Originally Posted by DustinG
can you remember the last time you were evil in a long game?
the only thing that I can remember was I think MMVIII where you were some crazy neutral character who didnt care at all about how you seemed so that obviously doesnt count
i honestly can't remember. its been a while.
i mean, other than smash bros, but that doesn't count for obvious reasons
i'm reasonably sure i was never a wolf on USG either
wtf was i in that MM? oh ya, zurvan's where i was that cool dude summoning demons and ****. ya, that doesn't count either...
i got nothing. the only one i vaguely remember was when i was a wolf w/ ...nich and some other people where we were absolutely pwning but i was gonna get lynched soon so i just sat there and named every single wolf partner as wolves and pushed them hard. that was so hot. it was like AS8 or 7 or something? dunno, it was a good while ago. i think nich was a wolf w/ me at the very least if that helps find it