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How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager

06-17-2015 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Vig should know only villagers would claim his shot to protect him.
It's a new day in WW. The game changed to adapt to my style, it will never be the same.
You are thinking like its 2005 or whenever I didn't have an impact in the game.

Just think about it, wolves don't claim vig shots...
Villagers like me do . Vig knows not to shoot me just cuz my play.
Vengate a tú casa; estás borracho
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 12:02 AM
Shoulda read this before that turbo lol
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Lol caring about all that in a mash
Then maybe it's a good thing you barely play them.
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
Most of these are rules for vanilla games. Mashes are supposed to be aidsy
I think it's high time people dropped their attitute towards mish-mashes. Theoretically speaking, vanillas require more skill than mashes do, but the quality of play in vanillas, not to speak about the level of engagement, sucked for at least half a year. Maybe more (the last euro-friendly was a very happy exception). You read one of these games and you get the impression that 13 people that hate each other and would rather do smth else are stuck in a thread. It's like a mish-mash that lasts too long.

Mish-mashes is where POG WW is at, at least these days.
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 12:40 AM
Also, xi) might not apply to vanillas (I haven't played enough of them to feel good about a definitive answer) bc someone who is known for never fakepeeking wolves will never get away with dropping a real wolf peek, and I think finding the seer in a vanilla is of paramount importance. This isn't nearly as important an issue in a mish-mash.
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
I think it's high time people dropped their attitute towards mish-mashes. Theoretically speaking, vanillas require more skill than mashes do, but the quality of play in vanillas, not to speak about the level of engagement, sucked for at least half a year. Maybe more (the last euro-friendly was a very happy exception). You read one of these games and you get the impression that 13 people that hate each other and would rather do smth else are stuck in a thread. It's like a mish-mash that lasts too long.

Mish-mashes is where POG WW is at, at least these days.
I see your purpose for these threads is coming from somewhere selfish, which combined with my disagreement to a lot of what you have to say about strategy leads me to believe that you are mad people don't play how you want them to. Some people play bad, some people play good, and some people play how others don't understand. Its not your place to be some sort of shepherd. Or maybe it is for other people, but you have no credibility with me.
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 01:33 AM

Coordi is wrong
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 02:21 AM
level 0 is underrated:

vote every day
shoot every ITA session
submit your night actions every night. Send early, send conditional. Do what it takes to submit. The wolves will because they get to proxy.

Use the powers you are given.
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
I see your purpose for these threads is coming from somewhere selfish, which combined with my disagreement to a lot of what you have to say about strategy leads me to believe that you are mad people don't play how you want them to. Some people play bad, some people play good, and some people play how others don't understand. Its not your place to be some sort of shepherd. Or maybe it is for other people, but you have no credibility with me.
UncleDynamite is a poster in good standing who has contributed a lot to this forum. He's entitled to share his thoughts on how to play and I for one welcome him putting himself out there to be shot at.

You on the other hand are a relative newcomer who seems to be kvetching without anything substantive to add. If you have criticisms, feel free to post them.

Last edited by Monkey Banana; 06-18-2015 at 02:42 AM. Reason: Cliffs: coordi is wrong
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 02:59 AM
I think coordi is an oldschooler.

I did not name this topic "rules that I propose to enforce" or similar nonsense. I thought it was obvious these are my opinions. I have no clue why did you get the shepherd thing.
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 03:04 AM
i think the most overlooked facet of bad villaging is creating a villager list early in the game

i can think of few things more useless than clearing people based on terrible tone reads

inevitability some moron wolf makes it to day 3+ because he spammed for an hour on day 1

it is so tilting as a spectator
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
vi) Do not (rage)quit.

You have played you heart out. You are an obvious villager. They want to lynch you.

I understand your temptation to tell them to go to hell and do something better with your time. Do not do it, at least not till the game is over. Did you spend countless hours clearing yourself and trying to find wolves, only to see your efforts go to waste? Clench your teeth and hang on. If you give up now, you will not be able to say "I did my best and they still lynched me; it's on them" in postgame. You give up, and it's on you as well.

vii) Needless spamming.

You signed up for a werewolf game that you actually have the time to play! Awesome. Post to your heart content. Get the oldschoolers mad and chuckle as they complain that people did not spam in 2008, or the whatever BC year they started to play in.

Thing is, remember not to actually spam. Post things that you think are actually useful. A little bit of fluff will not hurt to much, but do not overdo it. Do not make garbage posts. If you have been in the thread all day, but do not have facts at your fingertips, and are not the most knowledgeable person in the thread, you fail. And I guarantee that everyone will say "****ing finally" when you kick the bucket.

ix) Do not spread misinformation.

So you are a vanilla villager in a mish-mash game, and you are eager to take one for the village Power Roles! Stop right there.
Your primary goal is to clear yourself.
Everything else goes after that.
Do not make fake claims. It does not work nearly as often as you would like.
Do not give to the temptation to fake claim a stupid power role, or to claim that you are a seer with a wolf peek on that obvious wolf read of yours no one seems to care about.

