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Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL

01-20-2014 , 09:15 PM
Thanks for the effort MB.

Sorry I crossed the line with my rustling and rustlement.
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 09:16 PM
Damn, I've been robbed of last!

I still lost to willi though so that's.... well, it's something.

Thanks for running MB.
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 09:18 PM
Superstition! That double guitar funkiness is what it's all about. Those guitar players just crush that song. And the bass doesn't quit, ofc. One of my favorite songs of alltime. When I thought about entering this seriously(i really didn't have time) this woulda been my pick for funky category. And I wouldn't have given a funk what Mb rated it. Cuz I know.
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 09:21 PM
Yeah - I know MB loves James Brown - he digs stevie too.

I knew he hates 70s hard rock but I had to put War Pigs in there....

I was suprised he likes what I would call 80s skater punk...
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 09:24 PM
Alternative possibility for the funky question:

Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 09:24 PM
I'm going to give the final standings in a sec. Thanks to everyone for taking part. It's not easy to put your beloved songs up for "ranking" by someone who you suspect doesn't like anything you like. I'm sorry if you felt I should have rated something I didn't, or did rate something you think I shouldn't.
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 09:25 PM
The final scores

dots and lines124
Nick Royale121
The Moocher101.5
Gimme Dat89
captain binkles73
Alrighty Roo62
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 09:26 PM
Oh man, I didn't even make the McPodium. What a let down.
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 09:26 PM

ty for running monkey <3
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 09:28 PM
Congratulations to ||.||.||

A consistent selection of songs, with a couple of really great choices that put him over the top.

Well done to the podium: Nick Royale, who would have won of course if he had played it safer at the final hurdle; and Digger, who was consistent and put up some great stuff.

Thanks particularly to soma84, Gimme Dat and Bloobird, who entered songs new to me that I really liked a lot. soma84 would likely have won if he'd stayed German!
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 09:29 PM
Well done MB

I still think you were slightly rustled.....come on throw a brother a bone...

p.s. he secretly admires Ozzie - dyslexic, working boy climbing to the top of the chain rustling comfortable vanilla american christian cages....he just dont want to admit it to ole digger here.
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:17 PM
funny, my wife just pulled into the driveway from work, and I can hear Superstition blasting from her radio.
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
12 points

captain binkles
Nas -- New York state of mind
As I mentioned earlier, I'm more West Coast and if you're choosing an NYC poet, you need Jigga. I rate it but if you're going to choose hiphop, you have to go for the very best. It's good but there's no central conceit, no hook to hang the song on, which is imo what makes a rap really stand out.

Having Jay-Z as anything but overrated is a huge leak, just fyi. I (and I'm sure many others) would have NY State of Mind as one of the very best, and I think lyrically it's incredibly strong, but it is less focused than many songs and obviously to each their own.

Originally Posted by gambit8888

Mad respect to Binkles for listening to Marcus Miller
You showed me the way

Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
3 points

captain binkles
Rilo Kiley -- Absence of God
Dreary and boring MOR.

confirmed a little bit offended

Thanks for running Monkey, was a fun reveal and I currently have a lot of youtube tabs open to check out the last few categories, looking forward to adding a lot of this to my ipod!
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:57 PM
I almost went for this for something funky, I think it had potential

You can even hear the sample used in Gossip Folks!
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:03 PM
Thx for letting me in for the sweat, even if I couldn't properly from my phone since spoilers suck on the app & my entries were always hidden where I couldn't see them til getting on a computer. Stupid app.

Grats lines & podium, thx for running.
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:04 PM
fun reveal to read. i was too scared to enter (or just forgot) believe what you will
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:05 PM
I kind of felt I was at an unfair advantage from knowing so much about MB's music taste that if I couldn't afford a big risk after the first 8 categories I didn't deserve to win anyway. The fact that I failed at some of the earlier categories is what really cost me the win.

Grats lines and dots!
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:07 PM
I realise there is some contention between Jigga and Nas, but I have decided Jigga rules and Nas doesn't. Thanks for sharing your opinion though
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:09 PM
That is well funky, Binks. Like it.
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:13 PM
Anytime. As an optimist I'll just have to believe that in the future you can better yourself as a person by not loving an overrated hip-popper who steals rhymes from those better than him

edit: double dutch bus GOAT
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:15 PM
Well, you may in time grow out of supporting second best purely as an act of rebellion agains the Emperor of Rap.

Last edited by Monkey Banana; 01-20-2014 at 11:15 PM. Reason: Snoop tho
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:40 PM
omg I think I've been trying to find the Catch song for something like 6 years unsuccessfully

<3 Roo (I assume Roo submitted it, would be shocked if anyone else had :P). For some reason it reminds me a lot of Sing it Back
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:47 PM
Quarrrr submitted it. Sing it back is actually good tho
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-21-2014 , 01:04 AM
Thanks for the game Monkey

loved the reveal and the categories were great

Congrats to the podium and everyone else

Now everyone sign up for the next one please
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:00 AM
New game: Monkey Banana bingo

... loosely based on Boycott bingo

.. take a drink each time you find one of these

> bouncy

> pay (a song instead of 'giving' points)

> my mum's yoga class (music as bland as or more ... fwiw if MB's mum hadn't done so much yoga to crap music she'ld have been #1 in all person draft over mohammed )

> funk is the preacher, jazz is the teacher [not]

please contribute more
Monkey's GOATaWalrusapalooza REVEAL Quote
