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Masons game thread Masons game thread

09-22-2009 , 04:58 PM
it was really only 2 votes for birdman, I was already on it. just bolded for emphasis
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09-22-2009 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Don't like the Birdman rush.
i agree.
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09-22-2009 , 04:59 PM
the 2 on zomg need to move now
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09-22-2009 , 04:59 PM
and the 2 on aries
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09-22-2009 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
Don't like the Birdman rush.
eeeek sick x-post

i go back and reread and tonnnnes of ppl hop on

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09-22-2009 , 05:00 PM
aao's mason better hurry and tell him to post
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09-22-2009 , 05:00 PM

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09-22-2009 , 05:00 PM
remind me to ask you why tomorrow, tjt. if were both here.
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09-22-2009 , 05:05 PM
[0] aao voted
[0] andynan voted goffy
[2] AriesRam voted goofy
[0] Atakdog voted birdman
[1] Biggerboat voted goofy
[6] Birdman voted tjt
[0] cres voted birdman
[0] DannyKGB voted
[0] FCBL voted zomg
[8] Goofy voted zomg
[0] HoldMe voted goofy
[0] kkcountry voted goofy
[0] Lucky Devil voted goofy
[0] McAvoy voted birdman
[0] M1ke voted aries
[0] Nich voted biggerboat
[0] Norse voted WN
[0] OTI voted
[0] Scrubbo voted birdman
[0] semper voted aries
[0] Thingyman voted birdman
[0] TimeLady voted goofy
[1] TJT11 voted birdman
[1] Wahoo voted wn
[2] WellNamed voted wahoo
[2] Zomg voted goofy

Please PM me corrections
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09-22-2009 , 05:10 PM
After the meeting in the square, the feeling in the village had been changing rapidly throughout the day.

First there was shock, and quiet whispers this way and that. A kind of hubbub of rumour and relief, as people finally shared thoughts that had previously dared not be voiced.

Then, as the morning wore on, there began a sense of belonging that echoed through every person in the village, as one and all people began to look to their neighbour as a brother in arms. By noon, the village was alive with talk of camaraderie as each spoke of their own plans to deal with these beasts. For a small time, things buzzed with an upbeat feeling.

But then the crash came. As it surely must have.

Almost in unison, the entire village realised that some of the people they had sworn to fight with may be the enemy they were want to fight.

It took very little time for the community to dissolve. Each man accusing another for spurious reasons.

Before long the village had broken into anarchy, and tempers reached fever pitch. There were arguments that turned to brawls. There were whispers that turned to screams. There were meetings that turned to frenzies of shoving and glare.

And finally, as the sun set and nerves frayed, there was a village that had turned to a lynch mob.

The victim seemed to be decided by a hive mentality, and was quickly driven to the village boundary upon the shoulders of a throng of men. And finally thrown to the ground and beaten to death, to the accompaniment of bawdy screams.

Alas, as the body released it’s grip on life, it did so too easily, and it became clear, too late that this body was weak human flesh. Indeed, Goffyballer was nothing more than a fellow villager.

Even as you took this in, you realised that there was another mob across the track in a small clearing. They too had taken their vengeance on what was now clearly a human. Goofyballer’s close friend, aao, laid dead, moonlight glistening across the blood that covered most of his beaten face.
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09-22-2009 , 05:11 PM
Goofyballer and his mason, aao are dead, they were village masons.

Wolfs, seer, hit me up.

There will be no modkills today.
Masons game thread Quote
09-23-2009 , 02:43 AM
The screaming seemed to wake you later than the rest of the village, as by the time you get to the front door of your cottage, there is trickle of village folk leaving the main gates, but most seem to be already outside.

Grabbing a robe you rush towards the thronging masses, the screams now subsiding to sobs.

You know what you will see before you even get there, but the knowledge does nothing to steel your nerves.

Slowing as you reach the huddle of villagers, not wanting to see what you know you will, you eventually bring yourself around the group to peer over the shoulder of a sobbing man.

You turn to the woman next to you, to ask who it is. There is little left to recognise. Nothing comes from your mouth, but the woman knows what you are asking with your glazed eyes, without the need for the speech that has deserted you.

‘Thingyman’ she says simply.

You turn back to the wreck of a body lying in the blood. There is a strange mix of limbs and torso; you cannot even see how this was done to a human being.

And ‘DannyKGB’ she continues.

You lurch backwards and vomit violently, turning away so as to avoid the crowd. That is the remains of two bodies.
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09-23-2009 , 02:44 AM
The wolf's NK'd Thingyman. He was a villager. As a result, Danny KGB also died.

It is day.
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09-23-2009 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Okay. I'm just gonna assume this is your normal self, even though I don't know why it hurts to throw out a name. It could seem like a wolf that would be afraid his cover is blown if he suspects someone too early without too much reasoning.


If I'm the seer (which I'm obviously not), I peeked Scrubbo villa.

But I'm not the seer (obviously).
We shouldn't be lynching Scrubbo anytime soon.
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09-23-2009 , 02:48 AM
I am enjoying these writeups
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09-23-2009 , 02:48 AM
[0] andynan
[0] AriesRam
[0] Atakdog
[0] Biggerboat
[0] Birdman
[0] cres
[0] FCBL
[0] HoldMe
[0] kkcountry
[0] Lucky Devil
[0] McAvoy
[0] M1ke
[0] Nich
[0] Norse
[0] OTI
[0] Scrubbo
[0] semper
[0] TimeLady
[0] TJT11
[0] Wahoo
[0] WellNamed
[0] Zomg
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09-23-2009 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
I am enjoying these writeups
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09-23-2009 , 02:50 AM
*********** dead ***********

go wolves, the rest of you are tards

*********** dead ***********
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09-23-2009 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
We shouldn't be lynching Scrubbo anytime soon.

we should look for a second peek since scrubbo can't tell us his mason.
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09-23-2009 , 03:03 AM
ok im here

im on a weird schedule right now thanks to being in vegas and on a terrible sleep schedule

should be more active today.
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09-23-2009 , 03:40 AM
*vomits uncontrollably*
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09-23-2009 , 08:24 AM
Sorry goofy.

Someone is going to have to help me decide today. I seriously don't have a clue.
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09-23-2009 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by wahoopride

we should look for a second peek since scrubbo can't tell us his mason.
Huh? Thingy didn't really peek scrubbo, ldo. So there wouldn't have been a second peek. The wolves had no idea that thingys mason didnt post.
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09-23-2009 , 09:41 AM
And I am not auto clearing scrubbo. I find it hard to believe that the wolves thought that thingy would really play seer like that on d1 with a villager peek. Thingy was pretty erratic, but I have never seen a seer play like that d1.
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09-23-2009 , 09:48 AM
The two wagons today have to be birdman and zomg.

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