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The Masters Mishmash Gamethread The Masters Mishmash Gamethread

05-02-2014 , 02:49 PM
So I just lost Internet again.... it's unbearable...

So again, I'm going to be wash behind in interaction reading and being on from phone until it decides to show up again.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 02:55 PM
I'd be remiss to note the possibility of Euro setting up f3 by saying yesterday duck never wins this at f3

The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 02:55 PM
saying he won't let duck win it at f3. or something
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by wangpirate
domer yesterday said he wanted to shoot tchaz then shot a villa as well.

ianaww had chaz on his villa list. looking for another mq though, h/o
domer is very easily setting up a bus that caught no momentum and shrug shot henrik when it didn't.

killrate is king, he had a cond. dayvig and probably thought he could pone endgame. I could see him trying a bus there for sure.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:00 PM
i read moast of that and i'm not even sure what you were hoping to explain with it. it's just sort of a recap of what happened.

Originally Posted by tchaz
ISomething to note here is that I'm on a computer. If I was a wolf I would presumably have had domer in wolf chat trying to organise the ita shots and demanding attention. I wouldn't have been wasting time about trying to elucidate my thoughts on len. And I wouldn't have missed the start of itas. Presumably I would have had a plan of who to shoot. domer and len certain seem to have. (Tbh I have no idea why domer didn't shoot me - that seems to give a decent chance for the wolves to brute force the game, but w/e.) ianaww obviously didn't - but I presume that he was on his phone (I think this was what he said itt he did in previous itas) and maybe wasn't in wolf-chat?
explain the bolded? makes no sense at all.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
I'd be remiss to note the possibility of Euro setting up f3 by saying yesterday duck never wins this at f3

your paranoia is adorable, but no.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:03 PM
I read the tchaz novel and I feel like I need a bowl of pasta and a nap to digest it all
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by tchaz
Keep asking

Yes - those should have been double shots. However when Nike was ita'ed on d2 (he was hit twice) those hits revealed as the first two shots on him (shoulder and wrist). So Henrik's vig shots at him on n1 didn't go through. Similarly for domer on n3. He had one hit on him from d2 itas (also by Henrik), and didn't die during the night of n3.
Thanks tchaz

Originally Posted by Effen
Domer already had 1 shot on him I think in ita 3

I hit him with a normal shot ita 4 and he wasn't dead, and I'm almost positive the wolf rber was dead in ita 3

If someone can verify cuz I'm on my phone that'd be nice
My notes are written online - ya me.
So I'm all from memory now.

Originally Posted by Effen
wolf roleblocker is dead d3, but henriks shot(s) don't hit domer n3

so the wolves have a jailkeeper (with night angel and night roleblocker and not that many village PRs in a 39 man game this seems extremely unlikely)

or it's REALLY unlucky for henriks 2 shots to both miss. skeptical face.
Henrik missing twice would be really awful.

Originally Posted by Effen
I'd be remiss to note the possibility of Euro setting up f3 by saying yesterday duck never wins this at f3



Originally Posted by Effen
saying he won't let duck win it at f3. or something

I really really like tchaz' big post there.. like really!
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:06 PM
I'm from phone and got the essence - it's not that hard to get.
But you need to have a open mind
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:06 PM
duck - I felt like I had to note it for posterity and possible reference
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:07 PM
duck - his big post is ok and all. i really dont get most of it, or what he's trying to convey.

i mean that doesn't answer half the questions posed to him ITT.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by wangpirate
duck - his big post is ok and all. i really dont get most of it, or what he's trying to convey.

i mean that doesn't answer half the questions posed to him ITT.
Not at all, but he's mirroring some of the same things I considered yesterday - and he's showing an openness to what happened in thread - I like it
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:11 PM
also of note, the one who made a comment about how tchaz came back 15-20 mins later to clarify a post and how villagery it was of him to do so

was Len

granted it coud just be because Len knew chaz was a villa anyway
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
duck - I felt like I had to note it for posterity and possible reference
Im sure I'll be one the wolves consider in F3, since to them it will be a guarantee lock. Or so it will seem to them at least.

I mean... it's easy to discredit me. I'm me.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:15 PM
still my issue with that chaz is that you kept saying you prefer to shoot ianaww.


but instead you go with consensus and shoot lenC.

then later on, you vote me saying it's just a guess.

i mean.. how on earth did me, who was at a bar getting drunk, get voted over the guy you preferred to shoot just an hour earlier?
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
duck - I felt like I had to note it for posterity and possible reference
I dont know the word remiss....
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
chaz still generally frozen, i'll be back shortly
lol no. mid-season tchaz form


Originally Posted by Eurotrash
since I haven't actually heard you state it explicitly, let me ask this:

are you now claiming that you believe your power specifically doubled Henrik's ability, i.e. that it made him fire two golf balls, and that I'm lying about my shat? i just want this to be quotable/findable for F3 in case you managed to get me lynched over it.
Yes I believe that the power made him fire two golf balls. Since there are two reported in the kill flavour write up it doesn't seem possible that one is yours and one is his. (Setting apart mod-flavour fail.) I'm assuming that you could only fire one ball. So that leads me to think that either your shot didn't reach the target or you didn't shoot. I've already said that in view of Leo's role your claim doesn't seem unreasonable. But we do have this anomaly if your claim is correct. More below


Originally Posted by Effen
Domer already had 1 shot on him I think in ita 3

I hit him with a normal shot ita 4 and he wasn't dead, and I'm almost positive the wolf rber was dead in ita 3

If someone can verify cuz I'm on my phone that'd be nice
Originally Posted by Effen
wolf roleblocker is dead d3, but henriks shot(s) don't hit domer n3

so the wolves have a jailkeeper (with night angel and night roleblocker and not that many village PRs in a 39 man game this seems extremely unlikely)

or it's REALLY unlucky for henriks 2 shots to both miss. skeptical face.
Iz problem. We have the information from Henrik about who he shot at, tho'. Henrik's conclusion was that domer was angeled on n3 - which makes sense because Henrik claimed to be a partial vig on d3 and the wolf role-blocker was dead by then. Henrik's guess is that he was rb-ed on n1 - but the only role-blocker to flip so far is telcontar the wolf rb.

