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Miss POG - Salma Hayek vs Kristen Bell Miss POG - Salma Hayek vs Kristen Bell
View Poll Results: Who is hotter?
Salma Hayek
49 49.00%
Kristen Bell
51 51.00%

02-20-2009 , 04:12 AM

KO punch X a million
02-20-2009 , 04:13 AM
I HATE that picture
02-20-2009 , 04:13 AM
u guys dont think she looks like a tranny conan o'brien? what about here?

(this is not a bad pic. its obv a glamour shot. it just happens to also resemble tranny conan. deal with it! :P)

02-20-2009 , 04:20 AM
Herbie, say it isn't so!

In other news, Jenn is pretty ****ing funny.
02-20-2009 , 04:21 AM
slightly-cross eyed kristen

the real conan o'brien
02-20-2009 , 04:22 AM
This has been like a 10-hour public service announcement that is not being heard.
02-20-2009 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by bojtun
This has been like a 10-hour public service announcement that is not being heard.
Looks like slightly more than half the people have heard things perfectly.
02-20-2009 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by chim17
Looks like slightly more than half the people have heard things perfectly.
I'm not even talking about this race. It's deeper than that. Fundamental building blocks to the foundation of enlightenment - about powerful things - are being discussed here.
02-20-2009 , 04:26 AM
Plus, Salma is ****ing hot. True story.
02-20-2009 , 04:34 AM
to be fair, Selma at her peak is a slight favorite over KB. But Selma is past her peak will KB is in it, so I voted KB.

lol just noticed the poll closes in 3 hours, I feel important.
02-20-2009 , 04:46 AM
possible reasons kb is winning

1. the recession
2. spite-voting
3. blindness
4. resemblance to a significant other
5. preference to blondes
6. prejudice against uber-hotness
7. cross-eyed fetish
8. misclicks
9. miscount
10. poll was too difficult to understand
11. absentees
12. collusion
13. blindness
14. blindness
15. blindness
16. blindness
17. blindness
02-20-2009 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by chim17
Looks like slightly more than half the people have heard things perfectly.

looks to ME like slightly more than half the people have questionable taste in women, and im allowed to say that bc i AM one :P
02-20-2009 , 04:50 AM
I think you forgot subterfuge and latent crushes on Conan O'Brien.
02-20-2009 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by bojtun
I think you forgot subterfuge and latent crushes on Conan O'Brien.
02-20-2009 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by bojtun
Herbie, say it isn't so!
It's so

I think that may be the worst Salma pic in the whole thread
02-20-2009 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
It's so

I think that may be the worst Salma pic in the whole thread

Can you not hear - liki Jimi Hendrix hear - what her eyes are telling you????
02-20-2009 , 04:56 AM
I turned the other cheek when that sexy - in a sassy little way - chick from Wedding Crashers beat some other really hot woman .. but this is just too much.

I may have to quit POG.
02-20-2009 , 04:56 AM
I think the best reason to vote her is that you find her hotter.

Pretty rational point of view seeing as she is hotter.
02-20-2009 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by chim17
I think the best reason to vote her is that you find her hotter.

Pretty rational point of view seeing as she is hotter.
Ya, I got all caught up in the poll question that reads: "Who is hotter?"
02-20-2009 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by chim17

chim, this was a pic you quoted on the first page of this thread. if this is your definition of "hot", then im not going to argue with you anymore. its just pointless!

i need to take you out more here in las vegas if you seriously think this pic makes her look anything above average. blegh! :P
02-20-2009 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by chim17
You know whats strange, though? I would have a much tougher decision between RRS and Salma than KB and Salma.

Not sure why.

these threads are so tilt inducing, i didn't know pog could be quite so stupid, this game is dead to me.
02-20-2009 , 05:51 AM
lol you're just discovering this now?
02-20-2009 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by JennFox
dude, im just sayin, im a girl who likes the sun and the water, and i see better bodies on girls ALL THE ****ING TIME. matter of fact, i was in the spearmint rhino this last friday and 9/10 of the strippers there had better bodies than kristin bell.

its TRUE!! sorry!!!!

large boobs and round asses dosnt mean you have a hot body IMO
good skin, tightness w/ little sag, are more important imo.

also, a nice face is a factor imo.

taht said, i voted for slama b/c those are some nice knockers imo. and Bell looks too much like alba imo and i had alba.
02-20-2009 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by Zurvan

I wish this body was average.

I really do.

I want to be wrong here. Sadly, I am not.
Originally Posted by JennFox

sadly, you are mistaken.

above average = petra nemcova

completely average = kristen bell

so my conclusion is....... um...... vote salma?

I was with Chim on you being all over the place and a good WW vote, but then you made this fantastic post and the masonry continues.

Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
I don't care at all whether someone is supposedly objectively attractive

I personally don't find Kristen Bell average at all, and would vote for her over any of the girls Jenn just posted to show how "average" she is with the possible exception of RR
I continue to be amazed by the KB love. Utterly astounded. In all seriousness, I can't see why anyone would prefer the girl in the top pic of this post over the bottom. Her body looks like that of any girl that is really skinny, but not disgustingly so.

The waist-to-hip curve is IMO the most underrated part of the female body. It's very rarely discussed - I think this is the first mention of it in any Miss POG thread for example - but plays a huge role in where a chick falls on the hotness scale. Hips are usually the first thing you can notice if a woman wearing tight clothing is walking toward you from several blocks away. It's not 100% but you can usually tell if she's going to be hot or at least above average from a couple blocks away, before you have much of an idea what her face looks like or even anything about her breasts if she's wearing a top that covers her chest and is monochromatic. The hip area is the focal point when women are dancing and it's pretty obvious why when you have sex. In pictures, particularly the touched-up type that are commonly posted in hot-girl threads, the waist-hip area is probably the best indicator of how nice their body is because it's the one thing that they can't or don't edit with photoshop.

They can change the angle to make it look more impressive; I think that is in evidence in both pictures in this post as well as the one in the OP of Salma. That's about it though. I mean, they could do a complete reworking since it's possible to edit anything, but I think it's safe to assume that they don't. Skin is massively touched up to look perfectly smooth and radiant. They probably mess with the color and shine in the hair. These celebs have pretty white teeth already but I'm sure they brighten them. In clothed shots they probably wear underwear that squeezes in their ass and even lifts and helps to give it more definition. Even assuming that breasts aren't completely photoshopped to be made bigger or more firm or whatever, which seems a lot more likely to me than changing the hips and waist, with anything that involves more than a small bikini, and probably even that in some cases, you're going to have a lot of lifting and enhancement from the bra or whatever the hell they use for support when they wear backless dresses making a bra impossible. Plus there's a lot they can do there to make them look nicer - changing the angle of the picture, how the model is positioned, directly pushing them up with the model's hands (unfortunately I've never been called to have my hands do this job), arm or something else etc. I'm sure I could go on talking about models' breasts but I'll stop there. The point is that the waist-hip area can't be/isn't manipulated to look far better in the pics than reality nearly as much as other parts of the body by skilled photographers, clothing designers or photoshoppers.

Wow that was a long rant.

If you compare these two pics, which are obviously pretty similar, I have trouble seeing how one could view KB as looking better in any area, whether that's hair, face, shoulders, breasts, rib cage, stomach, belly button, arms, or legs. I could make this post absurdly long by going into detail but on about half those things I think they are about even with PN having a small edge if anything and for other areas PN is clearly better.

The biggest difference in the two pics is the hip and waist area. PN looks eleventy billion times better there. Like Durrrr relative to me in poker better, Alex Jacob against me or antidan in a hair contest better, Hitch or Soah over Durron in a POG mod level of forum participation off better, I'm like a broken record with this, but I would be shocked (and probably will be) to hear someone say that they think KB has more impressive hips. I've been surprised before ITT but this would completely blow me away. They have similarly small waists. KB has pretty run of the mill skinny-girl hips. They aren't bad, I certainly wouldn't describe them as 12 year-old boy hips or anything like that, but I think it would be a stretch to describe them as anything more than maybe a bit above average compared to women with a similar body-fat percentage. PN's hips, on the other hand, could only be accurately described as world class. I'm certainly no modeling expert (though I've written a book's worth of crap ITT) but I would imagine that her hips are the main feature that sets her apart from the ladies who are merely professional models nobody knows by name. They are very broad and the curve from her waist is just about perfect. The flair is substantial enough to be eye-popping noticeable and hot, but it doesn't look absurd like she's wearing a tight corset or something which you can see in Raquel Welch and other '60s bombshells. In this pic, Nemcova is angled in such a way to emphasize her right hip, but even if we ignore that side and look at the more muted left side it's pretty obvious that she completely blows KB (and just about anyone else) out of the water as far as that part of the body goes.

So, yeah, I'm with Jenn on this one. I really don't see what's spectacular about KB in that gold-bikini picture and am completely lost as to how you could look at those two pictures and think the top one is hotter. I honestly think that if you took just those two pics and showed them to all guys 20-35 who had never seen or heard of either then PN would get over 80% of the votes. I guess that's not quite true if it's worldwide because there are probably a lot of places where KB would dominate because she looks more exotic to them, but if it was in Europe, NA, SA, and Australia I think Nemcova's pic would win handily.
02-20-2009 , 06:26 AM
these arguments are lol. the 2 are so vastly different that arguing is dumb. either one appeals to you or the other does. they are so different in every way that one will look and immediately have a preference. it's not like anyone is like "hm this is real close they are so similar." its either you like a type like salma, or a type like KB. quit yer bitching!
