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Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread

09-16-2011 , 09:42 AM
im not good enough at this is pushing someone as being a villager something a wolf would do?
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by necro
im not good enough at this is pushing someone as being a villager something a wolf would do?
yeah of course
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist

I'm really trying to help more this game, I don't think I've been that bad.
Just continue and eventually I will stop pushing you. JJ's post is good for you fwiw, I like what he said and will likely move my vote in the near future if I find a good target.

Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Interesting post imo, as youre unvoting master but commenting on Necro.
Well I skimmed modposts to check if I'm alive and like half an hour later I started reading the thread. I didn't remember that the votes got switched so at that point I thought I was unvoting necro.

Originally Posted by Anarchist
derwipok, fwiw this is the same thing you did in HP3 when you were a wolf. You made subtle comments about me and tried to push me.

I did?
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:46 AM

In Harry Potter you soft-pushed me for a little while iirc

not a big deal
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:47 AM
you didnt notice the big mod posts saying that the votes had gotten switched twice?
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist

In Harry Potter you soft-pushed me for a little while iirc

not a big deal
I'm not soft-pushing you here though
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:47 AM
Anyway voting chips here might be too level 1
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by necro
you didnt notice the big mod posts saying that the votes had gotten switched twice?
I guess I saw that master had all those votes when I skimmed mod posts but as I said I forgot about it when reading.
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
I guess I saw that master had all those votes when I skimmed mod posts but as I said I forgot about it when reading.
it was due to a mod gimmick in the game.
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:52 AM
Ugh, I just lost a long post again. I have to remember to check the remember me box.

loosekanen - I wasn't one of the late voters on jackoneill. I was actually the second to vote him in the morning, between his first and second posts. You either didn't read the whole thread or you weren't paying attention.

Before I left later in the day, I checked the posts of some of the other people getting votes - JimHalpert, Gadarene, officedog, and xxaces - but he still seemed like the best choice, so I kept my vote on him. BTW, I don't think later voters were necessarily "sponging", because I think many people would have a similar reaction to jackoneill's posts.

Daisoujou - I think the sn someone chooses says something about that person, so I was curious as to why necro chose something that means dead. Besides, it's his first game and the first time I met him - I'd comment on someone's name irl if it were unusual too. In the Anonymous Draft game, I talked about my gimmick sn in my first post (I was villa). BTW, I looked up Daisoujou - a demon based on Buddhist monks who starved themselves.

xxsooted - Seriously? You're trying to push someone who's afk again? I said I'd miss eod in the signup thread and this one too. Moreover, you didn't respond to my post and you don't seem to be looking at other people. You're so wrong, change your location.
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by NeVeR
Ok .. I see it.. .I'll have a look over his posts .. See if i can make anything of them.

For the record I dont think Jack is a good target tonight.

We should be look at vyk07

Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:54 AM
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:56 AM
***** MOD NOTE *****

Every should have received a PM informing them whether they are OUT of the quiz or whether they are still IN.

Please LMK if you didn´t get one or if you have reason to believe that you submitted the correct answer (Mongolia) and it was processed incorrectly.

Wrong answers that I received were Karakorum (not a country), South America (not a country and quite far away from the chinese wall that was in the airplane picture), Bulgaria (WTF?) and China (OK, I can dig that one).

I don´t know if there will be a quiz today, because you stupid people have messed up my story by killing Brody. I need to go back to the drawing board.

***** END OF MOD NOTE *****
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene


I know what you're getting at here, but iirc he clarified shortly after?

On another front, I'm more concerned now
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:59 AM
What do we think of loosekanen?

Cause I'm having bad thoughts.
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:59 AM
Gad, thoughts on sooted and derwi?
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
Well I skimmed modposts to check if I'm alive and like half an hour later I started reading the thread. I didn't remember that the votes got switched so at that point I thought I was unvoting necro.

I can understand that. You understand concern though right?
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
I can understand that. You understand concern though right?
Yes sure. I unvoted a wolf, a wolf that I later said was wolfy, so that looks bad in a vacuum.
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:03 AM
Hey Guys,
Looking back over what I missed yesterday.

Tbh I was convinced yesterday that jack was a wolf, but it seems hes just a wolfy sounding villager.Dont think master would have voted for jack if he was a fellow wolf.

Jim lock villa with his push on master, I didnt read him as wolfy at all.
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:03 AM
Forsythio feels shady as ****
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Hmm, is that Parseltongue I hear?
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:05 AM
I feel a little bad for not voting a wagon yesterday. I got some **** for it yesterday, so I'd just like to explain myself a little bit. I did not have a chance to really evaluate the case on aces at EOD yesterday, and I did not see any convincing cases, reasons, or cliffs for why he's a good vote in the thread. The other leading wagon, Jack, I thought was a bit wolfy earlier in the day but he had since disappeared and had many afk voters who'd left their vote on him.

