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Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread

09-24-2011 , 04:17 PM
oh hai sooted. I was j/king about you being the godfather btw, I think it's vyk
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:17 PM
The wolves had this game wrapped up when we naiively put all of our eggs in the basket by sending all of our orbs to wahoo and let anarchist steal all of them. If anarchist didn't get lynched the following day, it would have undeniably resulted in defeat for the village. It was inexcusable for the wolves to let that happen in that critical juncture of the game. Anarchist's lynch was gamebreaking. It put everything in motion to get us where we are now
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:21 PM
MB is a spaz ldo

Fact is that village was toast without the contributions of a player that was not part of the village. All we are asking is that this player makes up for killing like 4 wolves by killing 1 villager.

Obv we don't blame TL at all. At least personally I would've done the same in her shoes.

Both villagers and wolves put a lot of time/effort into it so I think that argument is neutral.
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
The wolves had this game wrapped up when we naiively put all of our eggs in the basket by sending all of our orbs to wahoo and let anarchist steal all of them. If anarchist didn't get lynched the following day, it would have undeniably resulted in defeat for the village. It was inexcusable for the wolves to let that happen in that critical juncture of the game. Anarchist's lynch was gamebreaking. It put everything in motion to get us where we are now
Anarchist was trying to get votes that day so that village would split and we could CFD hibiscus with 15 seconds left in the day. It was an all-or-nothing strat; we figured we'd either win or lose that night. It failed, we outed a wolf and cleared a wolfy villager, and we still have a shot of winning. That's kind of amazing to me.

But 2 woofs getting peeked (including our quadvoter) is what put us in so dire a spot.
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:23 PM
If this flips, 2 things happen

1) The village wins the flips and congratulates and thanks TimeLady for all of her efforts in helping us win the game. We state that it was not possible to win unless TimeLady graciously did what she did for us and we also apologize for not being able to let her win as well, despite our best efforts and intentions to do so

2) The wolves win the flip. They momentarily gloat and spend the next 5 pages b*tching about broken game mechanics and how they would have unmercifully slaughtered the village much earlier

Please don't let this flip TL
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:23 PM
vyk I agree that we could've played better
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
MB is a spaz ldo

Fact is that village was toast without the contributions of a player that was not part of the village. All we are asking is that this player makes up for killing like 4 wolves by killing 1 villager.

Obv we don't blame TL at all. At least personally I would've done the same in her shoes.

Both villagers and wolves put a lot of time/effort into it so I think that argument is neutral.
Everyone already knows that MB is a spaz and that we would of had no chance without TimeLady's gracious help.

She played the way that was the best for her opportunity to win, which was by helping the village. And by all means we were going to let her achieve dual victory in the end with us by any way possible

You guys asking her to miraculously change course and screw over the village now in the spirit of game balance after everything that happened this game is laughable

Not to say that the wolves didn't wipe the floor with the village early in the game, which you guys obviously did and deserve much praise and credit for being able to do so
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:29 PM
My thoughts on the matter:

I can see both sides of the argument. Really, I do.

There is a slight definition issue here, which I think is the root of the problem. Are neutrals meant to truly remain neutral, or are they not? Imo, neutrals are there to balance the game, like in this game, I had to work against wolves when they started crushing, despite the fact that my role was a very pro-wolf role. I would have gone the other way if village was crushing.

I am a pro wolf neutral. I am designed to be a pro wolf neutral. Most of the time, the orbs will be passed from villager to villager, and that means I should have been targeting very clear or strong villagers to gain their orbs. The fact that wolves started crushing meant I couldn't play optimally.

I am not a neutral neutral. I have to take a side depending on how the game goes in order to maximise my chances of winning. Right now, if Forsythio is telling the truth, I have no chances of winning to maximise, therefore I shouldn't be in the game anymore and I should bite my cyanide pill.

However, it does come down to me believing Forsythio that the Orb of Death can truly be only passed between wolves. If he's lying about that, then I can still win. I don't think he is lying about that, but there is a small chance that he is, it is not a lock 100% that he's telling the truth here.

So, in order to maximise my chances of winning, I have to take the tiny chance that he's lying here, and lynch a wolf, hoping that they hold the orb of death and that it gets randed to a villager overnight.

