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HP7: Game Thread HP7: Game Thread

11-09-2016 , 08:17 AM
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
Why aren't you attacking me for this?
cause i think your push on spank was genuine and because I can see legitimate reasons for people thinking i'm a wolf.

but I happen to be a villager. Unfortunately.

And because I kinda had a meltdown yesterday at stork/other's scum reading me IRL cause of the game cause I was super frustrated and i'm trying to prevent that from happening again.

so i'm trying to be levelheaded.

take that as what you will.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
cause i think your push on spank was genuine and because I can see legitimate reasons for people thinking i'm a wolf.

but I happen to be a villager. Unfortunately.

And because I kinda had a meltdown yesterday at stork/other's scum reading me IRL cause of the game cause I was super frustrated and i'm trying to prevent that from happening again.

so i'm trying to be levelheaded.

take that as what you will.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
knights claimed something, right? Like without a lot of heat. I'm disinclined to lynch him.

later for real now
fwiw, i just claimed what the spell I won does (which I could have lied about if I was a wolf I guess, but that probably would have outed me eventually if I were a wolf, so I don't think I would have lied about it)

I don't really have a 'claim' per-se atm.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by t om
I like this post
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee

where do you stand atm?

who are villas, who are wolves?

why does it feel like you're not enjoying yourself quite as much as you normally do?
I don't like this post either.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by t om
the truth is wolfy.


btw, while those first couple posts you did were towny, i'm offsetting that by the fact that you did that during the night phase, which is inherently scummy (cause if you're villa you don't know you're gonna be alive) so glgl
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
the truth is wolfy.


btw, while those first couple posts you did were towny, i'm offsetting that by the fact that you did that during the night phase, which is inherently scummy (cause if you're villa you don't know you're gonna be alive) so glgl
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:22 AM
where the fk did manasi go?
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
where the fk did manasi go?
i scared her away

dont deflect.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by dankhank
Theory: KruZe, who is a watcher, watched CT (who is has a ton of Big V equity) do something sketchy N1.

Kaze was peeked N1 and Big V killed him N2.

lol u
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:24 AM
you know what, fine, idgaf.

if people actually think i'm wolfy then whatever.

but I have an uncounterclaimable character that would never be a role set aside for the wolves.

so if you're gonna shoot me in ITA's at least ask me to claim first glgl
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee

where do you stand atm?

who are villas, who are wolves?

why does it feel like you're not enjoying yourself quite as much as you normally do?
Will respond when I get back into my room. Should be soon.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
you know what, fine, idgaf.

if people actually think i'm wolfy then whatever.

but I have an uncounterclaimable character that would never be a role set aside for the wolves.

so if you're gonna shoot me in ITA's at least ask me to claim first glgl
ima have to defer to others for claim stuff, but if you dont want people to think youre wolfy stop acting wolfy
super simple
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
you know what, fine, idgaf.

if people actually think i'm wolfy then whatever.

but I have an uncounterclaimable character that would never be a role set aside for the wolves.

so if you're gonna shoot me in ITA's at least ask me to claim first glgl
This isn't clearing, give me a second and I'll show you why.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by NeedMoreManasi
Will respond when I get back into my room. Should be soon.
town manasi would just sheep my reads and excitedly wait for yopo zack to show up
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:29 AM
Namath12, you are Bathilda Bagshot, a famous magical historian and writer of several books.

You are a Mechanical Seer. Every night, starting night 0, you will learn the name of a character that is not in the game, but has been provided to the wolves for fake claim purposes. You are a Villager and win the game by elimi
We're not going to be able to put much stock into character claims alone, this role confirms that the wolves are going to have multiple character names at their disposal.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by t om
town manasi would just sheep my reads and excitedly wait for yopo zack to show up
I've played too many games in the time you've been gone babe. I'm a jaded player now.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:30 AM
72off: i kinda hate his early posting to be honest, the stuff about his intro is meh. He does vote pesky though, only at yawn's insistence to read her. Don't exactly find this clearing as I don't think pesky was ever lasting long.

this Chris TMI thing doesn't really make any sense

that post reeks of wolfy defence on tone especially the last part saying he is way more likely to be a villager

tone tends to suck, feels disengaged and out of villagery thread flow, analysis seems kinda weak when applied. comparing this to anniversary 72off, its a marked difference
aaron56k: Very slankish, hasn't gotten a lot of heat, hit raise when raise was getting heat, voted apoc and peaced out. Very.... okay reads for someone who has slanked a LOT. Normally expect him to be much more wrong and slankier and less up to date than he seems this game. Either villager PR or strong wolf PR imo. Could use some fire. Seems too informed for his posting in this game.
Abraham deLacey: eh can go either way. gonna leave him for now to come back to, no strong feelings one way or the other

Lissa, you have been posting for almost an hour and only have four posts

and your second one said you felt invisible

well no ****, you'd only made one post

looks struggly

saw that from ace which looks food for lissa actually.
Accobra Kid: mostly okay, not too much to report here
Adam33: dislike on tone, but i tend to dislike adams post on tone anyway

need to see something good this phase
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:31 AM
tom lets talk about your AiB wolf read?

where is that from? genuinely curious.

I saw them doing alot of #work yesterday with a series of isos, and he's had a fairly genuine tone/sounds like they're enjoying the game which is fairly obvious when they are a villager?

Lissa agrees with me on it fwiw (i'm not sure at this point if thats a good thing or a bad thing tbh)

why is AiB a wolf to you?
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:32 AM
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by NeedMoreManasi
I've played too many games in the time you've been gone babe. I'm a jaded player now.
then shouldnt you be more suspicious?
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by theknightsofneeee
tom lets talk about your AiB wolf read?

where is that from? genuinely curious.

I saw them doing alot of #work yesterday with a series of isos, and he's had a fairly genuine tone/sounds like they're enjoying the game which is fairly obvious when they are a villager?

Lissa agrees with me on it fwiw (i'm not sure at this point if thats a good thing or a bad thing tbh)

why is AiB a wolf to you?
100% votal analysis
have not read his posts.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by accobra_kid
We're not going to be able to put much stock into character claims alone, this role confirms that the wolves are going to have multiple character names at their disposal.

obviously I understand that. I just said as much

but they would be characters like, oh I dunno, KINGSLEY SHACKLEBOLT(looking at CT), who would be left out for the wolves to claim.

Whereas my character is a important character in the books and would 99% of the time be a villager role.

i'm not gonna claim till absolutely necessary (cause claim/char vigs)

but I am town.
HP7: Game Thread Quote
11-09-2016 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by t om
then shouldnt you be more suspicious?
Of you? No
HP7: Game Thread Quote
