Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
So wait....you not putting someone on ignore is now proof of Metsiness? I don't buy it.
herbie put me on ignore for being too metsy at him
why do you think he put me on ignore?
Originally Posted by wahoopride
The only advantage for me of developing a consensus kill is the information that comes out of the discussion. Debatable how much that is but probably less on d1 and less with 3 factions.
thats a pretty huge thing. also, it makes peopel take a stand
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
Anyways I’m almost out of pre 7:00 posts which is fine
If you vote for me I promise to use my very best judgment to kill someone I think is a bad guy
I am not claiming benefits if I am elected, but I am claiming that there is nothing in my role that will cause any negative effects for the village if I am elected
I will implement two party system tonight if elected
The reason I would like to be elected is that it would be fun and I don’t trust anyone else as much as I trust myself
If it looks as though I will not be clearly elected I will vote strategically at EOD to try to avoid the possibility of shenanigans to minimize the chances of civil unrest
You will know where I stand reads wise, but I will not hard commit to a particular kill. If you don’t accept that then don’t vote for me
yet you would vote shorty cause lol!
Originally Posted by crackedquads
mets why are you puking about my herbie vote?
cause he and dustbox are both super scummy, and your discussion with them seems w/w/w
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
That's cool.
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
I meant for accountability for all the players. by only talking about the president, only the president will be accountable for the elimination, which is obv sub-optimal.
yes everyone needs to be accountable
Originally Posted by TimmayB
OP seems to infer the opposite afaik.
Not looking good here bro.
I'm low on post remaining to but if a member of the village could press CT on this it would be great.
im a liberal. im town, and color coding definitely means something?
if that is what you are asking ... you arent? now im confused
look at how i color coded my list ... it went from green to red
now im worried i was wrong about you