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Music Festival Draft Thread Music Festival Draft Thread

03-01-2010 , 10:14 PM

Zurvan did it
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03-01-2010 , 10:14 PM

Spew your hate, I'll just plug my ears with hundos
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:16 PM

we're dying over here
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03-01-2010 , 10:16 PM
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:17 PM
nickelback was one of the unnameds that i was talking about went hand in hand with creed.

Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:18 PM
I would bet lots of money that nickleback is in kwamis trinity of evil.
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:18 PM
but you took Filter too I was going to get around to them eventually I think
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:18 PM
Zurvan's festival has gone from me never going to it ever to me potentially trying to bomb the event or light the stage on fire.
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
I would bet lots of money that nickleback is in kwamis trinity of evil.
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:19 PM
I know a certain type of person hates Nickelback, but that certain type of person isn't your average music fan with nice boobies, which is clearly a segment of the market that is

a) Huge
b) Brings with it a whole other group of people that will go to a concert to play with aforementioned boobies
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:20 PM
I had another generic rock band lined up here but I need to take this massively popular Euro metal band now because this video is 10x better than any other concert video I've ever come across.

In Flames
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
I would bet lots of money that nickleback is in kwamis trinity of evil.

Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
I know a certain type of person hates Nickelback, but that certain type of person isn't your average music fan with nice boobies, which is clearly a segment of the market that is

a) Huge
b) Brings with it a whole other group of people that will go to a concert to play with aforementioned boobies
I like that Zurvan is selling out and joining the dark side.

Theres lots of money over here
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:21 PM
Nickelback is approximately a million times better than Creed
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by soah
I had another generic rock band lined up here but I need to take this massively popular Euro metal band now because this video is 10x better than any other concert video I've ever come across.

In Flames
My initial impression of Jester Race is that it reminds me of Gauntlet Legends Castle Realm Music.
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
I like that Zurvan is selling out and joining the dark side.

Theres lots of money over here
Like I said, Nickelback puts on an entertaining concert, their music is completely generic but not terrible rock, and chicks dig it. I don't see the problem here, other than the typical music fan hate of a generic band that's more popular than they think it should be.
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
Nickelback is approximately a million times better than Creed
and a million times more popular.

Dunno why anyone would take Creed before taking Nickleback.

let alone take Creed way early than not even touch Nickleback at all.
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:26 PM
I don't know how people can hate on Nickleback but don't say a word about bands like Nirvana who basically made a living of kindergarden level music and behaviour.

That being said Nickleback sucks
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable
I don't know how people can hate on Nickleback but don't say a word about bands like Nirvana who basically made a living of kindergarden level music and behaviour.
omg heresy itt
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:29 PM
i like the kansas and nickelback picks

and i guess i like the celine pick even tho i hate her
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:47 PM
I don't particularly like Nickelback's music, but the lead singer has a nice voice and he worked with Santana. I looked at a clip of them doing "Sharp-Dressed Man" and they looked and sounded pretty good.

Looks-wise, yeah, they had it over ZZ Top.
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by soah
Least shocking result ever. The reasons can be discerned by the intelligent

Hint: It has little to do with Nickelback's popularity
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:59 PM
Carry on My Wayward son is one of the best songs ever
Music Festival Draft Thread Quote
