Originally Posted by wahoopride
if pbal came in and announced that systo was the inquisitor, would you still want to vote chuckles first?
i'm fine with systo first even without proof.
but i'm not fine with letting chuckles live forever.
I'm not a fan of the blackmail the neutrals to work for the village play. just kill him so we can be done with it. Disney game was awful to read, half the thread was crap about what to do with the neutrals.
We found him, he can't win, its over, lets just kill him and get back to playing ww. I don't think this is an unreasonable position.
(btw, i actually think the best way might be to lynch systolic, and hope kelsier kills chuckles tonight. wolves might take some action to protect systolic...not likely they go out of their way to protect chuckes. But if villa vig doesnt kill chuckles, we're stuck in the position again tomorrow about deciding again whether or not to keep working with him)