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***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** ***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game***

10-05-2010 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
Then you should be calling for chuckles' head right now.

You want VR lynched because her claim might not be counterable, but chuckles countered a claim made by a wolf. Why is VR a better lynch than chuckles right now, if you really believe that Wahoo would give the wolves cover roles?

Also, didn't you say yesterday that it was your experience that it more often happens that wolves are not given cover roles?
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
I feel like you need to replace "generally" with "occasionally." I dont think Ive ever been in a game where they were given roles.
Let's lynch this guy, please.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 12:58 PM
Swiitch, I hope that if I ever get a mason role that you are my mason.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight

There has yet to be a case posted on me other than I pushed hifi which was bad but no player this game hasn't pushed a villa at some point. The other thing being used against me is that I voted for 2 wolves. This is exactly the reason I never bus. Somehow voting the wolves made me more wolfy.
My case on you is the extreme volume of posts not making any logical sense whatsoever (in terms of ww and your experience level).
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
Swiitch, I hope that if I ever get a mason role that you are my mason.
Oh yeah, I want to find the people who got her killed and make them pay.

But it might have helped that we got called terrible for our play on the day she was lynched, too.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:00 PM
I would like to request that all villagers who are interacting with CDL atm let us know who else they think is a woof woof.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
Oh yeah, I want to find the people who got her killed and make them pay.

But it might have helped that we got called terrible for our play on the day she was lynched, too.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
I would like to request that all villagers who are interacting with CDL atm let us know who else they think is a woof woof.
Given the way CDL is wishy washy on the whole cover roles thing, if he flips wolf, chuckles is a wolf.

But aside from that, possibly homer, and possibly telcontar.

I no longer think Larry's a wolf though - stemming from my reread of d1 and also because I thought about it and him calling us idiots/terrible d1 is probably less wolfy than I originally thought. CDL agreeing with him like he did though, that's wolfy.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
I would like to request that all villagers who are interacting with CDL atm let us know who else they think is a woof woof.
Anyone else for me is not much more than a wolf lean. I'll post my villa to wolfy list, though.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:06 PM
hmm LL isn't a wolf I concur unvote

I need to stop reading this thread...
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:07 PM
*** Vote Count ***

[0] aao
[1] Aaronk56's Son
[0] Biggerboat voted for CalledDownLight
[5] CalledDownLight
[0] Chuckles
[0] Derm
[0] Derwipok voted for LarryLegend
[0] elliot voted for Aaronk56's Son
[0] Globetrotter
[2] HomerNoonJr
[0] JD voted for CalledDownLight
[2] LarryLegend voted for CalledDownLight
[0] officedog voted for CalledDownLight
[0] PlzBeALevel voted for HomerNoonJr
[0] Swiitch voted for CalledDownLight
[0] Telcontar
[0] Titanrulez voted for LarryLegend
[0] TimeLady voted for HomerNoonJr
[0] VoraciousReader
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:07 PM
I haven't posted yet today because I've been doing a reread. Only on page 11 but here are posts of signifiance:

Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
Skimmed everything and just wanted to say I AAO

I was thinking while I was drinking how much I was hoping he could give us a true AAO theory today and he delivered.


Also was thinking and Luckbox probably signalling with his claiming wolf posts. So voting him is good.

Gonna continue drinking now.

Thought this was significant. Again, he makes a weird post about aao, however after thinking it over I think it spews aao villager.

Originally Posted by Titanrulez
OTI you should be voting one of these
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
lol I'm half a case deep so not really going with that right now.

But my plan is to make a master list based on your reads and tweaking them where I see fit. I think it could be epically accurate.

Unlikely w/w dialogue imo. Titan looks good.

Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911

for the wolfiest snipe of all time
Originally Posted by globetrotter
why do people always think I'm wolfy?

Villagery reaction to OTI vote. Globe looks good.

Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
lol telco is gonna be so mad when he wakes up.

I hjope we can get 10+ voteso nhim
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911

could be really funny. I hope Im awake for it.
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
Right now I am mebtally willing Telco to the thread.

Everyone else should be voting him.

Should be a lot of fun.
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
Just logged on skype waiting to see when he logs on

Really weird posts about telco, possible OT's "mentally willing to the thread" could be wolf chat considering he was on skype, although he claims later to be autologged on.

Originally Posted by J.D.
Originally Posted by Telcontar
hi Just getting to the forums now and starting to read the thread! 4 votes on me already! yay!

Looking forward to catching up and finding out what they are all about

oh wait, i foundzed it!

You mean my presence on skype. When my computer turns on in the morning, I auto-sign into skype. Doesn't mean I get to post or browse the forums right away

but good game to you sir and all the sirz that are on the POG skype chat group!

now to reading.
Originally Posted by Systolic
I has a soulread on Telco. I will know his role very soon
Originally Posted by PlzBeALevel
Ready to clear systolic btw. He'll probably be insulted but that's too bad.
Originally Posted by derwipok
Updated villa list

i actually like this post by telco, im left confused.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:08 PM
bleh that got all messed up
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:10 PM
CDL as leading wagon right now is probably pretty bad.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by PlzBeALevel
CDL as leading wagon right now is probably pretty bad.
I will agree with you even though you may well be a woof.

