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Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident!

09-26-2010 , 12:37 AM
Something you might accidentally drink

Spoiled milk - 5

Someone else's drink - 2

HiFi - soap
kwami42 - Mouthwash
pocketas227 - dip cup juice
fredericksburg - Antifreeze
ibavly - lemon juice
pwnsall - ruffie
AirforceJB - alcohol
Aaronk56's Son - Urine (match alice16)
SarcasticRat - Non-alcoholic beer
MoneyMatt1 - cum

Last edited by legend42; 09-26-2010 at 10:04 AM.
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:37 AM
man rotten milk is gonna be a good answer

and dip cup fails misserably
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:38 AM
And it's neck and neck with one question left...pocketas still on the podium for now

filthyvermin 50
Fleebrog 50
pocketas227 44
pwnsall 43
D1iabol1cal 43
cbec 43
HiFi 43
alice16 41
amplify 38
kwami42 32
fredericksburg 30
ibavly 30
SarcasticRat 27
accobra_kid 27
AirforceJB 23
Aaronk56's Son 19
MoneyMatt1 8
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by pocketas227
man rotten milk is gonna be a good answer

and dip cup fails misserably
Don't you guys all own spittoons?
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
Don't you guys all own spittoons?
yeah but its like eating off of a china plate. they're just used for decoration.

podium finish one time!
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:41 AM
man filthyvermin will just not go away
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:43 AM
one time?
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:43 AM
Two horse race here

A book, movie, song, or album with any form of the word "accident" in the title

filthyvermin's answer

while Flee went the simpler route:

which is usually a sound Sheep strategy, but...

Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:45 AM
f5 f5f5f5
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by pocketas227
God I hate this song. Could they have said "love" 100 more times?
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:47 AM
A book, movie, song, or album with any form of the word "accident" in the title

Accidentally in Love - 5

The Accidental Tourist - 3

Accident - 2

The Accident - 2

fredericksburg - Accidents will happen
AirforceJB - car accident
Aaronk56's Son - Accidentally Like a Martyr
SarcasticRat - Accidental Deth (match alice16)
MoneyMatt1 - Son, You were an accident. (#1 song in 2013)

Last edited by legend42; 09-26-2010 at 01:04 AM.
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:48 AM
ship it!
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:49 AM
I thought Alice or Chyme would rep Rilo Kiley. For shame!
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by legend42
And filthyvermin takes over, though it's a lot tighter than a turkey...

filthyvermin 38
Fleebrog 37
pocketas227 36
pwnsall 34
HiFi 34
cbec 33
amplify 32
alice16 31
D1iabol1cal 30
kwami42 24
fredericksburg 22
ibavly 21
AirforceJB 20
SarcasticRat 19
accobra_kid 14
Aaronk56's Son 11
MoneyMatt1 6
woot woot woot1!!! i am grinding while i read this thread, so i am about 20 minutes behind. but it's a good sweat. i never won a sheep before. i know i will choke though
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:50 AM
And before the calls for grouping Accident with The Accident, accobra specified he meant the movie:

and without a "The" I had to group ibavly's with that. It's a fairly well known film in the international art cinema circle. Sorry Flee.
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:51 AM
I meant the movie

thanks for the game
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:52 AM
Final Scores:

First Place: filthyvermin 53

Second Place: Fleebrog 52

Third Place: pocketas227 49

Top Ten:

D1iabol1cal 48
pwnsall 48
cbec 46
alice16 46
HiFi 45
amplify 41
kwami42 37

And the rest...

ibavly 32
fredericksburg 31
accobra_kid 29
SarcasticRat 27
AirforceJB 24
Aaronk56's Son 20
MoneyMatt1 9
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:53 AM
man i swear to god i had accidental tourist but i thought most people hadn't heard of it and a simple answer would do better

i had nothing in mind when i put the accident, i could have easily just put accident
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:53 AM
nice win filthyvermin! congrats flee & pocketas!

thanks legend!
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:54 AM
glad to see i'm still failing at this game. all is right with the world.
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by legend42
And it's neck and neck with one question left...pocketas still on the podium for now

filthyvermin 50
Fleebrog 50
i am playing 1k heads up sit and go and sweating this way harder than my game! hahahaha

hold! one time!
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:55 AM
thanks for the game legend

grats filthy and flee

and jesus
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:56 AM
Thanks for the game, legend, and congrats to filthy, Flee, and pockets.

And for anyone who is interested, there are a couple of Think Different (peehs) games going on the Jeopardy! board. The regular one for this week just closed, but next week's is open. Also, there are now "specialty" games going. The current one is Tolkien (LOTR and The Hobbit).
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 01:00 AM
woot woot!!! super close! and a kind of a tainted win, but i'll take it! for my 1st sheep win ever hahaha!

i was literally biting my finger while i was reading the results.

when legend put that sheep answered the accident i was certain i had lost. i came so close to answering the accident.

anyway thanks legend!!!

and gg flee!
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
09-26-2010 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by SarcasticRat
I thought Alice or Chyme would rep Rilo Kiley. For shame!
alice noted in her answer PM that she didn't want to use Accidentally in Love, but thought it would sheep.

Which is funny, because she's more than willing to forego a sheep when it comes to deeply felt principles like Demi Morre looking 50 instead of 40
Midnight Sheep REVEAL ~ This was no boat accident! Quote
