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HP7: Game Thread HP7: Game Thread

11-11-2016 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Yawn
1 person was allowed to guess 1 treasure once.

hope that you didnt guess 2 of them in the same post :P
nope. separate PMs
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by JK Rowling
New items have been added: single day spell boosts. They are valid just for the day they are bought.
The Crucio boost will boost all your Crucios that day. You cannot buy multiples of the same boost, the same day.
When you cast a spell you have boosted, please include the red bold hashtag #BOOST, so we process correctly.

Permanent spell upgrades have been improved a little.

You can buy stuff with Galleons you have earned during the game. Things can only be bought during the day. THE SHOP IS CLOSED AT NIGHT.

NA: Roleblock1G
AK +6%1G
Crucio +6%1G
Imperio +12%1G
Expelliarmus and Stupefy +12%1G
Protego +12%, Agility +121G
AK day spell boost +15%1G
Crucio day spell boost +15%1G
NA: Peek dead player2G
NA: Track2G
NA: Watch2G
AK +15%2G
Crucio +15%2G
NA: Nightkill a slanker (<10 posts)2G
AK +25%3G
Crucio +25%3G
NA: Kill4G
NA: Peek5G

HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:49 PM
I guess the problem with my CT is wolf tinfoil is what is his plan when people like Roman die and they're not considered OOTP members?
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:50 PM
I was leaning toward peeking a dead player.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:50 PM
whatever I won an event using my phone without having pen and paper earlier in the game so whatevs that i suck at searching
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:50 PM
Not sure who to peek though. Might buy the slanker vig just for fun.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:51 PM
let me post the dead chart again; i want to see who would yield the most valuable information
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:51 PM
honestly some1 get 5g and peek a player
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by loosekanen
Not sure who to peek though. Might buy the slanker vig just for fun.
no, hold up

deadpeeks absolutely have the most value/equity here
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:51 PM
Mod note:

Q: If the wolves are eliminated, is this going to be announced?

A: Yes.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:53 PM
That means we have to kill the neutrolls then right? If so lol neutrolls and Benj/JP.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by dankhank
I guess the problem with my CT is wolf tinfoil is what is his plan when people like Roman die and they're not considered OOTP members?
that s the only problem?
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Slow_Ben
Death Chartz