OD, JD and bigger are getting some woof points from me for this vote.

Swiitch is still obv villa and as I've stated before I think that Larry is too.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:12 PM
Villa to wolf list

Some of these could be moved around some, but you get the point

Chuckles *
Aaronk56's Son

n/a VoraciousReader

* Only because of the claim
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:14 PM
Posts that i sorta missed or something when responding to my mega multi quote textbox:

Originally Posted by J.D.

for the free pass only.
Originally Posted by J.D.
If telco or J.D. were to be a wolf, this makes it likely that they are w/w. The wagon I telco was a joke, started in part by OTI himself, and J.D. as a wolf would be very reluctant to continue to push a joke wagon on another wolf when it coulod easily spiral out of control. However I'm really not sure about either J.D. or telco aorn, but i thought this was quote-worthy.

Originally Posted by Systolic
I has a soulread on Telco. I will know his role very soon
Still hate this systolic post. it really looks like telco wolf spew.

Originally Posted by PlzBeALevel
Ready to clear systolic btw. He'll probably be insulted but that's too bad.
I actually think this is a villagery anticipation of systo's reaction for pbal.
Originally Posted by derwipok
Updated villa list

Found this list remarkable because there isn't a single confirmed wolf on it. derwi is either the strongest villager in the game that everyone should listen to, or a wolf.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
I will agree with you even though you may well be a woof.

OD, JD and bigger are getting some woof points from me for this vote.

Swiitch is still obv villa and as I've stated before I think that Larry is too.
None of his arguments have made a lick of sense.

He said vaya was a wolf and he should know better.
He argued against the possibility of cover roles, then argued for them.
Tossing out the possibility of no wolf seer.
Wanting to lynch a neutral over a wolf.

There's more but that's off the top of my head.

He knows game mechanics probably better than anyone in POG. He knows better.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:17 PM
Wiki of the second little mermaid

ok VR can't win but is a convertible neutral Melody. Am I the only one who reads that plot summary as ldo VR can be converted by Morgana

Originally Posted by derwipok
List of dead players:

Player Affiliation Role Death
Hifi Village Prince Eric, mason, looking for Ariel when she's human Lynch d1
Bogan4life village Vanilla Triton Kill n1
VCD village Triton's seahore herald, gets 1 wolf when wolfpeeked, seer when seerpeeked Chef Louis Kill n1
HerbieGRD Village Attina, heir of the throne, double voter Wolf Kill n1
Moneymatt1 Wolf Undertow, Morgana's sidekick, vanilla Lynch d2
Legend42 Village Flounder, alignment seer for sea creatures Triton + Eel Kill n2
jonnyd Village Vanilla Wolf Kill n2
OnThinIce911 Wolf Jetsam, slow kill if both eels are alive Lynch d3
Luckbox Inc Village Ariel, seer and some other stuff Wolf Kill n3
Systolic Wolf Louis the Chef, role blocker and kill if target is cookable Ariel Kill n3
Sun Tzu Village Vanilla Chef Louis Kill n3
Bsball Village Scuttle, role blocker Triton Kill n3
zan nen Village Vanilla Modkill d4
TheEvilPolkaMan Wolf Flotsam, slow kill if both eels are alive Lynch d4
Xxsooted Village Vanilla Triton Kill n4
Xxaces Village Triton, vig Wolf Kill n4
oh and see, not dead like TL wrongly asserted
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:18 PM
Also noticing votes on me and people putting me on wolf lists and want to say no way in hell am i getting mislynched in two games in a row. I wont make it to EoD today because I have class so everyone better ask me all the questions they need to now so I can clear myself. If you really think I'm a wolf ask me anything. I'm here to spew.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by HomerNoonJr
Also noticing votes on me and people putting me on wolf lists and want to say no way in hell am i getting mislynched in two games in a row. I wont make it to EoD today because I have class so everyone better ask me all the questions they need to now so I can clear myself. If you really think I'm a wolf ask me anything. I'm here to spew.
Who's your top 3 wolf candidates?
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
Am I the only one who reads that plot summary as ldo VR can be converted by Morgana
I didn't read it like that because Eric is dead.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight

There has yet to be a case posted on me other than I pushed hifi which was bad but no player this game hasn't pushed a villa at some point. The other thing being used against me is that I voted for 2 wolves. This is exactly the reason I never bus. Somehow voting the wolves made me more wolfy.
No, and you know better. Your simple refusal to accept that voting the two lock lynches (and wolves) does not equate to bussing is whats wrong here. You are saying its why you are an LDO villager.

Originally Posted by biggerboat
My case on you is the extreme volume of posts not making any logical sense whatsoever (in terms of ww and your experience level).
Loving Bigger a completely hetero way.
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Who's your top 3 wolf candidates?
I'm still working on that and will have it to you shortly, however, based on everything i've read so far these should all be villagers:

Larry Legend
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:23 PM

Also there is a walrus in the movie and I didn't get randed it!
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by PlzBeALevel
I didn't read it like that because Eric is dead.
Eric and Morgana wouldn't work as a conversion

Melody and Morgana actually does make sense, plot wise
***Little Mermaid Mishmash WW Game*** Quote
