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Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread

02-24-2012 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Noah
Hey guys. I will have a lot more time today. And.... zomg....

i have slept! woooo
This gives me a happy.
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:36 AM
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:38 AM
So, I know 2 people's roles now and neither have indicated who they've targeted or what they know.
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:42 AM
am I one of them?
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by officedog
I was sure I would wake up dead because I spent a few hours making a spreadsheet last night (a true sign I will be nk'd and not be able to use the info).

Bluffing posted late and cost his team (oh sure, when *I* do it, I get modkilled...even when I post boobies). We (the village) didn't see any apparent effect of this. I know bluffing said he got his role. I'd like to know what "feelings" he's had since d1. It might help us map out what feelings == what roles.

Also, I'm wondering who here has figured out their role yet? IMO, it would be helpful to the village to know if you think you know what you do each night. That way, if say you're a seer, we can reliably track your posts to see if you've left clues after your death. I'M NOT ASKING TO OUT YOUR ROLE. I'd just like to know "I think I've figured it out".
I've pretty much figured out my role.
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:44 AM
For reference:

Originally Posted by Mystery Mod
Votes as of post 5935
Night in 03:13

6 TehVader EADGBE (18), fanmail (7), KruZe (9), Noah (33), officedog (11), VarianceMinefield (51)
4 Tao1 DB305 (16), flytrap (23), J.D. (19), vyk07 (2)
3 iversonian exec771 (43), kcaw (5), xxsooted (2)
3 officedog A.Ertbjerg (15), Larry Legend (18), TehVader (14)
3 xxsooted jjhender (11), Telcontar (10), wahoopride (33)
2 TimeLady 425kid (28), ShadowZero (30)
2 vixticator derwipok (39), Monkey Banana (32)
2 vyk07 iversonian (13), biggerboat (31)
1 BluffingDonkeyz Phooey Duck (17)
1 derwipok CalledDownLight (25)
16 not voting crackedquads (4), necro (6), shanks (0), vlad fightmaster (0), axel_nld (1), BluffingDonkeyz (2), CPHoya (1), Crossnerd (0), FCBLComish (22), FN2339 (6), Loretta8 (13), Slighted (7), Tao1 (17), TimeLady (32), vixticator (10), younguns87 (19)
Originally Posted by Mystery Mod
Votes as of post 5976
Night in 02:50

7 TimeLady 425kid (28), fanmail (10), kcaw (6), Larry Legend (22), Monkey Banana (34), ShadowZero (34), younguns87 (22)
5 TehVader EADGBE (18), KruZe (9), Noah (33), officedog (11), VarianceMinefield (51)
4 Tao1 DB305 (16), flytrap (23), J.D. (19), vyk07 (2)
3 officedog A.Ertbjerg (18), FCBLComish (27), TehVader (14)
3 xxsooted jjhender (18), Telcontar (10), wahoopride (33)
2 iversonian exec771 (43), xxsooted (2)
2 vyk07 iversonian (14), biggerboat (31)
1 BluffingDonkeyz Phooey Duck (17)
1 derwipok CalledDownLight (25)
1 vixticator derwipok (39)
14 not voting crackedquads (4), necro (6), shanks (0), vlad fightmaster (0), axel_nld (1), BluffingDonkeyz (2), CPHoya (1), Crossnerd (0), FN2339 (7), Loretta8 (13), Slighted (7), Tao1 (18), TimeLady (37), vixticator (10)
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by officedog
This gives me a happy.
Me too. I actually feel awake lol
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by FN2339

out for the day
Originally Posted by TimeLady
zomg nice case on me!
FN2339 goes into my wolf leans. Neither he, nor his predecessor Allrighty Roo, have really done much here. And the way he nonchalantly tosses a vote on TL midstream is bad.
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Loretta8
am I one of them?
Why do you ask?
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Why do you ask?
because i dont know what my role is, and would like to
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
crossnerd, why did you change from tehvader to jd?
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:00 AM
Wagon analysis

Originally Posted by Mystery Mod
Votes as of post 5935
Night in 03:13

6 TehVader EADGBE (18), fanmail (7), KruZe (9), Noah (33), officedog (11), VarianceMinefield (51)
4 Tao1 DB305 (16), flytrap (23), J.D. (19), vyk07 (2)
Originally Posted by fanmail
Fanmail comes off tehvader and onto TL, making it 5-4-3 tehvader, tao, TL.

