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KM's Slow Game KM's Slow Game

07-22-2008 , 08:09 AM
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by soah
btw I would advise quitting Tribal Wars asap.

Your success in that game is 90% a function of how much time you spend on it. Optimal play essentially requires 24/7 attention. At one point I was pillaging more than 50 inactives around me nonstop... then I realized it was only going to get worse, and the game never ends or restarts... so I just quit.
this is probably a good idea. im staying up another 16 minutes to get my next build in before i go to bed

i understand now btw why it doesn't really matter whether i switch to you or not- if you assume that i'm capable of thinking one level beyond the level that I was at
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:11 AM

regarding seeing cover: I agree soah

i suck at giving seer cover. Hitch decides to not fake seer when he set himself up to. DMK made a few posts which meant he could not be the seer (i think i mentioned dmk did something that makes me question if he is a villager, because he usually leaves good seer clues).

But the villagers in general did a great job clearing themselves. And luckays peeks were good (assuming they were his peeks).

Very fun game. THanks KM
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:13 AM
if i was alive i would have pushed soah hard the day after i died, mainly for trying to build a case against sun so early. Why was he doing that? Because if we followed the obvious lynch order he would lose?

If by some chance soah was a villager, then yes, we would have had to reevaluate sun. But the timing of soah's case against sun convinced me at that point that we were right and soah was a wolf with either dustin fcbl or val
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:14 AM
i feel like having some argument with mets about fpsing but i wont

i just think its funny that hes saying villagers should fake seer right now
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:14 AM
Dustin actuallly did seem pretty villagery at the end. I just couldnt believe sun and soah faked their fight earlier.
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by DustinG
i feel like having some argument with mets about fpsing but i wont

i just think its funny that hes saying villagers should fake seer right now
no im not really saying that. Im saying i agree with soah that nobody gave the seer cover. The villagers did a good enough job clearing themselves this game that with the seer dead after 2 peeks we had enough info to win the game, which is how it should work

Also: I am not saying villagers should necesary fake seer, but i agree that we did a bad job of making posts the seer could not make. Which is how you found luckay.
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Dustin actuallly did seem pretty villagery at the end. I just couldnt believe sun and soah faked their fight earlier.

sun was just exuding villageness though it felt like to me and i was pretty sure i was losing

im curious to hear hitch's take to know if I had a better chance with him
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:22 AM
one thing I want to say is that I really do like the slow game format and that we should do more of these

but it is pretty brutal on the wolves

that 3 day long d1 was rough. I felt like we had no chance after D1 and I am surprised that the game went to the final 3. Remaining villagery for that many days w/o lynching someone is hard to do.

In a faster format there are going to be certain days maybe you aren't around that much and able to escape attention, etc
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:23 AM
also villagers:

Val - im sorry but your responses were super wolfy that day

fcbl - i have no problem with you playing an UTR style, it is your perogative. And I think you made 2 posts you would never ever make as a wolf, so i would have pushed to save you the day you were lynched if i was alive. But you cannot play an utr game and then be frustrated when "i wish i could convince you that i am a horrible villager" when your only read is hitch wolf which made no sense to any person alive in the game except for you.

Sun - the eat my shorts thing is kind of angleshooty, but its fine as long as you could do it as a wolf or as a villager. And from browsing your older games, it looks like you probably could. Just be careful -- we are not crazy about angleshooty stuff here in general. But again, it looked like a legitamate argument with soah, and it helped us win the game, so good job
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by DustinG
one thing I want to say is that I really do like the slow game format and that we should do more of these

but it is pretty brutal on the wolves

that 3 day long d1 was rough. I felt like we had no chance after D1 and I am surprised that the game went to the final 3. Remaining villagery for that many days w/o lynching someone is hard to do.

In a faster format there are going to be certain days maybe you aren't around that much and able to escape attention, etc

this is true in almost every game. In the playboy game, i think i did an awesome job of staying villagery for 2 weeks, but after that it became real hard. The longer in real life time a game goes, the more advantage the village has imo (although hitch won the playboy game for us, which was incredible).

Maybe combining the slow game format with a post count restriction would help?

Anyways dustin, you did not lose because of the length of the game: You lost because villagers did an awesome job of clearing themselves. the last 4 lynches were pretty much decided after luckay died. You guys tried to change the villages mind cause you had to, but those 4 lynches made the most sense and you know it.
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:34 AM
ya, i obviously didnt play well here at all

nj kokiri

tough break wolves. i said it in the beginning - i can't imagine the wolves winning this game. and that wolf-team was about as tough as it was going to get with the player pool too.
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 11:44 AM
GG all. Thanks for modding KM!
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by DustinG
all I can say is that:

I thought that if the wagons yesterday remained me/sun, that I would get lynched and not sun

I thought that you would look very bad somehow as a result of that in a final 3

it would have meant that me/sun started out yesterday voting each other as w/w which doesn't make much sense like kokiri said

so i thought switching to you was best overall
thinking about it, i remember my major worry was that if you didn't go soah, i was going to have to get hitch to vote you, and i really didn't see how i was going to convince him. Lynching soah first meant that i would either be in the final 3 alone, or hitch would be there, so either way my life would be easier, although at the time my order of confidence in wolfiness was you>soah.
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 12:31 PM
and thx KM, perfect modding.
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 01:04 PM
Nice work village and thanks for modding KM.
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 01:24 PM
You're all more than welcome. I will always be happy to mod a game for you guys. Just give me a PM whenever you need/want one.
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by soah
btw, no villagers in this game gave any seer cover at all. luckay was the last person I reread at night and I already knew he had to be the seer because everyone else was definitely not.
yes, my biggest (of many) mistake was catagorically removing any doubt . I am still very much learning and that was my first attempt at drawing a NK as vanilliger, so hopefully I can get better.

Soah/Dustin/cue, I am pretty sure I get NK'd N1 if I don't out myself there, right?

Originally Posted by DustinG

sun was just exuding villageness though it felt like to me and i was pretty sure i was losing

im curious to hear hitch's take to know if I had a better chance with him
I sent KM a PM that I'd vote sun yesterday, although I reserve that I would have spent more time /effort if I were alive. I think Sun was terribly wolfy at the start of f3, but that may be bacause I've never played deep into a game with him.

Originally Posted by KyrosMother
You're all more than welcome. I will always be happy to mod a game for you guys. Just give me a PM whenever you need/want one.
ty KM, well run

All, were my thoughts on Dustin/soah really that out wrt dustin not reacting when Soah doesn't die?
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 03:11 PM
OMG - that's my cousin, Edie, who moved away when I was just a little cub. I heard she made it big in the dance world.

KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by The_Hitch
yes, my biggest (of many) mistake was catagorically removing any doubt . I am still very much learning and that was my first attempt at drawing a NK as vanilliger, so hopefully I can get better.

Soah/Dustin/cue, I am pretty sure I get NK'd N1 if I don't out myself there, right?
You "outing" yourself as not the seer was actually the strongest argument for killing you. But it was overcome by other factors. Mostly the same posts which I used to argue why you weren't a wolf. Then on n2 when I reread I became even more convinced it wasn't you although I don't remember exactly why.

All, were my thoughts on Dustin/soah really that out wrt dustin not reacting when Soah doesn't die?
yes they were 100% ridiculous
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 05:34 PM
omg my read was right!!!
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 05:44 PM
So should I fake-seer on d1? I really thought it was a good move, but I decided against it on general anti-FPS principles.
KM's Slow Game Quote
07-22-2008 , 11:44 PM
So, Who were Luckay's peeks?

I bet I was one of them.
KM's Slow Game Quote