name character role death additional information
jumpluff Troy One Time Seer Mason (dayfly) killed d1 -
Namath12 Bathilda Bagshot Mechanical Seer ak d1 ita1 -
HUstylez Winky Life Giver (dayfly) left game d1 -
iraisetoomuch Lucius Malfoy Bounty Multivoter* crucio d1 ita2 held horcrux, diary
LKJ Bogrod Galleon Donator (dayfly) left game d1 
wdcbooks Quirinus Quirrell Suicide Bomber (dayfly) left game d1 -
The Moocher Mullet One Time Seer Mason (dayfly) left game d1 -
ApocPS Narcissa Malfoy unknown lynched d1 -
SpankGangsta Nagini Super Bodyguard* lynched d1 horcrux?
Ace of Spaids Yaxley unknown lynched d1 -
iamnotawerewolf Arabella Figg vanillager with galleon lynched d1 -
HorribleSoab Weasley Ghoul Weasley Bodyguard lynched d1 -
Another Human Remus Lupin Spell Improver killed n1 -
mexineil Kreacher Shelterer killed n1 -
peskypenguin Dementor unknown killed n1 onuzq
Supine Elphias Doge vanillager killed n1 -
TheBrokenATM! Hermione Granger Time travelling Tracker/Watcher ak d2 ita1 -
filthyvermin Ron Weasley Tricky Tracker ak d2 ita1 -
bopolis Gellert Grindelwald Deathly Hallow Seeker killed d2 -
Larry Legend Grey Lady/Helena Ravenclaw Bounty ak d2 ita2 held horcrux, diadem
Stork.. Hepzibah Smith Bounty ak d2 ita2 held horcrux, cup
ChrisV Fenrir Greyback unknown killed d2 xkf
TehVader Petunia Dursley Wizard seer and ITA Angel crucio d2 ita3 teamed neutral; silent spell
KruZe Luna Lovegood Watcher ak d2 ita3 -
Wytch Sybill Trelawney 25% Seer killed d2 -
CalledDownLight Saul Croaker Time Traveller sacrificed d2 -
PlzBeALevel Basilisk unknown killed d2 cdl
Boner2 Jugson unknown (dayfly) left game d2 -
dkgojackets Albert Runcorn vanillager lynched d2 -
dogmother1776 Zacharias Smith vanillager killed n2 -
Kaze13 Antioch Peverell elder wand holder killed n2 -
Xkf Norbert(a) Day Vigilante killed n2 -
Zorkman Morfin Gaunt Suicide Spellcaster (dayfly) modkilled n2 -
biggerboat Mr. Borgin unknown ak d3 ita1 silent spell
TehBankertin Moaning Myrtle Speaker of the Dead ak d3 ita1 silent spell
Nofear3838 Dolores Umbridge unknown ak d3 ita1 -
Wizard-50 Bellatrix Lestrange nightvig? ak d3 ita1 -
NeedMoreManasi The Augurey unknown crucio d3 ita1 -
jonnyd Antonin Dolohov unknown ak d3 ita2 -
Mor_Tilt4mePls Rita Skeeter unknown ak d3 ita2 -
insanity31 Peter Pettigrew lost wolf night 2 vig crucio d3 ita3 silent spell, fnord; joined main team d3
DWetzel Ripper Parity Increaser and [redacted] (dayfly) left game d3 teamed neutral
Booker Wolfbox Craig Bowker Jr. Top Of The Page Poster (dayfly) left game d3 -
Shad_ Marjorie Dursley Wand breaker (dayfly) left game d3 teamed neutral
AllInBluff Voldemort role info* lynched d3 -
72off Evan Rosier unknown killed n3 -
Senor Cardgage Rufus Scrimgeour vanillager killed n3 -
SuqAta8 Lily Potter Superbodyguard Tough Lover killed n3 -
Telcontar James Potter Superbodyguard Tough Lover killed n3 -
xander biscuits Igor Karkaroff vanillager crucio d4 ita1 brought back to life
LordJvK Amelia Bones vanillager ak d4 ita1 -
wahoopride Augusta Longbottom vanillager ak d4 ita1 silent spell
Eurotrash Minerva McGonagall Spell Improver crucio d4 ita1 accobra shat
J.D. Hedwig Bodyguard mason d4 dayfly masoned with Harry since n0
TheNothing Walburga Black Unknown d4 lynch
IamRobik Aberforth Dumbledore Seeker Vigilante n4 nK began game as neut, villager upon death
KarmaDope Lavender Brown Vanillager n4 nK slank vig?
Effen Draco Malfoy unknown d5 AK silent

problem with using it to corroborate Allund is that most of the time the tinfoil is just tinfoil, and some of the time it's not just tinfoil, then AiB is a wolf other than Big V but the disguise effect is persistent

let me see
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:53 PM
If I won anything then I will either nightkill or peek.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:53 PM
can i still join the event

computer now
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by JK Rowling
Mod note:

Q: If the wolves are eliminated, is this going to be announced?

A: Yes.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
That means we have to kill the neutrolls then right? If so lol neutrolls and Benj/JP.
what's your result from last night?
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:55 PM
For clarity, I am an order of the Phoenix member.

And I still don't really think either of ct or Benneh are town.

HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene

problem with using it to corroborate Allund is that most of the time the tinfoil is just tinfoil, and some of the time it's not just tinfoil, then AiB is a wolf other than Big V but the disguise effect is persistent

let me see
It is 100% certain that AIB is who I say he is. so now stop this and start with something else.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:55 PM
i guess someone could deadpeek Nofear and conclusively clear me from being on the wolf team if he doesn't have a silent shot
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
For clarity, I am an order of the Phoenix member.

And I still don't really think either of ct or Benneh are town.

so as far as you know you can't cast a #freespell?
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:57 PM
There is almost no way AiB was not Big V. They have no kill power.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:57 PM
Cardgage and Karma are both slack btw.

With the way this game has been going, I wouldn't be surprised if all of the death eaters were given members of the order of the pheonix to claim. For example (unless I'm missing something) Voldemort might claim Harry.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
what's your result from last night?
My ability was stolen.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-11-2016 , 04:57 PM
Jp is still effectively outed? Or are we thinking the ita redirection thing is a thing?

Imo, if that were a thing, it would only have redirected the crucio, and not killed smith.

But what do I know
HP7: Game Thread Quote
