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Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread

08-23-2020 , 11:42 AM
The 20th century was a time of war and struggle. Nations vied for supremacy over the rest of the world, and grappled for control of resources and access to financial markets where their corporations could continue on their ceaseless quest for profits. This came to a head in the war that would come to be known as World War II. It was a conflict that would see the battle lines drawn between liberalism, fascism, and communism--three forms of society that found their origins in the material conditions from whence they were born.

There was the economically prosperous West, where liberal democracy and capitalist free markets reigned.

In Germany, Italy, Japan, and many other countries, they found the economic prosperity enjoyed by the West always tantalizingly out of their grasp. Eventually this failure of liberal democracy would lead to extreme measures to prevent open revolution in these regions.

And in the Soviet Union, they had seen decades of subjugation under a brutal monarchy and feudalism that led to revolution and the first major organized communist state. Many others would follow.

Following WWII, the struggle between liberal democracy and communism would span the globe, with open conflict and diplomatic struggle present on almost every continent. Fascism was never far off in this struggle--the last resort of liberal democracies when capitalist markets faced existential threats.

You are part of this struggle that would continue on into the 21st century. You are the leaders of these global movements. Your goal is to secure primacy for your faction that represents the key figures in your form of society. Out there are the masses of people, ripe to be influenced by you and what happens in this game--the outcome of which will determine the fate of humankind.

Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-23-2020 , 11:42 AM
Thread Itinerary

9:00am EST: Night Actions Due

10:00am EST: Start of Day, Thread Opens

8:00pm EST: End of Day, Thread Closes

8:15pm EST: Evening Actions Due
8:30pm EST: Election Reveal
8:45pm EST: Execution Reveal and Policy Enacted
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-23-2020 , 11:44 AM
Game Actions

There are three types of actions: Day, Evening, Night.

Day actions may only be used between 11am and 7pm EST. They may not be used within the first hour of the thread opening or the last hour before EOD.

Evening actions usually have to do with the election, and are due by 8:15pm EST. Normally you would submit them after 8pm and before 8:15pm based on how the election goes, but if you will not be around you are encouraged to presubmit them to the best of your ability.

Night actions are due by 9am EST. As with evening actions, they would normally be submitted after EOD, but you are encouraged to presubmit them to the best of your ability if you will not be around.
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-23-2020 , 11:46 AM
Moderator Notes

Please follow the general werewolf rules and etiquette found here.

Posts at :00 are good, :01 are bad. I will be very disappointed if anyone posts at :02 or later.

No night posting. No deadposting.

Editing posts is not allowed.

Please don't break any rules even once. If you do, there may not be a twice
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-23-2020 , 11:47 AM
General Rules

This game follows some of the general ideas and mechanics of a conventional werewolf game, with a few changes.

Daily Election:

Instead of voting off one person in the game each day, in this game you will elect a “President” each day, just as if you were part of a liberal democracy! That President will then pick and choose to execute one player within 15 minutes of their election being announced via a PM to the mod. The mod will then notify the thread who has been executed. While there are various powers that allow the manipulation of vote totals ("evening actions"), the President announced is sacred (no tricks, that person is 100% President) and whomever they choose to execute via PM will never be changed or manipulated. Whomever I post has been executed was chosen by the President. If you will not be around for EOD, you are strongly encouraged to presubmit your pick for execution in case you are elected. Failure of the elected President to submit their execution will result in it being randed from among the living player list.

As far as timing goes, EOD is at 8pm EST. Evening actions are due by 8:15pm EST. The election will be announced as soon as possible after that. The person who is elected President will then have ~15 minutes to submit the execution to the mods which will be announced in thread. As with everything else, you are welcome to submit a potential execution via PM to the mods in case you might be elected but not be there.

The President will also select a policy to be enacted the following day, which will be due in the same PM as the execution. See below...

Daily Policies:

In addition to choosing and executing one player, in the same PM the President selects and enacts one policy from a list of policies that is publicly provided. There are two pools of policies. "Early game policies" and "late game policies". Each policy may only be chose once, and all "early game policies" must be enacted before any late game policies can be enacted. See below for policies.


While the mechanics of voting will mostly be unchanged, note that, in an effort to best simulate a liberal democracy, certain roles exercise more...influence in who is elected than others. In addition to other shenanigans, various roles have votes that count for more than 1. If you have votes that count for more than one or have other voting powers which I have deemed fit the category, you have been deemed a “Power Voter”. Your PM will explicitly tell you if you are in this category. This is relevant for a few roles and other mechanics.

