Originally Posted by soah
first batch of epi posts:
This is epi's first post. wolfy all around. villagers try to make sense of things. wolves prefer not to if possible. and they'd prefer you don't as well.
did you see the first page? it was a complete mess. a more accurate version of your summary would be "villagers cant make sense of nonsense, whereas wolves can pretend to."
Originally Posted by soah
this was in response to kk's comment about getting NKed and this post just doesn't make sense to me. It seemed that kk was saying that he would get seer hunted or something. It's actually one of the better arguments for kk being a villager. For a wolf to make that post they would be doing it to mimic something a villager might be thinking, which is certainly possible but not the argument epi was making nor is there really any compelling reason for him to believe it - given that he seems to be implying that he otherwise finds kk villagery.
huh? that was exactly the argument i was making - that he was attempting to mimic a villagers thought process, and during that process the fake thoughts lost their fluidity.
Originally Posted by soah
don't see why it would be fake indignation rather than real indignation
my feeling was that it seemed fake. as you note below, i make a lot of reads based on not very much at all.
Originally Posted by soah
where are all the people he thought were wolves?
atak, rake, and i was including kk. for me to have three suspects at that stage of d1 is extremely unusual, i generally have a bunch of villager reads of varying strengths and often only one noteworthy wolf lean.
Originally Posted by soah
coming back full circle to the first post - epi is the type of player that tries to squeeze out every possible read from anything at all. for instance in the list he posted he had reno as a villager when reno had made two posts which I didn't find villagery at all. This is twice now that he has expressed a desire to not form reads and it's very odd for him.
i explained the sun thing, and as for expressing a desire not to form reads, earlier today i posted thoughts on basically everyone. i wasnt willing to form a sun read when sun was intentionally trying to sound unreadable - im baffled as to how that doesnt make sense to some people.