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March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread

04-02-2023 , 03:16 PM
1) I try to say we lose if luckay is villa so we should clear Deli_. I ended up trying to push Deli with Luckay at the end of the day until I'm convinced based off of their AtE post that they're a villager and end up not voting them

Originally Posted by IAmRobik
If Luckay is villa, we lost

so uhhh

we should just take deli as clear and play the rest of the game from that perspective.
I start off D2 saying Luckay + Chuckles would be my kills and then I go into multiple posts about why what Luckay was doing at the end of day 1 with his voting made no sense from my perspective and made him more liekly to bea wolf. During this process, JM3 and VR both tried to tell me that my read was bad. But yet I continued to explain why I believed what I believed.

JM3 then took time later to call me a wolf because I kept calling Luckay a wolf for reasons that "JM3 disproved"

Originally Posted by IAmRobik
he was on tbob. tbob was his most likely wolf. he said he was going to be voting tbob at EOD but then ended up voting chuckles. I kinda think they're w/w.

i'm really really highly of the opinion that the tbob wagon was pretty pure based off of activity and how i'm reading the game
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
oh right. he said deli was a wolf.

then he voted tbob
then he voted chuckles > creature > chuckles
then comes back with like 10 mins left and says he is busy and votes tbob.

none of his votes felt like an actual attempt at getting a counterwagon going.
Originally Posted by JMurder3
I didn't feel like any CW attempt was that serious, but who knows?
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
then why even vote the other people? what was he trying to accomplish?

my point is that those vote flips are disingenuous and are more of mimicing what a wolf thinks they would do as a villager, except it was a situation that isn't standard in the sense that we didn't have a counterwagon so you're not just confused villager not knowing where to vote.
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
To be 100% fair to Luckay, this is all true by modern standards, but imback when he was playing it was a very common wolf finding tactic to try to goad a bunch of wagons into starting at EOD and see which ones rolled or got stuck.

I don't specifically remember him doing or not doing it in his first couple of games back though. Will try to check that in a little when I am not waiting for the doc and on my phone.
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
idk. maybe i'm overthinking it, but that's not what that felt like.

1) he had no thread presence or authority. the people who try to do this are ones that have some sway, which he clearly didn't have since he barely posted and wasn't some sort of universal town read
2) if he actually wanted people to follow him, he would have given reads to the like and tried to hype people up to vote him him
3) he didn't even try to do it onto Deli who was his top wolf read
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:20 PM
There's also a world where it's Luckay + VR + Creature with VR being the janitor, which would explain why Creature didn't want to kill VR for "fear that she would get janitored" which is such a ****ing asinine thought upon further consideratino.

but like, that could just be creature being creature and me not understanding
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:23 PM
Tell them about how you pushed Luckay for 2 entirely different reasons back to back after I advised that the 1st one actually isn't true.

Also tell them about how you jumped off of Luckay & then tried to get the whole thread on board with lunching Chuckles because you're William Wallace.
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Tell them about how you pushed Luckay for 2 entirely different reasons back to back after I advised that the 1st one actually isn't true.

Also tell them about how you jumped off of Luckay & then tried to get the whole thread on board with lunching Chuckles because you're William Wallace.
I already agreed with you. You caught me. I'm a wolf. I was fake pushing Luckay, my wolf partner and then when you corrected me, I decided to find another reason to fake push my partner off of and ultimately decided that I wouldn't hedge on him flipping villager and voted away from where he voted at end of day.

I'm not engaging with you any longer. If you want to vote me, please do so. Our interactiono has made it unpleasant for Deli to play and I think they are a villager and I will be doing nothing going forward that would make their expereience worse.

If you wish to voote me. If you wish to prove to the thread that I'm a wolf, go for it. I literally could care less at this point. Have fun. Play your game. I will not be responding to anything from you because I think you're just trying to deteriorate the thread.
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
There's also a world where it's Luckay + VR + Creature with VR being the janitor, which would explain why Creature didn't want to kill VR for "fear that she would get janitored" which is such a ****ing asinine thought upon further consideratino.

but like, that could just be creature being creature and me not understanding
I proposed this already
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
I already agreed with you. You caught me. I'm a wolf. I was fake pushing Luckay, my wolf partner and then when you corrected me, I decided to find another reason to fake push my partner off of and ultimately decided that I wouldn't hedge on him flipping villager and voted away from where he voted at end of day.

I'm not engaging with you any longer. If you want to vote me, please do so. Our interactiono has made it unpleasant for Deli to play and I think they are a villager and I will be doing nothing going forward that would make their expereience worse.

If you wish to voote me. If you wish to prove to the thread that I'm a wolf, go for it. I literally could care less at this point. Have fun. Play your game. I will not be responding to anything from you because I think you're just trying to deteriorate the thread.
Lol such victim much wow
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:30 PM
Robik and JM, give me the wolf team that doesn't include each other. (Robik I know you sort of did above but humor me)
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
Robik and JM, give me the wolf team that doesn't include each other. (Robik I know you sort of did above but humor me)
VR + filthy
VR + you (i doon't actauly believe this one, but I kinda have to incloude it)
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:31 PM
Also just VR
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
Robik and JM, give me the wolf team that doesn't include each other. (Robik I know you sort of did above but humor me)
I'm at the grocery store. But there is an off chance it's still Creature + filthy.

