Of the live players:
  • AG -- if he's doing this in his first game ever, wow. Let's let him win -- he will live in POG history forever.
  • atakdog -- back on the hot seat again. I kisted a summary of why I shouldn't be lynched above this post.
  • BEG -- sigh. Acting like village BEG. It's been talked about enough that she could change it up, but we haven't seen her do it yet in a vanilla role, except one time when she got excited about faking angel (and did, well enough to fool the wolves and keep my real angel alive another day). I don't know what to do here.
  • Nich -- we've talked about it. Since he came to life he has seemed pretty villagery, with occasional lapses that have possible villager explanations. The Z actions the night kkc was lynched tend to condemn him, but kkc's own actions tend to clear him unless everyone was in on it. the Matrix kill implicates him pretty strongly, and the Sun kill is quite consistent with it.
  • OR -- today was weird. I know we cannot get to a final three with both her and me alive. But I think she said a coupe things today that only village OR says.
  • Hitch -- as I've said, we can't catch 'em all. Yes, he may be a wolf. I have seen him wolf prett cunningly, incuding talking with him about it every night in wolfchat during the game I moderated. there's no affirmative case, though, its just a matter of dealing with tehother suspects. Notably, he voted Nich, not Z, and then left, but we can'ty really hold that against him.
  • XX -- has seemed like a villager most of the game, even while trying to make me die. I don't get it. I have nothing else particularly there.
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:52 PM
Some quick quotes i had. seems Ive lost some along the way.
Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
That was a wipe out. Atakdog . . . . To answer ur ? From ystrdy . . . Yes i voted for norse w no comment because 1. i didnt want to type a book from my phone 2. I didnt like his hello post. . . Thought it was wolfy 3. I had no knowledge of him being an easy mislynch. . I have only played a few games w norse & i dont recall his first post being hello
Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
agree w this statement. . .
Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
I don't think this is villager Luckay. When I was a wolf with Soah.....I learned alot about Luckay. Perhaps, that's why he's hot after my tails over absolutely nothing.

Anyway, Luckay usually sits back and watches.....probbing people with little tidbits....nothing major.....and then he brings out the big guns, once he has a lock. Usually, he's a dead ringer and very good at this game.

But, here......he's spewing all kinds of crazy stuff......huge, confusing posts.....all over the place, if you will. He's not hunting.....he's confusing.

Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
If Luckay comes up wolf do not clear BEG
Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
Now you're just insulting my intelligence. Wouldn't a wolf's called reverse psychology.

He could have said that in the wolf chat the night before...yes....but, what if he just realized it the same day, before he died.....and he wouldn't have got the chance to tell you his findings.

I'm not going to discuss it....You're a villager....I was wrong for even thinking it.
. clearing sun for reasons that had little to do with her first argument against him.
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:53 PM
BEG's a decent lynch she's been pretty defensive. And she's used the "lynch me if you have to" line at least 3 times that's always wolfy
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:53 PM
Just saw it.

My first reaction: Herbie's very good. he's dead for a reaosn, and it's not just that he probably looked like a seer. If I had no read myuself, and I knew Herbie was village, I would trust his read over almost anyone else's, not just in this game but on POG.
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
BEG's a decent lynch she's been pretty defensive. And she's used the "lynch me if you have to" line at least 3 times that's always wolfy
But from her it's not -- she also does it almost every village game.
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I'm confused, I guess. OK.

Of the live players:
  • BEG -- sigh. Acting like village BEG. It's been talked about enough that she could change it up, but we haven't seen her do it yet in a vanilla role, except one time when she got excited about faking angel (and did, well enough to fool the wolves and keep my real angel alive another day). I don't know what to do here.
How sure are you on this?
XXsooted can I get some more specific feedback on BEG?
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:55 PM
atak it's cuz of your super WW powers that you can never do anything that I think you couldn't do as a wolf
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:56 PM
AG my lynching preferences go atak then BEG so if you wanna go BEG I'm fine with it
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
02-11-2009 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
. clearing sun for reasons that had little to do with her first argument against him.
I think in that quote she was being sarcastic.

I still hate her norse vote, and her justification of it. As I and others pointed out at the time, it was wolfy in about five ways.

the only reason I'm clearing her is her combination of low activity and apparent uninterest in the agme. I could well be wrong to do so --- she could figure lying low for now is fine.
NASCAR WW thread, take 2 Quote