Originally Posted by kcaw

Kcaw comes off iversonian, making it 5-4-4.

Originally Posted by younguns87

this is gonna set up an exiciting EoD
Younguns follows, 5-5-4.

Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
I told you we'd be lynching TimeLady. Now let's get the job done.
Monkey switches from Vix, 6-5-4, TL ahead now.

Originally Posted by Larry Legend

Larry jumps on from the OD wagon, 7-5-4.

Originally Posted by Mystery Mod
Votes as of post 5976
Night in 02:50

7 TimeLady 425kid (28), fanmail (10), kcaw (6), Larry Legend (22), Monkey Banana (34), ShadowZero (34), younguns87 (22)
5 TehVader EADGBE (18), KruZe (9), Noah (33), officedog (11), VarianceMinefield (51)
4 Tao1 DB305 (16), flytrap (23), J.D. (19), vyk07 (2)
Still 3 hours from EOD. Using this as a baseline for the TL wagon.
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
eadgbe, why did you change from tehvader to jd?
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Loretta8
because i dont know what my role is, and would like to
Are you planning on outing who you targeted?
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Are you planning on outing who you targeted?
yes, soon
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Noah
Wagon analysis

Fanmail comes off tehvader and onto TL, making it 5-4-3 tehvader, tao, TL.

Kcaw comes off iversonian, making it 5-4-4.

Younguns follows, 5-5-4.

Monkey switches from Vix, 6-5-4, TL ahead now.

Larry jumps on from the OD wagon, 7-5-4.

Still 3 hours from EOD. Using this as a baseline for the TL wagon.
youngguns, monkey banana, and larry look pretty terrible there. fanmail is clear and for some reason I think kcaw is lock cleared too.
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:09 AM
someone explain why people are clearing larry

the only strong opinion he's given is that he was sure TL was a wolf and he's always right about TL
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Loretta8
yes, soon
You are the consultant. I hope this doesn't put you in danger, but I'm thinking it's more valuable if you are a villager for you to know and for the village to get info. Plus, you asked.

Hopefully this helps determine wtf a consultant might be.
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:11 AM
I have a gut feel that the efficiency expert is a wolf. Based on the title for one, and based on his play for 2.
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:11 AM
Wagon analysis

Originally Posted by FN2339

out for the day
Hate this vote.

Originally Posted by Tao1
So, I tried to hold off the TL voters earlier on and felt I perhaps should today aswell, but cant really justify it anymore. Its d4 and TL hasnt improved, well, not alot.
I guess I am quoting a bit unfavorably, there are some good things earlier on aswell. But it's few and far between.
Yesterdays posts and todays are a little better, but still far removed from earlier villa games. The better posts are more mechanics related and she seems to have picked up my/JJH's thing with the summary that I dont recall her doing before. The very wolfy showing up when you're getting heat she pulled today is no help either.
All in all, she's more likely to be a wolf than vader in my opinion.

Votes with reasoning.

Originally Posted by Mystery Mod
Votes as of post 6040
Night in 02:01

9 TimeLady 425kid (28), fanmail (11), FN2339 (8), kcaw (6), Larry Legend (28), Monkey Banana (38), ShadowZero (38), Tao1 (20), younguns87 (23)
5 TehVader EADGBE (18), KruZe (9), Noah (33), officedog (11), VarianceMinefield (51)
4 Tao1 DB305 (18), flytrap (23), J.D. (20), vyk07 (2)
Now 2 hours until EOD, TL becoming runaway.
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:12 AM

Okay, I'm gonna start off with the most important information, the case is further down.