More likely 1 of them + VR/Deli.
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:33 PM
Interesting. Maybe the overlap (filthy and/or VR) is a good place to start?
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
Interesting. Maybe the overlap (filthy and/or VR) is a good place to start?
I honestly don't think Robik preps this whole ridiculous narrative on me if he's a villager, but I guess stranger things have happened. If Robik is a wolf it's almost definitely with Creature, though.
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
Originally Posted by birdmod
This is what I have for final vote. Please take 15 minutes to check and make sure it is right. I was doing it all manually for the last 20 mins or so.

Votes from post 1102 to post 1997
Night in 0:19:59

5 filthyvermin StuckinARutt, JMurder3, chuckleslovakian, IAmRobik, Creature, LuckayLuck
5 Creature , Doctor Zeus, filthyvermin, VoraciousReader, Deli_, IAmRobik
1 IAmRobik iraisetoomuch (4)
i'm a wolf with vboth luckay and creature now
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
i'm a wolf with vboth luckay and creature now
As the one with perfect information, yeah, pretty much. It's funny because some of your case on me is probably based on how you actually felt having to try to carry your team.
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:44 PM
I'm happy to lose to filthy if he's a wolf, cause if he's a wolf he's not the janitor so whatever
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
I'm happy to lose to filthy if he's a wolf, cause if he's a wolf he's not the janitor so whatever
That doesn't actually make sense.
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:45 PM
We should lynch me, JM3 and VR in any order
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
That doesn't actually make sense.
Oh, I guess it does if he's wolfing with Robik nvm.

March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 04:04 PM
Fwiw I'm pretty sure the record will show that despite how much I hated how Robik was acting toward me, & as frustrating as it is that he claims to have read all the posts "with nuance" & then claimed my posts was 75% something 0% were, I have tried to keep an open mind & see worlds where he's a villager & have been as friendly as I possibly can.

I would say we can talk about it in post-game, but I'm really not interested in doing so. If he's a villager... well, not everyone actually reads the game to come to conclusions & say unpleasant things I guess. & if he's a wolf? I have less than 0 respect for the behavior & the nonstop AtE, but anything to try to get a win I guess.

But other people think it's fine & that's fine.

It is without any hate in my heart that I say I'll be gone doing Easter stuff for a while since we're going to be out of town the next 2 weekends. & I wish y'all the best of luck solving the game however you see best.
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by IAmRobik
i'm a wolf with vboth luckay and creature now
It would be great deep cover :shrug:
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Deli_
It would be great deep cover :shrug:
General rule: As a wolf, I need to mislunch people.

1) Luckay used my accusation of you as part of his overall post to get you lunched
2) He and I started a campaign to get you lunched that was on the verge of being successful
3) The reason that lunching you failed was because creature said that he was reading your AtE as villager, I agreed and we both moved our votes off of you.

4) I vote on filthy with creature and Luckay (my alleged 2 wolf partners) to make the vote 6-4...okay, this world of luckay + creature + robik can make sense

5) i swap my vote with less than 10 seconds left in the day to creature to send it to a flip

The problem with this theory is that I spent several posts talking about how I wouldn't vote creature, so if I'm a wolf partner with him, I've literally given myself every out in the book to not vote on my like...why would I do that in favor of sending my partner to a flip, if I could just janitor villa!filthy instead (in tthis hypothetical world).

what credit am i getting for voting for an unflipped partner?
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 04:16 PM
I’ve cleared you, I’m not entertaining wolf teams with you on it but it does give me the ick when you say you did the vote so that me and filthy would clear you. Feels icky and TMI-y and manipulative lol
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Deli_
I’ve cleared you, I’m not entertaining wolf teams with you on it but it does give me the ick when you say you did the vote so that me and filthy would clear you. Feels icky and TMI-y and manipulative lol
I can totally understand this, but part of my goal as a villager is to make sure I do not get mislunched. I could have kept that to myself, but I'm being as transparent as possible and want you to know that that was definitely part of my motivation.
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 04:27 PM
it worked on me. i cleared robik for his vote last night
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
04-02-2023 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
I suspect there's not much to be gained from wagonomics last night other than the fact that wolves were probably happy to pile on TBob.
Do you still feel this way about d1 wagons? What's your preferred order of lunches?

Originally Posted by birdmod
Votes from post 1 to post 1092
It is night

5 TBobLP JMurder3 (162), IAmRobik (131), VoraciousReader (103), Creature (62), StuckinARutt (76)
2 Creature filthyvermin (17), Doctor Zeus (30)
2 filthyvermin karmarein (54), chuckleslovakian (16)
1 chuckleslovakian LuckayLuck (19)
1 IAmRobik iraisetoomuch (50)
1 karmarein Deli_ (99)
1 not voting TBobLP (24)
March 29th Vanilla+ 13er WW Game Thread Quote