Class Unrest:

Karl Marx says that “the history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggle”. He goes on to say that:

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.
In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of society into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. In ancient Rome we have patricians, knights, plebeians, slaves; in the Middle Ages, feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs; in almost all of these classes, again, subordinate gradations.
The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with class antagonisms. It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones.
This sometimes hidden, sometimes open struggle is something you will have to contend with in this game. As the army of poor wage slaves have their needs ignored and their voices silenced, they will become frustrated and unpredictable. In this game, that will be measured by the “Class Unrest” meter, as a percentage. Each day, at a pseudo-random time several hours after the thread opens but several hours before end of day, an unruly mob composed of the huddled masses may gather and behead someone they identify as a capitalist pig. The chance of beheading will be based on the “Class Unrest” meter, where 0% means no on will die, and 100% means someone is guaranteed to die. 50% means there is a 50/50 chance that someone will be put to the guillotine. The list of potential targets of the guillotine will start with all power voters by default. This list can grow over time through various game mechanics.

Class unrest will go up and down throughout the game based on various hidden mechanics. Its value will be public information, but what causes it to go up and down may sometimes hidden. Publicly, though, the meter will always go to 0% following someone’s beheading by guillotine. It will also increase by 25% each time the leading raw vote getter (using default vote gathering as recorded in the thread) is not elected, to reflect the frustration experienced by the electorate when they realize that liberal democracy is actually a fraud. That is if, for instance, Birdman10687 receives the most votes in the thread with 17, but due to evening actions VoraciousReader ends up winning the election even though she only had 11 votes in the raw vote count, the meter would increase 25%.

Anti-claim Mechanics:

You may claim your character or role, and at certain points it may be advantageous to do so. However, be aware that there are anti-claim mechanics in the game. If you claim your character or role, these mechanics may come into play. The communists have also been given a list of liberal roles to fake claim if necessary.
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-23-2020 , 11:50 AM

The point of this game is to encourage creativity and LIGHTHEARTED discussion of politics and history. You are free to discuss any flavor you want. This includes discussing what character you or someone else may be based on their abilities or role. This includes justifying why your claim is real based on your abilities, alignment, or other mechanics. You may not quote your PM or portions of your PM directly. However, there is no rule against discussing its contents in general. For example, I may claim to be Henry the VIII if I want. I may also claim that my role is that I am masoned with six different people in the game. I am also welcome to explain the flavor behind this is that Henry VIII was married six times so this makes sense. I cannot quote the flavor directly from my PM, but I can paraphrase this. I may also claim to be liberal because Henry VIII was liberal.

This cuts both ways, though. The communists have been given a list of liberal roles to fake claim if necessary. This means at any point someone could be lying to you if they claim. Any player in the game is welcome to question the historical or political accuracy of someone’s statement, and challenge whether what they are saying makes sense. For instance, another play might point out that Henry VIII was actually married seven times, not six, so that I am lying and probably up to no good.

And, to repeat, there are other anti-claim mechanics in the game.
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-23-2020 , 12:06 PM
Liberal Faction

You are a liberal. You believe in individual liberty, free markets, equality before the law, but most of all, the preservation of a capitalist economy. You are a member of the liberal faction. Though many of you may have differing views on how to preserve capitalism, you all agree on the goal itself. Some members of your team may be neoliberals while others are social democrats. But you all believe that to preserve capitalism you need eliminate the biggest threat to its supremacy: communism.

Thanks to your belief in rugged individualism, members of the liberal faction do not have information about who is what role or even their alignment, including members of your own faction. But while you may have imperfect information, you are the largest faction in the game. You win by eliminating all non-liberals from the game, which includes members of both the communist and fascist factions.

Fascist Faction

You are a fascist. Fascism is the open, terroristic dictatorship of the most reactionary, chauvinistic, and imperialist elements of finance capital--an extreme measure taken by the bourgeoisie to forestall proletarian revolution. Unlike liberals, you are well organized and willing to use openly extreme measures to protect the capitalist mode of production and eliminate your mortal enemy: communists.

As a fascist, you have full knowledge of the who is in your faction as well as their roles and powers. You begin the game with 24hr out of thread communication. You win by first eliminating all communists from the game and then having any member of your faction win an election.

Communist Faction

You are a communist. You believe in common ownership of society’s resources and the abolition of private property. Communists loosely envision a society that one day is stateless, classless, and moneyless. While all the members of the communist team may have different experiences and ideas about how to achieve communism, you all subscribe to the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism as well as the belief that in the transition period from capitalism to communism (sometimes called “socialism”), the main concern, as Karl Marx puts it, is “the real movement which abolishes the present state of things” but that “the conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence”.

The key to abolishing capitalism is for communists to organize, but historically this has proven difficult. Whether it is due to infighting or to infiltration and sabotage by those defending the status quo, it is no small challenge. Members of the communist faction know who the other members of their faction are, each communist’s roles, and each communist’s powers/abilities. However, to begin the game, you do not have any out of thread communication. There are several mechanics by which you can open communist chat. You win the game by reaching parity with non-communists in the game. This includes both liberals and fascists.
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-23-2020 , 01:54 PM
Presidential Policies

After each Presidential election, in addition to executing a player, the President must select a policy to enact the following day. The lists of policies are provided below. Each policy may only be enacted once. Further, all "early game" policies must be enacted before any "late game" policies can be enacted.