First of all, my targets have been:
n0: ThePlough, for the lulz (kinda hoped to be vig )
N1: Exec, strong wolflean on him
N2: Biggerboat, thought he was sorta wolfy, and his tunnel and tone reminded me a lot of his HP4 wolf game
N3: Tao, strong wolflean on him
N4: Exec, strong wolflean on him

Early on D1, I picked up on wolfyness by both Tao, Exec, and Timelady (yeah lol), calling them wolves, and saying why. Pretty much tunneling them and not doing much useful.
D2 I spent most of my time on fluffing, and calling Timelady wolf
D3 I went straight back to tao and Exec.

Now here's the intresting part. I've been roleblocked n1, n3 and n4.
You see, the one day where I pushed Timelady (villager) I wasn't roleblocked, and when I went straight back I was roleblocked as well.
After TL called out that I was at Tao n3, I was roleblocked again N4.

Unless we have some ****** (sorry :i) villager roleblocker, it seems pretty obvious that I'm spot on regarding what I've picked up, and therefore it's a very heavy wolflean to exec and Tao. Tao and Exec,

you're free to complain etc. and try to prove otherwise, I don't feel like mislynching villagers, but evidence just points your way.

Now why wouldn't I get killed and just get roleblocked?
That's pretty simple. First of all, I've no ethos what so ever. I'm new, I've been fluffing and generally just been filling up space with useless crap, I've no weight at all behind my word. If I got killed,

it would look very very bad for Tao/Exec, and as I'm playing completely useless anyway, and I get continously roleblocked, it's in the intrest of the wolves to keep me in the game.

I would have loved ThePlough to still be in the game, and hopefully be a villager, as he reckons my villaplay. He knows I hate being villager, and I'm rarely motivated as it. He knows my tone and generally

reads me well, so therefore it's +ev for me to have someone to clear me.
I know duck is probaly gonna get in here and say he reads me very well (he said so), disregard that, I doubt he've ever seen a game where I've commited myself.

Probaly the "best" evidence, showing that I'm a villager, is probaly my vote & NA on Tao. In case you doubt me, regarding NA, you can see TL tracked me N3, and posted it in the thread shortly before she got

As said I've been tunneling him, and pushing him for lynch, and I decided to vote him over Timelady (My wolflean on her was pretty low, but I hadn't really read anyone else than the others I've tunelled.) As

a wolf, what would be my intrest in pushing my co-wolf and afterwards using my night action on him (D2/n3) when I was pretty much the only one on his ass. I can't be wolf angel like that, as I was the only

one giving him heat. I do not know of any wolfrole that would suit the situation, where I would want to use my NA on him.
I hope it makes sense, it does in my head at least, but it's cause I know I'm a villager

It's weekend, I finally have some time to do some effort, and therefore I'll do so.

Heres a case on necro, though keep in mind that I've not read everything, and generally been very..uhm, fluffy, so I might have missed something that changes one or more of my conclusions. If so, feel free

to point out.

Necros entry:
Originally Posted by necro
Did actually skim the page but how exactly does flytrap know that a villager is being tunnelled on?
Starts out passively questioning if it's TMI flytrap in his first 2-3 posts. In my experience wolves tend to call TMI a lot more than villagers, however his tone is more of a friendly-questioning-passive-

I'm gonna call it neutral for now.

Originally Posted by necro
Also read tldr and im willing to give him marginal villa points for it

Noah posting like he has means he is likely villa also

More reads incoming after work
He gives CDL villapoints, due that CDL had been posting a lot at that point (eh lol?)
That's extremely thin, as wolves (I certainly do in smaller games) can spam the **** out of a thread as well. I realize that it's D1, but giving a person villapoints for posting a lot, despite not having

read pretty much any of them just seems wolfy.

Calling Noah villa, not much to it.