Another thing I'm thinking of that even if it's true that there's a wolf only orb, it would be very broken if I could not steal that. I could try to target the one remaining wolf after the wolf lynch and see if I kill him and get the orb, eliminating wolves and then village lets me win with them.

Due to the tiny chance that Forsythio is lying, or that he isn't lying but the mechanics mean I can still win anyway, I'm going to vote with the village today.

Just going to reinforce that I'm doing this because I can still possibly win this way, whereas voting out a villager means I definitely don't. It's not because of personal things, or helping the village just because, but because I can win.

Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
vyk I agree that we could've played better
You guys did outplay us plain and simple

But that doesn't change the fact that you might have misplayed your hand at a few critical junctures of the game, allowing us to sneak back into the game, broken game mechanics or not
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:31 PM

Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:34 PM
Timelady, whether or not I'm lying is irrelevant.

XXsooted has one orb, and I have two orbs

He's passing it away

so I get lynched, everyone passes orbs to xxsooted


and the orb of justice is elsewhere

Do you see what I'm saying?
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:35 PM
And if xxsooted didn't really have the orb of justice then we have no where near enough votes for me to have claimed this way like I did, even if I got you on my side. So he pretty obviously does.
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:37 PM
How about we lynch forsy, role block sooted, don't kill him tonight, send all the orbs to anyone but sooted, and then lynch a villager tomorrow while sending every orb in the game to s00ted, allowing TimeLady to peek him and win the game for both teams?
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:39 PM
Whether or not the orb of death can be passed between wolves is irrelevant, is what I'm saying.

So I have the orbs of protection and death
xxsooted has the orb of justice

lynch me, 2 orbs are randed to ppl in the game and xxsooted passes orb to someone else. It is impossible for XXsooted to have all the orbs

Lynch sooted, the orb of protection goes elsewhere. It is impossible for me to have all the orbs
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:39 PM
4 villagers, 2 wolves, 1 neutral now

we lynch forsy, 1 wolf
roleblock sooted, 1 wolf
have TL peek somebody peek a vilalger without an orb (ex me)

wake up tomorrow with 4 villagers, 1 wolf, 1 neutral

lynch a villager and send every orb remaining to sooted that night (including the orb of justice which had to have been passed by sooted the previous night)

TimeLady then peeks sooted, kills him, and achieves victory for both the neutrals and the village
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by The Government
Whether or not the orb of death can be passed between wolves is irrelevant, is what I'm saying.

So I have the orbs of protection and death
xxsooted has the orb of justice

lynch me, 2 orbs are randed to ppl in the game and xxsooted passes orb to someone else. It is impossible for XXsooted to have all the orbs

Lynch sooted, the orb of protection goes elsewhere. It is impossible for me to have all the orbs
read my plan above

I said we lynch you and spare sooted tonight, forcing him to pass to someone

we then lynch another villager tomorrow and coordinate to pass every orb left in the game to sooted

Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:43 PM
lol he is not lying.

I don't really care that much it's not like were playing for money. All I care about is controlling what we can control and I feel like we did a pretty good job of that, with the one huge exception being the annie lynch. I mean we had a first time player in VM peek his freaking teammate (first) n1. Lolz.

Anyways do what u gotta do and much love
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:43 PM
just double checked my logic

High Fives all around br0s
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:44 PM
Supposed to say (forsy)
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:46 PM
vyk it just won't work idk what to tell you. If TL does not cooperate we will just concede and then in post game we will show exactly why your plan could not work for TL
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
vyk it just won't work idk what to tell you. If TL does not cooperate we will just concede and then in post game we will show exactly why your plan could not work for TL
you are bluffing your balls off

we have a lock

waiting for several of my fellow villa peeks to come in and confirm my logic

you mad?

don't be, cuz you played awesome
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:49 PM
TL at least let us flip for the lulz?
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by XXsooted
TL at least let us flip for the lulz?
no soup for you!
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:50 PM
What makes you think I'm mad? I posted a freaking smiley face!

It won't work. If TL does not cooperate we concede. What part are you not understanding.
Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
09-24-2011 , 04:51 PM
I am single handedly holding off the wolves right now

Patiently awaiting backup

Indiana Jones and the Orbs of Khan - ww Game Thread Quote
