Originally Posted by OrangeRake
Why would Nick bother as a wolf in that spot?
Have you even been paying attention to the thread?
There was NO WAY Nich was living until end game as it was. This is why it makes so much sense for him to come out there as a wolf - he's doing it to throw up flak for the last wolf.
Originally Posted by OrangeRake
Essentially the wolves were already down 2 members with a seer still hidden. If you claim seer there is NO WAY that you live to end game in ANY circumstance, so why do it in that spot? What if the other wolf had been peeked by the real seer? You essentially blow the entire game. He came out early in the day, and was being discussed but I don't think was the defined lynch 100% for the day.
Which makes more sense to do as a wolf?
1) Come out right away and claim seer like he did yesterday
2) Wait until he gets a ton of heat during the day and then come out.
He knew he was going to get heat, so he pre-empted there and claimed when he did, so that he could create as much confusion as possible.
If the 4th wolf was already peeked and Nich is a wolf, its game over wolves, so his play makes perfect sense. If the wolves have already essentially lost, why not make the play?
Originally Posted by OrangeRake
As a wolf I think there are better plays to make then claiming seer (which Luckay tried to do also....but made a mistake...and no one is giving him grief for it)
What would you have done in that spot as a wolf? You have 2 of your team dead, still haven't eaten the seer, and a 3rd team member has been drawing a lot of heat. Tell us what a better play is there than coming out.
Now tell us why Villager Nich would do the same thing. The wolves have 2 members gone, and the seer still hasn't been eaten, the seer could have peeked one of the 2 remaining votes the night before - why come out in that spot?
As far as Luckay's claim goes - if he makes a mistake in his peeks, why would anyone take it seriously? Of course he's not getting grief for it - it made no sense. I even pointed it out just a couple of posts after he made it. If lUckay hadn't have made a mistake in his peeks, you can be pretty damn sure he's going to be getting a ton more heat for it than he has been.