Originally Posted by necro
Ok understood and I gave a valid excuse for my popin and I will be posting a hell of a lot more later
He did excuse himself a couple of times, that he didn't have time, and he got "softpushed" by Willi for it.

Originally Posted by necro
willi is more than a good enough player to not be trollish when he is a wolf he mixes it up well

i actually feel quite strongly that he is a villager here though
Willi reacts somewhat strong to Necro's responds. Necro's tone changes from the passive one to a more harsh-aggresive one, during that interaction. That post is just an example of that he goes a gear


Originally Posted by necro
strong chance loretta is a villager this game
Calling loretta villager, not much to it

Originally Posted by necro
just woken up and caught up with the day so far and i am very very confused
Back in the thread again. Enters with an excuse again, and claims confusion.
I've generally tend to give a slight wolflean, about those claiming absolute confusion, and sorta shout out that they're helpless. It kind of shields them from heat, and questions/interactions with other

players, which shouldn't be in the intrest of a villager, though it could be genuine though.

Originally Posted by necro
im going to go re-read thenothing and see how she reacted to being wagoned
Originally Posted by necro
thenothing with 14 posts in d1 after hp4 probably does seem wolfy but reading her posts they come across as very natural to me and not that wolfy

i very much doubt that as a first time wolf she would be able to pull it off that easily so im going to put her into my villager list
Calling TheNothing a villager, based on tone.

Originally Posted by necro
the vote at 11:58? hmm its interesting, i would say as a wolf she would know better than to come in and pop off a vote at that time because it would look wolfy as hell and just look

like she is trying to get bussing points

but as a villager if she looks and see's that there is like a 6 vote lead for zdye then she might want to try and solidify it

so basically i dont know
Soft-defends TheNothing

Originally Posted by necro
if i was trying to say nothing
i could have very easily just come into the thread and said oh another busy day for me
i wont be on at all
instead ive actually come in here and been honest and said im confused but im going to do my best to pick it up
Gets accused of just posting, for postings sake. I really do like the tone of his reponse, seems genuine and villagery, though we're back to passive necro.

Originally Posted by necro
bad votes are bad but whatever willi

when i die and flip villager im going to laugh at you
Here he gets heat and vote by Willi, in which he reacts not so well.
Generally it's a rookie-mistake of wolves not to take heat very well (as I recall he didn't take it well very well in HP4 either), though I've no clue of Necro's experience, and therefore it's hard for me to

judge whether it's wolfy or not.
He tends not to take heat very well at all, overall, so I'm gonna go with it being wolfy.

Originally Posted by necro
because i think for all that he is acting stupid by voting me, that he is actually a villager, he isnt a bad enough player to tunnel like this
This however sounds very genuine, like a frustrated villager(?)

Originally Posted by necro
you know at least i can be happy with one thing ive found someone who is apparently worse at this game than i am
Gets heat from 425, and once again reacts...not that well. I'm struggling to decide whether it's just a frustrated villager or a wolf.
I'm gonna let it be wolfy for now.

Originally Posted by necro
ill talk to you, what do you want to chat about?
Larry Legend enters the thread, and asks for someone to talk with. Necro reponds, and I think it's very villagery, as he show he's not afraid of interactions nor share his thoughts. It's just a shame that he

doesn't chat with Larry at all, as Larry for some reason just dissapears.

Originally Posted by necro
catching up on the first 11 pages and trying to decide exactly what gives you the right to order me about
Once again, gets slight heat, not responding too well

Originally Posted by necro
wait why does flytrap being a wolf make me more rand to be a wolf? for not voting? i never vote d1, id not read any of the day at all really except 2 pages maybe and none of the wagons

looked good enough for me to place my vote on
He contradicts himself here. He had barely read anything at D1 at all, but still doesn't like the wagons?

