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Human Chess Game Thread Human Chess Game Thread

12-07-2008 , 10:27 PM
RACE WARS: In-thread black vs. white team trivia game.

I've paired black and white opponents per bobo's list. Below are 16 pop-culture questions, one for each chess piece.

Send me a PM with the answer for YOUR QUESTION.

No googling or outside help. And don't give away any answers, either to your question or other questions.

Each correct response gets a point. Team with the most points wins.

Cutoff for answers is 24 hours from this post. Then I'll tally and reveal winner. And hilarious team trashtalk will ensue.


Well v Mute: Name the child actress who starred in dozens of films and later became the US ambassador to Ghana.

BM v sixfour: Who played the android named Bishop in the movie Aliens (1986)?

AKson v Zhorax: What is the actual title of what is commonly referred to as the White Album by the Beatles?

jjp v sooted: Christopher Knight played Peter Brady. Name EITHER actor who played Greg or Bobby.

FCBL v amp: Who played Washington state gubernatorial candidate Al Donnelly in the 1996 Chris Farley movie, Black Sheep ?

Alice v chyme: What seminal stealth computer game, released in 1981, featured SS Stormtroopers who would shout “Halt!” and “Kommen Sie!”

(Note: Bobo will submit an answer in my place. And he'll also answer for the next question writer, should there be one. So Bobo can hit for both teams...just like he does in real life. haha.)

Sun v soah: Which rock band’s guitarist, Ty Longley, died along with 99 other people in a nightclub fire in Rhode Island in 2003?

Cardsman v prieko: Name the Grammy-nominated southern rock band whose third album, released in 2007, was entitled, Because of the Times.

Soporific v MDD: Name the movie in which Michael Douglas plays a NYC cop who arrests a member of the Japanese yakuza and escorts him back to Japan.

Valenzuela v kokiri: Who played the title role of the 2002 vampire film “Queen of the Damned”?

LC v joka: Betty White was one of the stars of NBC’s “The Golden Girls.” Name one of the other actresses who played a title character.

Chuckles v RT: Supply the missing word in the title of 14th century English epic poem: Sir ______ and the Green Knight.

Axel v epicurus: Which band’s 1990 album was Fear of a Black Planet ?

Ardvarkus v wyman: Who was the last surviving male member of the group of 50s and 60s entertainers known as “the Rat Pack”?

Swiitch v bobman: In what 2005 Michael Keaton film do the dead communicate with the living via “electronic voice phenomena” or EVP?

Aaronk v aries: Name the music group of singing brothers whose seventh album, released in 1970, was entitled “Cucumber Castle.”
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-07-2008 , 10:27 PM
Epic battle imo
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-07-2008 , 10:59 PM
love these q's chyme, gj

Last edited by PyramidScheme; 12-07-2008 at 11:10 PM.
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-07-2008 , 11:11 PM
as if that was random.....
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-07-2008 , 11:13 PM
FYI as stated in the signup i will be attempting to move every chance i get or can. I know nothing about proper strategy and dont care to, although i will not intentionally try to make a bad move. Lucky for black i am not an important piece i dont think. I would guess it is in whites best interest to keep me alive.

Black Team:

Who on white sucks at chess? Lets keep their piece alive as long as possible and go all out to kill their best chess players regardless if the piece is that important in regular chess. If this strtategy has already been stated plz disregard as i am grunching.
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-07-2008 , 11:14 PM
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-07-2008 , 11:15 PM
wow what? did we already decide to do this? Who are we going after?
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-07-2008 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Bulletproof Monk
as if that was random.....
this confused me. then I got a PM with an answer laughing that I'd outed myself...that also confused me. then I realized that people might think there's a correlation between the players' secret pieces and the questions people are answering.

it's COMPLETELY random. bobo had nothing to do with the questions (other than OK'ing them for the thread.) I have no idea what anyone's game piece is other than mine.

I wrote 16 questions: 4 with black, 4 with white (for the pawns), 2 castles, 2 bishops, 2 knights, a king and a queen. then I paired up black vs white individuals, line by line as bobo orignially listed them. (WN and mute were tops on the list, and so on). then randomly filled in the 16 questions.
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-07-2008 , 11:47 PM
This is all my fault.

I didn't read that chyme actually *said* that the answers were one for each chess piece.

Then when PS said that the q's or a's all contained bishops, knights, or whatever, I thought "Oh noes, don't ruin it for people!" So I shot a pm to PS saying that he might want to let people answer the q's before giving away chyme's secret.

I suck at life (but I got my question right)! Sorry for the confusion.

EDIT: and nice q's chyme.
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:21 AM
To: Morons

#1 Chyme has not outed what peice he is or what anyone else is.
#2 Mdd, the peices everyone is is secret so your strategy will not work, its also forbidden to talk about. There will only be a reveal of a peice when it is killed. Your post (mdd's) was sort of illegal, no more of those
#3 bM, the move was random you ass, stfu
#4 All Blacks are in, move shortly...
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:25 AM
I'd be down for some bughouse. Fics has it, dunno bout icc
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by chymechowder
this confused me. then I got a PM with an answer laughing that I'd outed myself...that also confused me.
No, I mentioned that PS had outed you -- and I meant in the sense that he gave away that your questions were related to chess pieces. Like I said, I have the dumb. [If you don't understand what PS said, it's because he edited it away.]

Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
To: Morons
#1 Chyme has not outed what peice he is or what anyone else is.

Again, sorry for the confusion.

Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:34 AM
btw wyman, i think youre fairly new to pog, so just letting you know i often identify people ans morons douchebacgs, etc, its all a big joke i love you all(except hitch)
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:37 AM
Opening: Pirc Defence

1. e4 d6

All but 3 White peices have legal moves, remidner PMs going out shortly.
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:38 AM
hypermodern yo
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:41 AM
isnt hypermodern g6 or b6?
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:56 AM
Yet another question. I got an question from someone and I'll keep it completly anonymous. I will not reveal that it was chymechowder...


NO MOVE is an option which obv will be taken by most people most of the time. I only rand from moves given. The only time your peice can move without you allowing it is if EVERYONE submits no move. I thought this was clear, I guess I clarify in thread again.

Now one thing I didnt make clear is if everyone submits no move will i rand a peice and then a move or just rand from all possible moves. I myself did not think of this until a few hours ago. I decided I will rand in that situation from all possible moves (so peices with more legal moves will have a greater chance of moving )
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:58 AM
12-08-2008 , 01:25 AM
Are we allowed to mock the opponent's opening in a taunting fashion, or is that considered strategic discussion?

Where is the line between trash-talking and strategy drawn?
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
Where is the line between trash-talking and strategy drawn?
on your face
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
Are we allowed to mock the opponent's opening in a taunting fashion, or is that considered strategic discussion?

Where is the line between trash-talking and strategy drawn?

lolol that move is terrible is fine. lolol that move is terrible because now we can do BxQ is not. i mean yeah technically loling at a move might put in in that persons head to maybenot move again next move but i wont be that stringent about it
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 01:51 AM
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 02:01 AM

You may only move yourself, not other people. I'm not saying anyone like lastchance tried this, but you cannot do it.
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 02:03 AM
Human Chess Game Thread Quote
12-08-2008 , 02:06 AM
that move was horrible wtfasdfasdf
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