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06-23-2008 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable
I have an alternate theory on dmk being nked which only makes sense if someone like luckay/soah is a wolf which is basically based around outleveling themselves.
Clown - did you discuss this at all today? I am interested on your take on this and if you mentioned it already, I missed it.
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:14 PM
I believe it is Night.
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:21 PM
Sorry - sucky day at work translates into sucky modding. My spreadhseet was screwed up.

It is still day. Carry on with your donkey-hunting.
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:23 PM
0 Clown - Luckay
2 Luckay -
0 Nick - Luckay
0 OR -
0 Swiitch -
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:24 PM
i think clown unvoted
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:28 PM
**Sigh** I need a drink. This should be better.

0 Clown -
1 Luckay - Swiitch
0 Nick - Luckay
0 OR -
1 Swiitch -

I am out until 6-6:30....possible drinking. If you find my ass, hold onto it for me.
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:28 PM
Yes, clown has since unvoted, i think.

I need to leave in about 5 min, but will be back on before night.
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
jesus what the hell? how was I almost wagoned yesterday, and lol apparently my reverse double fake seer worked

N0: swiitch village
N1: kyro village (confirmed)
N2: aardvark village (confirmed)
N3: soah village
oh wow...wolf luckay knows that kyro is wolf here

i wanna clear luckay for this, but i know luckay is capable of this

for now, unvote

man, sick if he saw how km's first post was misleading and then used that to his advantage by pretending to think kyro was villa

wow, i don't think i can vote luckay now

clown for now
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:34 PM

I don't even remember what it was about anymore


on the bright side, I am not yet lynched
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:36 PM
I just remembered my post though

btw, if I somehow get lynched again, you should lynch swiitch tomorrow
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:37 PM
ok wait, maybe i was too hasty

chain of events:

1) luckay reads only first km post that looks like kyro=villa
2) luckay posts that kyro was lynched as villa in 2 posts
3) luckay quotes a soah post from that day
4) luckay then goes back and reads km's 2nd post and quotes it saying he was mistaken?

hmmm...seems like he woulda noticed km's 2nd post BEFORE quoting a soah now i think it may have been a ploy
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
ok wait, maybe i was too hasty

chain of events:

1) luckay reads only first km post that looks like kyro=villa
2) luckay posts that kyro was lynched as villa in 2 posts
3) luckay quotes a soah post from that day
4) luckay then goes back and reads km's 2nd post and quotes it saying he was mistaken?

hmmm...seems like he woulda noticed km's 2nd post BEFORE quoting a soah now i think it may have been a ploy
I was actually very surprised when someone pointed out that kyro was actually a wolf, and then I went and looked back and had no idea how I could have missed it

bizzarre really
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
I was actually very surprised when someone pointed out that kyro was actually a wolf, and then I went and looked back and had no idea how I could have missed it

bizzarre really
ok, say this is true...

the soah post u quoted was #1011

prior to that, the following posts mentioned that kyro was wolf:
#998 (not explicitly, tho)
#1008 (not explicitly, tho)
#1010 (much more explicit than the earlier ones)

ok, looking back, it wasn't as explicit as i thought, so it doesn't damn u...but u musta really been skimming over those posts to miss it
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
I was actually very surprised when someone pointed out that kyro was actually a wolf, and then I went and looked back and had no idea how I could have missed it

bizzarre really
k, so what happened, and I kid you not:

I looked at the sentence which said "Sheesh, Kyro played with his ass all the time, do you really think he stole his own donkey?!" and was like "oh, okay, kyro was a villager ldo"

and then I looked at the next post immediately, sort of glazed over km's sentence saying that kyro was a wolf (because it was just a one sentence thing) and due to the spacing of "wolves / seer hit me up" I thought the entire purpose of the post was just to say that wolves and seer deadline is 7 am

yep, that's what happened
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
ok, say this is true...

the soah post u quoted was #1011

prior to that, the following posts mentioned that kyro was wolf:
#998 (not explicitly, tho)
#1008 (not explicitly, tho)
#1010 (much more explicit than the earlier ones)

ok, looking back, it wasn't as explicit as i thought, so it doesn't damn u...but u musta really been skimming over those posts to miss it
that makes sense, I didn't go back to quote anything. I was on a work computer, and not only was it a somewhat busy day such that it took some finesse to go through these posts (unlike right now, its pretty slow), but I really did skim

btw my post #1027 says that I skimmed

Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
if orangerake was the one yelling at me, then clowntable coached her