He then goes on to post a lot, questioning whether there's a poisioner in the game (discussing KB's death), and talking mechanics. - Neutral

Originally Posted by necro
unlike you who just appeared from nowhere to congratulate wahoo on his amazing vote of me

Not taking heat well again again again

Originally Posted by necro
unless your a peeked villager or my mason, i am sure as hell not going to listen to ANYONE when it comes to telling me to vote for people
Claims mason??

Originally Posted by necro
has anyone else claimed or semi claimed to have peeked anarchist? I used my night action last night and it got randomised to cdl who unless my night action reveal was faked is lock

Basically says he peeked CDL villager, after his NA got redirected from Anarchistyou to CDL

Originally Posted by necro
anarchist until further notice
Votes Anarchist, major villapoints

Originally Posted by necro
just got home, i am very glad no one derailed from the anarchist wagon
Once again, villagery

Originally Posted by necro
if we have enough players to lynch tao then go for it but no way am i going to risk shortening the wagons

too much of a risk if there are vote stealers and what not
Moar villagery

Originally Posted by necro
if we have enough players to lynch tao then go for it but no way am i going to risk shortening the wagons

too much of a risk if there are vote stealers and what not
Moar villagery

He continues into some questions regarding mystics, in a villagery tone, seeming to have an attitude to want to solve the game. Pushing hard for the anarchist wagon as well.

Originally Posted by necro
Hmm ok when I got my peek of yoy it told me villager

For whatever reason the peek last night came back and didnt say villager or wolf, which makes me very curious. Im half tempted to out him but scared incase he is villa
Not quite sure whether he calls yoy villager here or mystic? Though it's the background of the mystic-talk

He asks ME for a case on himself. I see that as a pretty shady move, as how I expect most of you guys see me, I'd suspect Necro of not expecting anything useful from me at all, or doing a ****ty case.
I'd like to think it's wolfy of him to ask for a case on himself, from ME.
Though, it's solely based on how I expect you guys see me, based on much crap I've posted.

He fluffs - A LOT
He takes heat, VERY BAD
He started out with a very passive tone, which immediately went aggresive every time he got heat, though he seemed genuine frustrated.
Generally it's mainly his tone and his way to take heat that points towards wolf, otherwise he seems to be trying to solve the game, and comes with some good posts.
Especially his push of Anarchist seems very villagery.

He cleared CDL, though we should care, as that was exactly what we as wolves did with me & Tehtoes in HP4. I'd put him in the cateogory of villagery people for now, and probaly reevaluate in a day or two.
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by officedog
I was sure I would wake up dead because I spent a few hours making a spreadsheet last night (a true sign I will be nk'd and not be able to use the info).

Bluffing posted late and cost his team (oh sure, when *I* do it, I get modkilled...even when I post boobies). We (the village) didn't see any apparent effect of this. I know bluffing said he got his role. I'd like to know what "feelings" he's had since d1. It might help us map out what feelings == what roles.

Also, I'm wondering who here has figured out their role yet? IMO, it would be helpful to the village to know if you think you know what you do each night. That way, if say you're a seer, we can reliably track your posts to see if you've left clues after your death. I'M NOT ASKING TO OUT YOUR ROLE. I'd just like to know "I think I've figured it out".
I don't know how we got penalized either, besides me getting a warning from the mods.
Regarding feelings, tonight I was told that someone is monopolizing my attention
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
You are the consultant. I hope this doesn't put you in danger, but I'm thinking it's more valuable if you are a villager for you to know and for the village to get info. Plus, you asked.

Hopefully this helps determine wtf a consultant might be.

so we don't know what the consultant is?

i don't get results for my NA
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Noah
Wagon analysis

Now 2 hours until EOD, TL becoming runaway.
Of the people on TL at that time, I have 425kid, younguns, kcaw and shadowzero as villagery along with me. I have LL, MB, and tao as neutral. I have fn2339 as wolfy.
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:15 AM
bluffin, if you think the wolves are on you, I think you should discuss your results and/or what you think you are
Mystery Mash 2 -- February 20th Game Thread Quote
