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HEAT WW: Game thread HEAT WW: Game thread

11-08-2009 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by jjhender
Ah good, you posted while I was searching for quotes. This is the reason I asked (these are the posts from the last time you commented on any extensive reads since around 4pm on Wednesday).
Yeah. Know why? I was trying to lynch lsc. Everyone else voted for pyro, who ended up being a wolf, so good job or them, but I was unconvinced.

Earlier in the week, the thread was progressing too fast for me to constantly keep up. So, I got caught up once (took me about 2.5 hours), made a huge post with a bunch of reads, and then voted for wolves. Now, the thread is much more calm. I've read everything that's happened as of Friday morning, and like I said, when it becomes necessary (ie, after lsc is dead, tomorrow, at which point I'll have more, pertinent information, which is why I'm not simply doing this now), I'll rifle back through and come to various conclusions about the people about whom I'm presently unsure.
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:01 PM
Given that McAvoy said Jim was a villager, my new wolf leans besides LSC are FlatTheNuts and bsball. I'd really like to get a second wagon going for either of them.

HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:03 PM
LSC appears to have a large enough lead now that I can vote for bsball, but if it gets close, I'll be switching back near the end.

unvote LSC

vote bsball
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Snamuh
Given that McAvoy said Jim was a villager, my new wolf leans besides LSC are FlatTheNuts and bsball.
Please elaborate?
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:10 PM
he can't...people always just think i'm a wolf
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:33 PM
Sorry, was in the shower. IFlat, there was a lot of evidence presented against you in the past few days and then you kind of go inactive.

Bsball, I know you claim that you were playing other games so you weren't posting as much in this one, but that's just not a good enough reason. You've acted very different from my previous game with you when you were villager.
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:38 PM
lol those games are so different

I was being wagoned every day there
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:42 PM
[1] bsball8806 voted for Telcontar
[0] coordi
[0] DannyKGB voted for VayaConDios
[0] ElliotR voted for lsc1022
[0] Forsythio voted for lsc1022
[0] IFlatTheNuts voted for lsc1022
[0] Jim14Qc voted for lsc1022
[2] jjhender voted for lsc1022
[0] jonnyd voted for lsc1022
[0] KeanuReaver
[0] lonely_but_rich voted for lsc1022
[12] lsc1022
[0] Luckbox Inc voted for jjhender
[0] McAvoy voted for lsc1022
[0] mrs. jonnyd voted for lsc1022
[0] BVBFanBoi voted for lsc1022
[0] Snamuh voted for bsball8806
[1] Telcontar voted for lsc1022
[0] Thingyman
[1] VayaConDios voted for lsc1022
[0] xxaceshigh77xx voted for jjhender
[0] XXsooted
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
lol those games are so different

I was being wagoned every day there
You were analyzing a ton of posts along with gtpitch (who actually ended up being wolf). Regardless, it looks like you don't have anything to worry about as LSC has a ton of votes and I'm the only one that has voted for you. Not a fan of jjhender as second wagon though.
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by DannyKGB

I know both the identity and role of Donald Breedan (NOT a wolf)
So what happened to this
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:46 PM
bsball just in case
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Snamuh
IFlat, there was a lot of evidence presented against you in the past few days and then you kind of go inactive.
Ummm, before I went I feel like I defended myself aptly against that evidence, and after that it became pretty clear to most people that I am in fact a villager (or that's how it appeared to me). Going inactive was obviously nothing to do with the accusations, as I had already said I was going away before that. If you want me to go over any of the reasoning as to why I've been inactive or to why the evidence against me means nothing, please go ahead and ask and I will explain.
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 09:06 PM
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 09:34 PM
The LAPD never has been known for its competence or its compassion. The lack of both was on display again today, as they circled a suspect and began clubbing the helpless individual to death. When it was all over, they turned over the body to discover in shock that it was one of their own.

lsc1022, your vanillager role is Rachel, a forensic investigator with the LAPD. You win by eliminating all the thieves in McCauley’s crew.

Night actions by 10:15 p.m.


IFlattheNuts has been modkilled for night posting. He was Michael Cheritto, a thief in McCauley's crew. (sorry again, I know it was an honest mistake, but it's just been too big a problem this game)
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 11:52 PM
The crew had been working a long time to get to Roger Van Zant. Last night they got their vengeance, McCauley broke in through Van Zant’s back door, and shot him dead in his living room.

johnnyd, you are Roger Van Zant, a money launderer who is being hunted by the thieves for a failed attempt to kill and steal from them. You have 24 hour masonry with your bodyguard, Hugh Benny. Your wealth also buys you the ability to have your vote count as 0, 1, or 2 on any day. You win with the LAPD, by eliminating all the members of McCauley's crew.


The LAPD was not as successful. They suffered more collateral damage, as their only victim was another innocent civilian.

ElliotR, your vanillager role is Lillian, Don Breedan's girlfriend. You win with the LAPD, by eliminating all the members of McCauley's crew.

I'll post a player list and a history of the kills soon.

HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 12:04 AM
this is a big pile of wtf and fail.
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 12:04 AM
lol... Was just about to give jonnyd huge villa points for his case on IFlatTheNuts... doesn't look like he'll need 'em.

Danny says Donald Breedan is not evil, so that leaves only 3 apparent wolves left (?): Neil McCauley, Nate and Dr. Bob.
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 12:05 AM
Hugh Benny didn't die yet, did he?
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 12:07 AM
Cleared villagers
Luckbox Inc

If there's really only 3 wolves left, I'd say we got a shot. Mac - do your magic today.
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 12:12 AM
bsball, BVBFanboi, XXsooted, Telcontar, Jim

There should hopefully be at least 2 wolves in this list, but I'm gonna reread the thread later and get myself updated impressions of people.
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Hugh Benny didn't die yet, did he?
Just went back to check bigger's role, seeing as they were clearing each other from pretty much d1... and yup, he was Hugh Benny :/
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 12:30 AM
derwipok lynched d1
globetrotter killed n1
kwami42 lynched d2
essedarius killed n2
ZomgHax killed n2
WinEvryRace lynched d3
Kukraprout killed n3
soah killed n3
Pyromaniac lynched d4
wahoopride killed n4
OnThInIcE911 killed n4
biggerboat killed n4
lsc1022 lynched d5
Pawntificator modkilled d5
IFlatTheNuts modkilled n5
jonnyd killed n5
ElliotR killed n5

Remaining players:

Luckbox Inc
mrs. jonnyd
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 12:34 AM
Looks like I was right in guessing IFlatTheNuts as a wolf. I still am unsure about bsball.
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
bsball, BVBFanboi, XXsooted, Telcontar, Jim

There should hopefully be at least 2 wolves in this list, but I'm gonna reread the thread later and get myself updated impressions of people.
McAvoy said Jim wasn't a wolf. I am confused. Why have the wolves not night killed McAvoy if they know he's a seer.
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 12:40 AM
**** DEAD ****

I can't wait to find out who out idiot vigilante is

**** DEAD ****
HEAT WW: Game thread Quote
