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Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread

01-21-2013 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
disko, you've never wolfed, right?
that's right. this is my 5th(?) game ever i think.

was modkilled on d1/d2 in my first two.

died immediately in the WORST GAME EVER.

won @ f3 in 24.

this game.
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
insanity, here is my mana/spell action. hopefully its easy to follow

like i said i draw 2 cards instead of 1 each day

d1 - 1G and life burst to start out
d2 - 1GW and life burst, mystic ritual, circle of protection red. I picked up a blue during the day and then used life burst with all my mana (yes i realize this is a mistake and i should have gotten additional blues first with ritual)
d3 - 1R and draw mox sapphire + divination, have mystic ritual and COP red in hand, use both blue spells to get to RUUU
d4 - 1RRUUU and draw COP blue and black bite, still have divination and COP red in hand. used COP red and blue (probably also a mistake but i had lots of mana and nothing better to play).
d5 - 1BRUU after drawing black, get my terror card plus another divination. gamble RU and lose. gamble BU and win BB. cast terror. out of mana.

nothing useful after this
i guess this seems plausible

i'm starting to not like this game
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
Most of his posts are just pushing villagers.

Look at how excited he gets when that happens!
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
it's weird to me that nobody considered dkgo might be a tough wolf or that he didn't actually breath of life himself on d1 or w/e he said but rather two nights ago long after RJ was already dead
dude this timeline makes no sense

if i didnt use it early then i would have had plenty of mana before using terror and would never have gambled with one of my blacks in order to play it

if i used it late then i would have given it to the vig instead of myself

give me a little credit for not being a total idiot
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
insanity, here is my mana/spell action. hopefully its easy to follow

like i said i draw 2 cards instead of 1 each day

d1 - 1G and life burst to start out
d2 - 1GW and life burst, mystic ritual, circle of protection red. I picked up a blue during the day and then used life burst with all my mana (yes i realize this is a mistake and i should have gotten additional blues first with ritual)
d3 - 1R and draw mox sapphire + divination, have mystic ritual and COP red in hand, use both blue spells to get to RUUU
d4 - 1RRUUU and draw COP blue and black bite, still have divination and COP red in hand. used COP red and blue (probably also a mistake but i had lots of mana and nothing better to play).
d5 - 1BRUU after drawing black, get my terror card plus another divination. gamble RU and lose. gamble BU and win BB. cast terror. out of mana.

nothing useful after this
1. this seems like a wolf ability
2. you would not have enough mana at that point to cast terror...

so I think you just straight up lied about casting the COPs
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by 425kid
+He keeps arguing that rezzing vagos lock clears him or something

Disko is an ldo wolf imo. You can read todays posts by me to see why.

DKGO has been wolfy and survived a lynch. Kill him with fire.

xxsooted has been on the chopping block for days and he has 6 damage on him so we might as well kill him
strong, strong, weak
So you would want to kill disko and dkgo before sooted then?
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Tao1
Have you played with him as a wolf? What are the things you see about his game compared to last one?

Why dkgo first and then sooted?
these questions are pointless and it's beginning to look like HEY LOOK AT THIS HARD-HITTING INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM TAO IS UP TO

i've never played with disko as a wolf. "tone" is what is the same, maybe his approach to the game to.

after I called out your terrible MQ that "had some value" you told me that the conclusions were there and I should just read. I MQ'd dkgo yesterday, go find it yourself.
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
these questions are pointless and it's beginning to look like HEY LOOK AT THIS HARD-HITTING INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM TAO IS UP TO

i've never played with disko as a wolf. "tone" is what is the same, maybe his approach to the game to.

after I called out your terrible MQ that "had some value" you told me that the conclusions were there and I should just read. I MQ'd dkgo yesterday, go find it yourself.
yeah ive never wolfed. VILLAGIN IS IN MY BLOOD
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by rebonkulous
Xxs is sucking
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
dude this timeline makes no sense

if i didnt use it early then i would have had plenty of mana before using terror and would never have gambled with one of my blacks in order to play it

if i used it late then i would have given it to the vig instead of myself

give me a little credit for not being a total idiot
aight I had forgotten you used a terror fwiw.

who did you cast it on again?
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
F5 might be cutting it close, you're right.

point is, I find it incredibly difficult to believe that the village has somebody who will be infinitely resurrected as a villager.

nobody at all wants to think for even a second that he has one life as a villager then returns for one life as a wolf.
so you really think my role is a wolf role, along with RJ's? seriously? that would be the most broken thing ever

and why would i ever play the role like this as a wolf?

also, what have i done that is wolfy?
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
1. this seems like a wolf ability
2. you would not have enough mana at that point to cast terror...

so I think you just straight up lied about casting the COPs
what are you talking about?

terror costs 2BBB

at the start of the day I had 1BRUU. I gambled and lost RU to give me 1BU. Then I gambled with my BU and won BB. That put me at 1UBBB and i used all of it to play the card.
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
i don't know what cards are in his hand or what mana he holds. we do not have a shared mana and card pool.

so if I said "hey give me 2 mana to cast whatever on a WOLF; i know you have the mana!" he could just say "sorry dude, don't have any of that."

but instead he said "you can transfer all of my cards and mana to you at any time you'd like"

What is this line of questioning intended to determine?
Wether you actually believe this or if its a line. When did he say this? Im presuming that the fact that you can do this is in your shared card.
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:12 PM
gonna go out for a bit. will almost certainly be around for ITAs later.
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Tao1
Wether you actually believe this or if its a line. When did he say this? Im presuming that the fact that you can do this is in your shared card.
Though im also interested in the vader=wolf theory, so Id like to get a fuller picture.
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:13 PM
gonna go back to dkgo for the time being also
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
aight I had forgotten you used a terror fwiw.

who did you cast it on again?
i used it on tbob.

i know he came back village but he was a consensus shot. again, if im a wolf i do not waste that card on someone who is getting killed soon anyway. i would save it to take someone clear out if i was going to die. literally none of my actions are consistent with wolf play
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:13 PM
tao, look: i appreciate that you want to appear as if you give a **** about the village and that you and Jim aren't just howling as ****, but your questions are pointless so I'm no longer answering them
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by flytrap
I'm out for the day. I'll try to skim from my phone.
Originally Posted by Tao1
Why is he wolfy other than that? Do you want to lynch him?
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Tao1
strong, strong, weak
So you would want to kill disko and dkgo before sooted then?
yeah i think they're more likely to be wolves.

but theres no point wasting the mana people have spent to damage sooted when he has to be killed anyways
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
what are you talking about?

terror costs 2BBB

at the start of the day I had 1BRUU. I gambled and lost RU to give me 1BU. Then I gambled with my BU and won BB. That put me at 1UBBB and i used all of it to play the card.
ok you're right, i was being an idiot

we'll pretend i knew that and i was trying to put a read on you or something
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:15 PM
tbob was a decent shat at ~any point during the game so yeah not much to say from that
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Garfield

  • Do not quote from role PMs or other game PMs. Do not discuss artwork or flavor of cards that are not public.
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:17 PM
who is the next nightkill?
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
01-21-2013 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
gonna go back to dkgo for the time being also
can we kill this guy
Magic The Gathering Mishmash Game thread Quote