Early Game Policies

Lift the Curfew: The following day, the thread stays open after EOD.

Overturn Citizens United: Get the money out of politics! The following day, everyone’s vote counts for exactly 1 and all evening actions involving the election are blocked.

Two Party System: Players in the game are randomly divided into two groups. The following day each group is assigned a separate thread where they hold a primary to nominate a candidate. The results of this primary election (pseudo-EOD) occurs two hours prior to normal EOD. At that time, the main thread is opened and the primary threads are closed. The election then happens as normal except that players must select the “lesser of two evils” between the two nominees selected in the primaries.

Communist International (COMINTERN):
Communist chat is opened and the Class Unrest meter is set to 0%.

Late Game Policies

Mail In Ballots: Mail in ballots are great, especially when you have a working post office. The only downside is it usually means you must finalize your vote well before the election. When this policy is enacted, the following day, there is no vote changing. Once you cast your vote it is finalized.

Communist Praxis:: The following day, an in thread contest is held. Each living player may submit a post made by Birdman10687 in the POG politics thread for consideration. A panel of blind judges will select their favorite post. Whomever submitted that post is immune to all night actions that evening.

Electoral College: The following day, a series of in thread events will be used to determine a small number of representative from among the living players. Those representatives will vote to determine who is President.

Ranked Choice Voting: The following day, players will vote by posting a ranked list of their top three candidates for President. Ranked choice voting protocol will be used to determine the winner of the election.
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-23-2020 , 09:53 PM

Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-23-2020 , 10:54 PM
Some Additional Notes

Term Limits: No player may be elected to President on consecutive nights.

Night Action Order:

1) Role blockers
2) Peeks
3) Angels
4) Trackers/Watchers
5) Kills

Post Restrictions: There are post restrictions in effect for day 1 and day 2. These only restrict posts between the hours of 10am EST and 7pm EST. That is, all restrictions are lifted 1 hour prior to EOD. For day 1 you are restricted to 50 posts prior to 7pm EST. For day 2 you are restricted to 75 posts prior to 7pm EST.

Have Fun: The point of this game is to have fun. I wrote the flavor and set up the game to poke fun at everyone. Please take nothing personally. Feel free to joke around about politics and your characters and such, and make as much fun of me (Birdman) as you want. Now is your chance where I can’t argue back! But for everyone else, please keep it LIGHTHEARTED. Also, please keep in mind that in a game that includes fascist and Nazis, there are certain topics that might offend or upset people. Other than that, remember it’s just a game--nothing here is serious. Please keep your conversation limited to the flavor and content in the game--no one threaten to quick werewolf or never play with people again. Save that for the post game thread if necessary…

Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 09:29 AM
Mod Note

There is no self voting
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 09:38 AM
Moid Note

HerbieGRD is subbing for in BobOjedaFan

As a reminder, do not discuss substitutions itt at any point.
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 09:57 AM

Don't worry about this thing. It's just for show. Really draws the eye, though, doesn't it?

The Class Unrest Meter is at 0%
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 09:58 AM
Live player list:

A missread issue
Booker Wolfbox
Luckbox Inc
Sun Tzu
xander biscuits
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 09:59 AM
Mod Note

Just a reminder that there is a post limit of 50 prior to 7pm today.

Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 10:00 AM
Good morning POG!

You should elect me President today, because I meet all the prerequisites for a modern political leader:

1. I am white
2. I am male
3. I have a sustained record of mediocrity, with occasional moments of moderate achievement and few notable failures

Like you, I'm a working class regular joe and villager, and by electing me you will ensure that no dirty commies or disgusting fascists will have even a moment of power. My only two actions will be to do my best to execute some non-liberal scum, and to remove voting powers for tomorrow. My legacy will be ONE free and fair election!
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 10:01 AM
Hi guys. Hardclaim Henry VIII.
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 10:01 AM
good morning
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 10:02 AM
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 10:02 AM
i'm the democratic party's top choice - i fit two of these three criteria

(white, male, straight)
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout
Hi guys. Hardclaim Henry VIII.
how many masons?
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 10:02 AM
Good Morning
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 10:02 AM
I'll submit a list of names for president later in the day when we have villagers and I suggest voting for them.
This game should be weird with the not voting for wolves thing.
Japanese are good in this game right? I'm Hirohito.
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 10:04 AM
i just have to say that it is going to be absolutely hilarious seeing how birdman manages to turn this game into his own personal vendetta and lecture series against everything related to american parties and specifically, the democrats
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
08-24-2020 , 10:06 AM
Lighthearted Politics WW Game Thread Quote