In the final minutes of the day, I honestly felt that if I'd voted a top 2 wagon, it would have been an arbitrary vote made just for the sake of voting. Yes, I thought Jack was a bit wolfy earlier so I had a reason to want him lynched, but I was wary of supporting a wagon with afk voters and, based on other people's posts, there *seemed* to be a good case on aces.
I felt if I voted for one of them, it would've merely been adding noise to the vote counts since I was not up to speed on aces nor confident in voting Jack. I decided my best play was to vote my best wolf read, Chips Ahoy. Yes, I realize that is "throwing away your vote" as far as wagons are concerned, and I apologize for not being able to make a truly meaningful vote.

To make things worse, I smelled smoke 2 minutes before EOD and realized I'd burned dinner for me and my wife by setting the burner on high and then walking away to focus on EOD in this thread. So, I let down my wife by ruining dinner, let down the thread by not voting a wagon, and then found out shortly afterwards that we'd lynched a villager. Suffice it to say, I was quite life-tilted.

That being said, today is a new day and here's what I'd like to share:

Updating/restating my leans list from yesterday

Villager leans (no particular order):
esse (RIP, villager)
Anarchist (thin, can't believe I'm giving him a villager lean)
hibiscus (very thin)
JimHalpert (strong lean)
Gadarene (thin)

Thin wolf leans:
master (RIP, wolf)
jack (pretty thin, want to hear more from him)
pyro (RIP, villager)
chips ahoy

Why am I voting chips? Yesterday, I thought esse and iamnotawerewolf were making pretty good cases against him. Since we now know esse was a villager, we can now trust that his read was genuine. However, what really made me suspicious was after he voted me close to EOD and I asked him why he did and if he'd even mentioned me before voting me. You can find the posts here on pages 11 and 12 I think, but I'll give cliffs.

He said he hadn't mentioned me, but that he'd "had the idea" of voting me and did. Later, he reread my posts and thought I was a "pretty good vote." I asked him what he read in my posts that made me think I was a good vote.

Chips' response was "I don't recall, I've already put it out of my mind." What? This was just minutes after he'd voted me. Then he says I was a good vote because I was present in the thread, because I'd have a chance to react. OK, that's fine, but I wanted to know specifically what it was in my posts that he thought was wolfy and he completely dodged my question.

He also said my posts were flavorless "like how USA Today pretends to be a newspaper." That's a bit of a burn, does anyone else feel that way? I put a lot of time and effort when posting as I caught up on the thread, and tried my best to give my perspectives, takes, and reactions to the thread. Maybe I didn't do as good a job as I was hoped, but I still found it odd that Chips would characterize my posts so negatively (a few others have said my posts came across as very villagery).

What's important is that Chips avoided providing a good reason for voting me even when I asked him directly. In fact, he seemed to flip flop between "I saw something in your posts that made me think you were a good vote" and "you were around so I could see how you react." Wolves don't have good reasons for their votes, and they know I'm a villager. This, combined with the reads/cases from esse and iamnotawerewolf yesterday, makes me want to lynch chips ahoy today.

On the other end of the wolfy/villagery spectrum of people who questioned if I was a wolf yesterday is JimHalpert. Jim has had legitimate and believable reasons for doubting me yesterday and has accompanied every "sangaman is wolfy" post with those reasons. He has questioned me for information and continued to keep a watchful eye on me even after conceding I was probably a villager.

Jim said "I think sanga is a villager," I say "thanks, I'm glad I could convince you" and Jim immediately changed his mind because he didn't like that I used the word "convinced." I think I explained quite well why I used convinced, but my point is that I think Jim is genuinely uncertain whether or not I am a villager or wolf and is trying to figure me out. This points to him being a villager who is proactively trying to solve this game.

Since I saw someone ask - Why am I giving anarchist a villager lean? His posts haven't been as wolfy as I'm used to. He seems to be trying at least a little to solve this game. It's been a whole day and he hasn't done anything that makes me want to say "wow, he has to be a wolf." Obviously, this isn't a strong read, just a sentiment I have.

I won't be around that much today, I'm at work and need to focus on some projects I've been neglecting because of too much WW this week. I will be around from time to time and will try to make some more reads/leans today, especially since half of my wolf leans from yesterday died over the night.
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by derwipok
Yes sure. I unvoted a wolf, a wolf that I later said was wolfy, so that looks bad in a vacuum.
well, i was talking more of you unvoted a wolf while giving reasoning that someone else was villagery. Im still rereading and see you saying a wagons isnt bad on master tho, and I like it a lot so my skepticism is off for now.

You make me paranoid cause youre sicko
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:08 AM
holy wall of text batman
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
derwipok - do you think chips thinks he is a bad wolf?
or more generally that that is a consensus - which would influence the way the wolves would act?

Any reason for holding that view?
consensus opinion
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