Now we can think about what happened on n2 in terms of rb-ing. telcontar was alive. that would account for one rb. The question is: is there another rb-er (type) role in the game (either wolf or village)


Originally Posted by wangpirate
man the more i dig in the more i'm convinced it's chaz. but i'm open to other thoughts.

the first quote almost just kinda seems like he was looking for a character to claim, but obv i'm reaching on that.

chaz - why'd it take you almost a full hour to claim once you said you would?
tbh, I thought claiming during itas would just cause confusion, which wouldn't be likely to help. People would waste time thinking about my claim instead of trying to figure out how to shoot wolves. You can see in my long MQ that I snapped at DWetz at some point where I was feeling frustrated that people weren't focussed on that. (I may have been wrong in having that feeling, but that was what it was, nevetheless.)

After itas I was trying to think about who to vote for, and again whether it made sense to claim - in case it was going to create a huge distraction in the limited time we had available.


Originally Posted by wangpirate
and why not come into today thinking it's possible you had w/w wagons chaz?

euro did that pretty vigorously stating last night doesn't clear me.
I don't rule out any one entirely apart from Effen. (It's just logically possible, maybe, that nEffen/Euro are the last two wolves - but I don't believe that and I'm not going to think about it.)


Originally Posted by Effen
I found zero wolf bussing anywhere except for mutigers 0% shots on 2 wolves

Now this could be not true with euro firing two killshots and needing the credit

But overall it seems more likely tchaz knew he was ****ed and killed the wolf vig out of desperation
In my long MQ of itas I go over this. If I'm was to have been a wolf I would never have been in that situation. If I was in the situation I would probably have yolo-ed ianaww.


Originally Posted by wangpirate
and chaz - why vote me over ianaww last night?
Originally Posted by wangpirate
chaz there's another smoking gun that euro quoted earlier.

during ITAs you said you prefer to shoot ianaww over len. and didn't even mention me(that he quoted, it's POSSIBLE you did, i guess)

then you vote me over him later on?

voting a person you weren't going to shoot over a person you preferred to shoot?
I did say I had a slight villa lean on you - I quote a post of mine saying that in the long MQ on my itas I've just posted


Effen's post about how the claim would have been given to len not ianaww (and maybe more plausible?) if it was cooked up in wolf chat swayed me. I now suspect that the claim wasn't cooked up in wolf chat, but by ianaww on his own - but I only came to that conclusion once ianaww flipped.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:16 PM
if its duck or mets or wang then the wolves did some random button clicking early on bros, no one followed it up, and got there now. fine. not gonna torture myself.

tchaz and euro are what we got centered around whizzing ball gate. tchaz coudla bussed the vig cuz he panicked/needed to/len was dying anyway/wang had no momentum, euro coulda bussed telc and domer because he needed cred and figured he could unclaim when needed.

both are plausible, unless someone has new info to inform me of, and I'll check in, I'm not gonna run in circles for the next 6 hours.

The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by wangpirate
still my issue with that chaz is that you kept saying you prefer to shoot ianaww.


but instead you go with consensus and shoot lenC.

then later on, you vote me saying it's just a guess.

i mean.. how on earth did me, who was at a bar getting drunk, get voted over the guy you preferred to shoot just an hour earlier?
wang makes good points

tchaz coulda not wanted the stink of redirect on himself. remember that didnt flip.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:20 PM
I think the way tchaz writes is SUPER villagery. That whole thing seems pristine.

But someones gotta be the wolf here. dunno. bbl.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
also of note, the one who made a comment about how tchaz came back 15-20 mins later to clarify a post and how villagery it was of him to do so

was Len

granted it coud just be because Len knew chaz was a villa anyway
mkay. But you were the one who agreed with that reading of my post iirc.

Originally Posted by wangpirate
still my issue with that chaz is that you kept saying you prefer to shoot ianaww.


but instead you go with consensus and shoot lenC.

then later on, you vote me saying it's just a guess.

i mean.. how on earth did me, who was at a bar getting drunk, get voted over the guy you preferred to shoot just an hour earlier?
I talked about this in the long list of responses. Briefly, got too convinced by the idea that lenC would have take the better claim if ianaww was a wolf. [Flaw: assumes ianaww's claim was created in wolf-chat - but ianaww probably wasn't there.]
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:22 PM
i agree chaz writes villagery.

but i'm not at the point of arguing his tone here. tone isn't what we base votes on in a final 6 situation.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:24 PM
so your entire reasoning for voting me, over ianaww, is that you think when wolves come up with a claim, ianaww's claim should have been given to lenC if they came up with it in wolfchat? instead of lenC claiming vanilliger?
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:24 PM
and that entire line of reasoning, ends up with you voting me while saying "just a guess"?
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
05-02-2014 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by tchaz
wang but its a guess
like that wording doesn't match up with how you said you came about it. especially THAT fast during EOD.
The Masters Mishmash Gamethread Quote
