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Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread

07-30-2020 , 08:15 AM
Xander who was the unouted wolf you're saying RJ killed and is a very likely villager for it? Viggo? Are you being humourous?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by KingWiggles
I've never played in a game with an unlynchable player. The thing I was speculating on was accurate from my experience.

I heard there were games years ago when there was an unlynchable wolf and it was a bit of a meme and the aura I got was that it was something that should never be done again.

Is your response just to mock me or do you think it's suddenly reasonable to just figure out that a specific player cannot be lynched?
I think based on the Harry Potter books that its reasonable to assume that one 'kill' is not going to be enough to kill Voldemort .. and the wolf team almost certainly has a V character. so it's not necessarily that he's a "no-lynch" wolf but a single lynch is probably not going to be enough to kill him (google horcruxes)
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I've seen a lot of weird **** in my time playing we but this is one of the weirder things I've ever seen. People have real lives.
yeah, it's unfair to compare activity on a tuesday against activity on a wednesday. i take it all back
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by benneh
Wiggles v
I wish people could take a step back and realise how obvious it is on my frustration and effort levels alone.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by KingWiggles
I'm aware that role may have existed and I imagine there was outrage and should have never been implemented again.

Thank god we lynched a wolf as the secondary wagon or I probably wouldn't give the game anymore time.
ur welcome
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by NeedMoreManasi
gm I have v brief notes on my computer but I need to get out of bed to utilize them

pls hold
Announcement of an announcement

Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by Adam33
yeah, it's unfair to compare activity on a tuesday against activity on a wednesday. i take it all back
Well just looking at that list I probably think there’s at least 3+ wolves in the green section crying face emoji crying face emoji
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by Adam33
yeah, it's unfair to compare activity on a tuesday against activity on a wednesday. i take it all back
its true .. i took like a 8 hour "break" (aka rage quit) yesterday so i'm actually surprised my post counts are similar between the two days (although i was finally feeling engaged with the thread yesterday afternoon!)
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by HUstylez
I just think it’s a stupid metric because I think it’s much easier to post as a wolf in mashes as the game progresses
it's the opposite. there's more set in place as the game goes on, fewer players remaining, and, in this game in particular, wolves were safe on d2 and on d3 they could die again
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by mrs. jonnyd
I think based on the Harry Potter books that its reasonable to assume that one 'kill' is not going to be enough to kill Voldemort .. and the wolf team almost certainly has a V character. so it's not necessarily that he's a "no-lynch" wolf but a single lynch is probably not going to be enough to kill him (google horcruxes)
I am a very big harry potter fan, but also a 2p2 fan and in all the harry potter mashes i've played on here in the last few years voldemort was lynched and his abilities moved to another player. THat may seem similar but we at least got to read voldemorts role card and know what he does. We're still flying blind, have no idea if we're wasting shots on him.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by KingWiggles
I wish people could take a step back and realise how obvious it is on my frustration and effort levels alone.
I think you’re pretty clearly villa too
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:18 AM
just kill him til he's dead
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by Adam33
it's the opposite. there's more set in place as the game goes on, fewer players remaining, and, in this game in particular, wolves were safe on d2 and on d3 they could die again
Nope, said it in the duckburg game and I’ll say it again here. I find it MUCH easier to post as a wolf as the game goes on, you can say whatever the f you want and easily push narratives.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:19 AM
Ladd is probably YKW but as the HP5 giant it's my duty to remind everyone of that role. I was a wolf and could only be killed by maj vote. Village wasted countless spells and votes on me and assumed I was YKW. It was a memorable and hilariously broken role that people still mention today. I wouldnt put it past Gabe to put a tribute to that role in this game.

I'm still leaning towards Ladd being YKW because he worked hard and bussed to clear himself.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by HUstylez
Well just looking at that list I probably think there’s at least 3+ wolves in the green section crying face emoji crying face emoji
the colored sections are just for visualization, and because i didn't know how conditional formatting was done in LibreOffice. the part of interest is the red
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:19 AM
Buy more roleblocks
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by HUstylez
I think you’re pretty clearly villa too
Well can I ask you to fight for me?


are putting in very little work actually figuring me out and are likely to shoot me and will receive no bad press for it if nobody told them not to.

Read their reasons for wanting to kill me and challenge them. I've tried to engage with them and they just tell me I'm spamming and gaslight me that they have good reasons to want to kill me.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:20 AM
@charry who was your target last night?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by HUstylez
Nope, said it in the duckburg game and I’ll say it again here. I find it MUCH easier to post as a wolf as the game goes on, you can say whatever the f you want and easily push narratives.
do you know what a narrative is? i went and pulled numbers and presented to the thread. was i in control of your post count? of anyone else's?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout
Ladd is probably YKW but as the HP5 giant it's my duty to remind everyone of that role. I was a wolf and could only be killed by maj vote. Village wasted countless spells and votes on me and assumed I was YKW. It was a memorable and hilariously broken role that people still mention today. I wouldnt put it past Gabe to put a tribute to that role in this game.

I'm still leaning towards Ladd being YKW because he worked hard and bussed to clear himself.
people should have warned me waht I got myself into with this game.
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
I'm not on this list and I know you might think "what's the point? you're lock clear" but I think it's unfair to clear people for an uptick in posting when you don't compare this to a control group.

Not sure if others are missing off the list
ooh love it!!
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
i missed this - can you elaborate xander
chris pine's role requires people to try to get him killed by breaking rules/angling

Look at post #8340 for why I think UglyD is the same
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:22 AM
stylez, what's the complaint here? that it's not accurate on you and you're personally peeved? that you think it's inaccurate in general (it's not. it's extremely not)? that you think i'm using it for some motive? look at the people i want to kill from it, ask yourself if you're cool with that, maybe let it go and continue playing the game with me outside of it
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by Adam33
do you know what a narrative is? i went and pulled numbers and presented to the thread. was i in control of your post count? of anyone else's?
What are you talking about? I just mean wolves can easily make a case on someone as the game progresses and it’s way easier to paint wrong villagers in a bad light as the game goes on. Not gonna debate this because this has always been my feelings and you won’t change my mind
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
07-30-2020 , 08:23 AM
Two main possibilities imo:
- ladd needs to be killed several times
- ladd cannot be killed while nagini is alive

I think Luckbox said he had extra lives. Did he give details?
Harry Potter X: The Reunion - Game Thread Quote