wolf team is both of them
note that I have not checked my facts but are merely throwing out ideas at the moment
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
that makes sense, I didn't go back to quote anything.
what does this mean?
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 04:09 PM
day four:
epi clears swiitch based on voting history
epi votes nich
soah said swiitch being on kyro means nothing since he waited until it was inevitable
soah thinks luckay is villager since kyro tried to brush off luckay d1, instead of staging a w-w fight
nich votes atak
luckay says his 'reverse double fake seer' worked: swiitch/kyro/aard/soah villager (kyro/aard confirmed) - HUGE villa points for thinking kyro died villager!
luckay votes nich
luckay votes swiitch, says he must be wolf since luckay didn't die
luckay and swiitch go back and forth
i claimed seer: dmk/luckay/clown/ollie looks like 2/3 of my live villagers were wrong (in other words, nobody left lynchable would be wolf that day)
orange votes swiitch
zeturd modkilled
swiitch votes orange
nich messes up # of wolves left (ldo i could do as any role in theory)
luckay wants to lynch swiitch
soah comes out, likely because or is lead wagon and he had peeked her
soah votes nich
swiitch votes nich
epi votes nich
clown wants to let wolves settle it (villa points if i was 100% on my peeks; neutral since i wasn't)
luckay still wants to lynch swiitch
ollie votes nich
1 hour to go: 2 atak/4 nick: epi/ollie/soah/swiitch on nich; clown on nobody; luckay on swiitch; nich on atak
atak votes nich
nich votes swiitch
atak unvotes
atak votes atak
nich votes atak
clown votes atak (wolfy as he knows i'll be insta-lynch next day, so gets rid of atak today depending on coinflip...def wants atak dead as atak cleared himself and they don't have nk to burn on atak)
night 4 kill:
soah dies as seer; obv

clown>luckay>> >>>>>>>>>>swiitch at this point
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
what does this mean?
on page 12, I quoted soah on page 12

my work computer is really, really, really, terrible. when I'm skimming or in a rush, I really can't go backwards.

I'm basically saying I didn't go back to page 11, where kyro's mother posted that kyro was a wolf

it was near the bottom of page 11 too
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 04:34 PM
Nicholas, I think you're not putting enough importance onto the fact that I'm not dead.

Me not being dead is something I've continuously pushed as the final key.

Either I'm a wolf or Swiitch is a wolf because I was wrong about him. I wasn't seer hunted.

Basically, I want Swiitch dead very much. I realize that clown/nich could be wolves, but I think swiitch is a greater chance than that.

I'm further saying that I would prefer a (Luckay + Swiitch) double lynch than a (Clown + Nich) double lynch. I think Swiitch gets the last wolf greater than 50% of the time is what I'm saying, in fact.

Would I prefer a Swiitch + Clown or Swiitch + Nich lynch? Well, ldo yes, but if the concession to need to be lynched in order to get Swiitch lynched then its something I'm willing to do
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 05:09 PM
i think u can survive being nked even if swiitch is villa since wolves figure u are joking and nking u damns kyro...they would likely wait for a 3rd good pick before eating u
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 05:19 PM
nich, think

two correct views
one of them is a wolf even

the credibiilty that I am a seer there is huge
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 05:35 PM
again, they nk u and kyro is a goner...u are likely faking so they leave u alive
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
again, they nk u and kyro is a goner...u are likely faking so they leave u alive
the source doesn't matter, credibility doesn't matter - 1 wolf, 1 villager: made the correct call? Seer. Kill.

I got the swiitch view wrong. Swiitch is a wolf. That's why I wasn't killed.

I am not likely faking in that situation if I'm actually right with a wolf and village view
KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 06:43 PM
well, I would have liked more time (and if my computer at home were not broken, I definitely would look into it) to have looked into the other days

I believe nich has a good working summary

I absolutely believe by a decent margin that swiitch is the wolf.

here are my rankings:

orangerake: 0% wolf
luckayluck: 0% wolf
clowntable: 20% wolf
nicholasp: 20% wolf
swiitch: 60% wolf

if my villagerness needs to be confirmed in order to indict swiitch, then let it be known that if I were to be lynched today, I want to lynch swiitch. Maybe I see it most strongly because I was the one who knew that I pulled off a fake seer semi-successfully by being in the midst of pushing kyro like mad. Yes, they could have held off killing me on night 1 - but NOT on night 2 if I was right that swiitch was a villager.

I was wrong.

Swiitch is a wolf!

The only reason why I'm alive still is because I'm either a wolf or Swiitch is a wolf!

I'm not willing to overlook the entire nich seer claim, I'm not willing to overlook that clown did somewhat defend kyro. I'm not willing to look over some other shady things that happened days four to now. But by and large, I have the single most largest piece of evidence: SWIITCH IS A WOLF BECAUSE I AM ALIVE.

I hope that I have been villagery enough that it is possible to EVEN LYNCH SWIITCH (and if for some reason I'm wrong, then lynch ONE MORE...clowntable or nich...who knows)

I argue that the entire KYRO-LUCKAY-LINE TRIANGLE IS SO UNLIKELY to have happened


1. I call Kyro a wolf since day 1
2. I vote Line at a vital time on day 1
3. Line asks me if I'm the seer. lol.
4. I keep calling Kyro a wolf on day 2.
5. I lynch Kyro someday. day 4? 5?

I am clear, yo. clearclearclearclearclear!!!



consider if I was a wolf I might possibly not constantly be rehashing that "I successfully predicted, just like a seer, that kyro was a wolf, so why am I not dead - I might be a wolf?" argument if I was a wolf

consider that the entire line-kyro-luckay interaction is IMPOSSIBLE if I'm a wolf




SWIITCH HAS TO BE IT (not 100%, but is the wolf a large majority of the time - in fact, its only 60%, but thats better than the combined 40% of clown/nich)





KMs Average Speed Quote
06-23-2008 , 06:45 PM

well, no, you don't have to, you can use your judgement
but once you see I'm a villager you 100% know that I believed what I said, you 100% know that I was correct on kyro as a wolf and you 100% know I did not die on n2 despite being correct on two living views, one of which is a wolf

how do I not die?

swiitch is a wolf
KMs Average Speed Quote