Spreading misinformation is the wolves' job. Do not be a wolf if you have randed villager.

Sometimes, you will strike perfect and be considered a hero. Most of the times, you will be the wolves' useful idiot.

x) Do not fall in love with your seer cover.

Seers are a huge deal in vanilla games. Even if the village lynches villagers on the first two days, the wolves are often ****ed if they do not nightkill the seer by night 2.

But I am talking about mish-mashes, where seers are still important, but way less so than in vanillas.
If you have fakepeeked a villager, and come to realize that he is a probable wolf, do not feel compelled not to push him or vote him because you would give your seer cover up. When you are giving up on a wolf read for spurious reasons, you, again, are doing the job for the wolves.

xi) Give up on fakepeeking wolves.

If you think someone is a wolf, keep pushing him and do not include him into your seer cover. First of all, fakepeeking a wolf is a risk, because you are less likely to make a correct fakepeek than if you simply fakepeek a villager.

Furthermore, if the fakepeeked player is actually a villager, this will turn the thread to complete AIDS.
Your fakepeek will cannibalize most of other topics of discussion.
If your wolf fakepeek is actually a village Power Role, he may be compelled to claim, which is a disastrous result.
He might also feel compelled to shoot you for self-protection, and I would not blame him.
I don't think clearing yourself should be a villagers objective at all.

Do your thing, try to solve the game - Let the others clear you. A villagers focus should never be on trying to be more villagery or trying to do stuff you don't think you would do as a wolf.
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 05:04 AM
My bad, I might be wrong. I dunno why I felt like stirring up ****.
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by chrja
I don't think clearing yourself should be a villagers objective at all.

Do your thing, try to solve the game - Let the others clear you. A villagers focus should never be on trying to be more villagery or trying to do stuff you don't think you would do as a wolf.
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 07:16 AM
All those words for things that can be compressed in some simple rules of thumb

I think I have missed rule #2 (#1 is about Participation): Enjoy the game and make it enjoyable for others.

Another simple rule: this is a team game, so act accordingly. Hero wannabes often end up zeroes
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
UncleDynamite is a poster in good standing who has contributed a lot to this forum. He's entitled to share his thoughts on how to play and I for one welcome him putting himself out there to be shot at.

You on the other hand are a relative newcomer who seems to be kvetching without anything substantive to add. If you have criticisms, feel free to post them.
Lol newcomer
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by chrja
I don't think clearing yourself should be a villagers objective at all.

Do your thing, try to solve the game - Let the others clear you. A villagers focus should never be on trying to be more villagery or trying to do stuff you don't think you would do as a wolf.
i'm sure this will come as a surprise to everyone that this guy has been lynched as a villager in over half of his villager games
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Lol newcomer
Thanks for your as ever helpful contribution.

The careful reader will note that it is not about the subject of the thread and is aimed solely at trolling another poster.

Your other post consisted solely of trolling also.

You're on a roll, Metsy.
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by domer2
i think the most overlooked facet of bad villaging is creating a villager list early in the game

i can think of few things more useless than clearing people based on terrible tone reads

inevitability some moron wolf makes it to day 3+ because he spammed for an hour on day 1

it is so tilting as a spectator

The mistake is not making villager lists on d1

The mistake is thinking your d1 reads should mean much on d3
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
Thanks for your as ever helpful contribution.

The careful reader will note that it is not about the subject of the thread and is aimed solely at trolling another poster.

Your other post consisted solely of trolling also.

You're on a roll, Metsy.

Cliffs: monkey is wrong
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 11:06 AM
ime mets is probably the biggest know-it-all ever.

and thats okay

if he didnt post half of all the posts here
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Vig should know only villagers would claim his shot to protect him.
It's a new day in WW. The game changed to adapt to my style, it will never be the same.
You are thinking like its 2005 or whenever I didn't have an impact in the game.

Just think about it, wolves don't claim vig shots...
Villagers like me do . Vig knows not to shoot me just cuz my play.
the funny thing is you probably think you actually changed something
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 12:11 PM
I think I do all these mistakes. But I'll just correct #1.
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by chrja
I don't think clearing yourself should be a villagers objective at all.

Do your thing, try to solve the game - Let the others clear you. A villagers focus should never be on trying to be more villagery or trying to do stuff you don't think you would do as a wolf.
Obviously, I disagreemwith you. Think about it this way: with every villager that clears himself, the wolves will have fewer chances to win.
How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
06-18-2015 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
Thanks for your as ever helpful contribution.

The careful reader will note that it is not about the subject of the thread and is aimed solely at trolling another poster.

Your other post consisted solely of trolling also.

You're on a roll, Metsy.
MY other post was not trolling

if 90 people sign up for a mishmash and all 90 put in the type of effort that he is suggesting the game would be more of a cluster****

i like his advice for normal games. i hate when someone signs up for a 13er or 17er or even 21er and has no time to read the thread

but i dont expect 100% of the people who sign up for a mash to be fully engaged

and that's fine cause itas take care of that sir

How to avoid stupid mistakes in Mish-Mashes as a villager Quote
