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Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread

08-04-2020 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout
I think it's Manasi>Zurvan>Chim>Adam but the first three are too close for comfort.
i agree with you and i'm preparing to be the person who ended up siding with chim+you after half the f10 or whatever have died saying to finish off you and chim
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 06:56 PM
It's almost 1 AM here so I'll stick to my read:
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 06:56 PM
I think Kukra is probably the clearest villager to me. If those codes were a wolf play, then ****ing amazingly well done
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 06:57 PM
Adam still most clear to me, why would he do this as wolf?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 06:57 PM
wait are you for real zurvan you're the one who blocked insanity? i'm sorry but your avatar is the EXACT SAME as someone i've very recently played a game with and i only usually remember things via avatar
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 06:58 PM
I really didnt expect the day to go this way. I thought we would either shoot or vote UD the wolf.

One of you is a really good wolf.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
wait are you for real zurvan you're the one who blocked insanity? i'm sorry but your avatar is the EXACT SAME as someone i've very recently played a game with and i only usually remember things via avatar
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 06:59 PM
do you not still have oblivate? :P why didn't you fire that off today
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
do you not still have oblivate? :P why didn't you fire that off today
Oh, no: toedder had the obliviate roleblock.

I expell'd him as he was debating his shot
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:00 PM
Good night everyone.

I'm probably putting my phone on airplane mode to stop me from checking this until 3AM.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:00 PM
zurvan it has to be too late for this to matter, there's at least 1 player in the game with two public crucios and the reasonable number to believe is 2 if not 3 (we're missing a torturer target). would you claim char+role? it helps me get a better picture of the game at large. i understand it makes you feel nervous, esp. since it sounds like you're hardy against either AK or crucio and vulnerable to the other, but i could use anything comforting right about now
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:01 PM
Votes from post 16606 to post 17311
Night in 1:59:53

2 NeedMoreManasi Zurvan (81), Kukraprout (111)
1 Adam33 NeedMoreManasi (156)
1 not voting chim17 (102)
1 Error Adam33 (171)
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:01 PM
oh, right right. kukra i don't blame you but god damn do i hope you're a villager. gl everybody except mafia, and an extra gl to town
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
zurvan it has to be too late for this to matter, there's at least 1 player in the game with two public crucios and the reasonable number to believe is 2 if not 3 (we're missing a torturer target). would you claim char+role? it helps me get a better picture of the game at large. i understand it makes you feel nervous, esp. since it sounds like you're hardy against either AK or crucio and vulnerable to the other, but i could use anything comforting right about now
Yeah, now that we're through the second ITA today, it doesn't matter.

I'm Victor Krum, and I have 100% agility. Obviously, it didn't make sense for me to let the wolves & Dustin know I'm very good at dodging AK's
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:03 PM
And that's why I pinged when Manasi said she has a power that gives people an agility boost - we haven't seen anything like that from the wolf side yet, and we clearly have it from the village
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:04 PM
ahh, nice. once of the people i thought would make a good neutral candidate with luckbox :P

and ty, seriously
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
And that's why I pinged when Manasi said she has a power that gives people an agility boost - we haven't seen anything like that from the wolf side yet, and we clearly have it from the village
i had something about this after the second line in my previous post but i deleted it because i wasn't sure if it's an accurate reason to push and aside from wanting to play this clean i think it's obvious i'm not 100% still :/
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:09 PM
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:10 PM
Err, shouldn't have Zurvan waited to say that until after tomorrow?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:12 PM
either zurvan was peeked and is a potential for the other torturer target or wolves would never be shooting a villager aside from me or you, chim. it's not relevant any more
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:12 PM
Oh ya, trying to figure out what to do with stupid beets we got from this CSA so not paying full attention to game.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:16 PM
manasi going to bold it now so i don't have to think about it more later
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:21 PM
if this is wrong and we go into the night and you're a villager and it's possible for you to be around a little before ITAs and at the start of ITAs, please try to be. don't sac irl for it or anything but. this game continuing would mean we're going to be placed in a really unpleasant circumstance in f3
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:23 PM
god i want to be right so bad. i want to go into end-game thinking "that'll teach you to make me vulnerable n1 instead of killing me", not dealing with a bunch of people with a bone to pick after we almost won this game of all games
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
08-04-2020 , 07:25 PM
obviously the wolf rand was rough i'm not saying otherwise, and lissa was in no position to play hard given sleep schedule, etc. etc. etc. etc., but it's not like our PR distribution was stellar
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
